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New Video: Barry Cooper on Fox News 6-20-07 New Video: Barry Cooper on Fox News 6-20-07

10-29-2010 , 02:00 PM
Video: Barry Cooper on Fox News 6-20-07
Category: General
Uploader: GoAheadPutMeOnAK
Originally Posted by GoAheadPutMeOnAK
Barry Cooper on Fox News 6-20-07
Never Get Busted Again
11-03-2010 , 01:37 AM
fox new is the most pathetic "news" station ever. They only show right wing views and shut down anyone that doesn't agree. Pathetic so-called journalism! Everyone should avoid ever tuning in; no news, only opinions from the far right. How can anyone allow someone like Bill O'Reilly to have his own show on a major news network?

Sorry to stray from topic of legalization, but the most annoying thing is fox's lack of respect for their guests.
