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New Video: Viva la internet - 400NL 6-Max by Paul Otto New Video: Viva la internet - 400NL 6-Max by Paul Otto

02-08-2012 , 11:23 AM
Video: Viva la internet - 400NL 6-Max by Paul Otto
Uploader: iPokerVIP
Originally Posted by iPokerVIP
Paul 'lnternet' Otto, ze midstakes crusher, provides his unique analysis of a 4-tabling session he played at Stars.FR 400NL 6-MPaul 'lnternet' Otto offers his insight in to a 400NL session at Stars.FRax.
02-08-2012 , 12:25 PM
nice math part i wish u continue.
02-10-2012 , 07:46 AM
It's counter intuitive that we need less FE vs a wider calling range (22.5%) than a tighter range (47.4%). I'm both tired and dumb, could you explain why that is? Is it because we have AQ? Also can you explain in mathematical terms what's happening when we turn those ratio's into an expression of FE? That might be a really poorly phrased question, but that's why I need help. I might be improperly labeling FE, but when playing around with the numbers I know that when Villain folds more then 47% and 22.5%, we make a profit, so I think its correct.

I don't have stove right now but for your example of 75s vs the tighter range of TT+, we only need ~7% more FE than with AQ (54.5% vs 47.4%). I assume that a hand with less hot/cold equity (75s vs AQ) will need significantly more FE when the calling range is wider.

Do you have any quick cookie cutter numbers/assumptions about certain 4bet%/ranges?

Thanks for doing the vids, you come off well...I always thought you were an oriental
02-10-2012 , 11:08 PM
Could be wrong but under the "villain calls loose" stove calculation around the 11 minute mark I think you used 88+/AQs/AQo as villain's calling range where you probably mean 88+/AQs+/AQo+.
02-14-2012 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by Fifty1Fifty
It's counter intuitive that we need less FE vs a wider calling range (22.5%) than a tighter range (47.4%). I'm both tired and dumb, could you explain why that is? Is it because we have AQ?
Yep it's because we have AQ. AQ actually should be shoved when villain has 88-JJ, AQ, we don't need him to be bluffing. Only when villain has AK/QQ+ we would rather fold, so we need some bluffs to compensate.

I don't understand the question about FE. I don't know what FE is supposed to mean anyway.. I don't think it's a useful concept; or at least I have never used it. You need some % of folds to make jamming > folding. That's all there is to it.

Originally Posted by risk2Dupside
Could be wrong but under the "villain calls loose" stove calculation around the 11 minute mark I think you used 88+/AQs/AQo as villain's calling range where you probably mean 88+/AQs+/AQo+.
good eyes, that's embarrassing

The concept still holds but the numbers are a bit off.. oh well.
02-15-2012 , 09:48 PM
hey, great vids man gj ;]
I have only 1 suggestion, since thats movie at nl400+ You dont have to talk about simple stuff or explain every play so u could avoid making 50minute playing into "5 part series"
Id rather listen to your thoughts about strategy and sick actions(like ur HU live video, it was packed with usefull info) rather than why we can check behind 2nd pair in position

Last edited by Fristalo; 02-15-2012 at 09:58 PM.
02-16-2012 , 10:41 AM

AJo from 45min, agains UTG open, you said that his range is defined as AJ,AQ,KQ, 88-JJ sometimes AK/AA, what do you think about 22-77 in this spot? I always call here but seems like you don't, what is the reason?
03-01-2012 , 12:19 PM
Great video, please continue!!
03-01-2012 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Fristalo
hey, great vids man gj ;]
I have only 1 suggestion, since thats movie at nl400+ You dont have to talk about simple stuff or explain every play so u could avoid making 50minute playing into "5 part series"
Id rather listen to your thoughts about strategy and sick actions(like ur HU live video, it was packed with usefull info) rather than why we can check behind 2nd pair in position
I appreciate the feedback. I always want to consider every option at every point, but yeah it might be dull at times, I will try to compromise.

Originally Posted by NeuroBy

AJo from 45min, agains UTG open, you said that his range is defined as AJ,AQ,KQ, 88-JJ sometimes AK/AA, what do you think about 22-77 in this spot? I always call here but seems like you don't, what is the reason?
I can't find AJo around 45min. But assuming he is in the blinds, I doubt calling low pocket pairs shows a profit. You can try, it won't be terrible, but I think folding (or 3betting) will do better. If he shows up with the low pairs I wouldn't be surprised, but I'd certainly discount it.
03-07-2012 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by risk2Dupside View Post
Could be wrong but under the "villain calls loose" stove calculation around the 11 minute mark I think you used 88+/AQs/AQo as villain's calling range where you probably mean 88+/AQs+/AQo+.[IMG]http://www.***********/g.gif[/IMG]
03-07-2012 , 08:30 PM
I really liked your video. How can I know when the other one will come? Where do I check?
03-08-2012 , 01:46 PM
Check iPokerVIP.Com for updates in our 'Coaching Section'.


03-09-2012 , 12:12 PM
Very good video. Please continue
