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My first solo poker video, please be gentle with me My first solo poker video, please be gentle with me

01-16-2015 , 03:17 PM

Not sure how to, or if I'm allowed to embed. If I am allowed, if someone could tell me how, it would be nice.

Couple of points that I've been picked up on already on other forums.

Around 5 mins in, I say I can only rep draws on a wet board, which I didn't word correctly because I can definitely have sets here. What I would have preferred to say was I think because I rep so many draws on this kind of board, we have less fold equity, which would make bluffing with a draw as weak as I had to be quite a big mistake.

Around the 8 min mark, I say that a flop smashes the villains range. It does but when he checks back, I'm betting as a bluff to make AK and some pocket pairs fold.

In the video, my play appears to contradict my comments.

I plan on making more video's, so any constructive criticism will be well received.

In before I sound like a yokel/gruffalo etc.. I used to work in a really dusty detergent producing factory and it has played havoc with my vocal chords and nasal membranes
01-20-2015 , 02:38 PM

To embed post it like below and replace the ** with youtube.


You just have to put the watch code or whatever it's called and not the whole youtube link
01-23-2015 , 02:52 AM
Thanks a lot. Here is my second video.
