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The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya

08-19-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by crimsonchin
Poker books are pretty bad in general (...)
Do you have the same opinion on "The Mathematics of Poker"? It is a tough read and the most useful and coolest poker book I have read imho. (I have read it superficially because it would take a long time to study it).
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:38 AM
What does Riyyc look like IRL Is he as gangster as his chat proclaims?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 04:30 AM
Originally Posted by derosnec
for mathy very talented poker players like yourself, i always wonder how you guys visualize ranges - if you visualize them at all - and how it differs from the rest of us.
I don't actually visualise them or something cool and complex like that, but they just make sense to me, same for plo and when I write them out my feel turns out relatively accurate, although writing it out helps a ton and fix mistakes in the 'feel' of ranges.

Originally Posted by Deepak
when did u leave your parents house? what was your living cost/rent when u decided and how well were u at poker at the time?

tell more about your best friends situation when u brought him to poker (was thinking of doing something similar)

were u always super confident about your abilities (knowing u were better then the avg person) overall or did u just started being after success on poker?
I was 17 at the time. In the Netherlands the government finances a few hundred per month if you go to college and you can loan a few hundred more from them at a very low rate so I was fine.

What more do you want to know about my friend?

I didn't really know I was good at anything before poker but so it gave me a lot in that way.

Originally Posted by Tamas6
Let's say u sit a reg who u know is a consistent winner and u would think is a thinking player. He has played straightforward and hasn't taken advantage of some good bluffing spots.

He then makes a river checkraise in a spot where your range is capped and you will be checking back the majority of the time.

What factors weigh heaviest on your decision?
I don't go through some super fast range analysis but I really just ask myself is this guy the type to bluff here. This is actually what nutisnho says in some vid, I think this is what most good regs do.

Originally Posted by erdnase17
Do you have the same opinion on "The Mathematics of Poker"? It is a tough read and the most useful and coolest poker book I have read imho. (I have read it superficially because it would take a long time to study it).
I haven't read the book, is it useful?

I'll be gone for a few weeks now, I'll check maybe once or twice but consider this well done for. Thanks for all your questions and great responses and I really enjoyed doing it myself.
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 04:49 AM
What I consider on the range aspect of that decision is how strong my own range looks and how many hands there are he can bluff with, if his range is 2nd pair or higher its less likely he bluffs then when he has a ton of weak pairs/A-hi's in his range.
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:08 AM
did u kind of had an idea that your friend had no abilities for poker before bringing him in, but since poker is 'easy money' decided to do it anyway?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:54 AM
What type of notes do you take?

Can you show some notes from your Pokerstars client (don't have to mention opponents name) so I can see what you're looking for.
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:54 AM
How would you advise a beginner with no maths skills to learn the necessary <30bb maths?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 06:33 AM
Originally Posted by crimsonchin
Before anyone asks, top 5 turbo regs:

1. livb
2. riyyc
3. rquaresma/skaiwalkurrr
4. heybude
5. I have no idea who would go here... all notably mentions are: bjoerni, berndsen, isildur, luckychewy (although he never played many), iftarii.
Intrestıng fact that 3 out of your top4 barely have a profıt on turbo hu sng. Why do you thınk thıs ıs, and why do you stıl rate them as best?

Or do you just rate all how hard ıt ıs for you to play them? Whıle some mıght say ratıng the best players should be how they do vs all players.

And where would you put yourself honestly? rıght after lıvb?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by ExpensiveTaste
What does Riyyc look like IRL Is he as gangster as his chat proclaims?
[x] gangster

The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by Deepak
did u kind of had an idea that your friend had no abilities for poker before bringing him in, but since poker is 'easy money' decided to do it anyway?
Yeah I realised he had no skills for it but at this time I thought it was much much easier then it was, maybe this had to do with myself running good etc.

Originally Posted by Jakester1288
What type of notes do you take?

Can you show some notes from your Pokerstars client (don't have to mention opponents name) so I can see what you're looking for.
I don't take notes, I have a hud and I know most of my opponents already. If you were to take notes useful things are how an opponent reacts to barrels on turns and rivers and if he barrels himself and if he is capable of certain bluffs.

Originally Posted by razor25
How would you advise a beginner with no maths skills to learn the necessary <30bb maths?
Search merseneary's stuff on this forum. He also has a private forum which you have to pay for but i've heard is good for <30bb content.

Originally Posted by Berndsen12
Intrestıng fact that 3 out of your top4 barely have a profıt on turbo hu sng. Why do you thınk thıs ıs, and why do you stıl rate them as best?

Or do you just rate all how hard ıt ıs for you to play them? Whıle some mıght say ratıng the best players should be how they do vs all players.

And where would you put yourself honestly? rıght after lıvb?
Hm yeah this is interesting, I've been pretty inconsistent on my ratings, as I put livb on 1 for his profit and as he has always been crushing and overcome any downswing, but in terms of playing some of the others on the list I'm not sure how he would fare, obviously he'd do fine but he might not come out as 1 esp if its multiple tables.

Its a hard list for me to put together using skill against other regs for the main measure as I haven't played most of them for very long. You could also ask yourself if you should use that as your main measure, maybe total profit per year is a better measure since thats what its all about in the end. And the 5th place is pretty much a shared place, I rate them all very high only slightly under the others. Also Isildur has a really good shot at replacing nr 1 if he fixes some stuff.

As for why some in my top 5 hardly have profit, I've seen ev graphs from rquaresma and riyyc and theyre both just a ton below ev (like 300-400k each I think). Heybude idk, he prolly plays too many tables and all of them don't table select or make it a sport not to so that contributes to their ****ty winrates.

I might not be a good judge of where I would go myself. I know if I actually play like I think I'll be nr1 but I can't rate myself this way because I make a ton of mistakes from what I should be doing. For this reason I think most players would be a bad judge for themselves in a rating like this.
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by The Bear Jew
[x] gangster

Does he play on stars?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by The Bear Jew
Is that really him?
What does riyyc do nowadays? Did he move to Canada or something?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by crimsonchin

I haven't read the book, is it useful?
My guess is yes, even for a player at your level.
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by crimsonchin

R-Quaresma has also played cap nlhe cash up to 500/1000 and is considered 2nd best out of everyone there.
Who is considered the best?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:02 PM
I scubba I who is suckmyace on stars
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 02:42 PM
Do you ever use cardrunners ev? Do you think it is useful?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by crimsonchin
I don't know what the AoN thing is.

The other thing is ridiculous and if I'm wrong I'll never trust anyone again. What makes you say this?

I have no idea what your relationship is like with livb, I just figured maybe he was like "hay other hai-stakes gai, you should go do something else and leave me the fishes!"

It was pretty tongue-in-cheek, but at the same time there's no doubt it's in his best-interest (financially) to convince you to quit poker, amirite?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 03:12 PM
You briefly responded to this earlier in your thread, but I was wondering if you could elaborate a little. When you are playing against a decent/competent player, how do you think about the tradeoff between exploiting him and trying to play unexploitably (i.e., Nash equilibrium) yourself?

For example, if he is defending his BB too infrequently to a 2x, it might become temporarily profitable to 2x atc; but this will clue him in and a good player will obviously respond to such an exploitable strategy on your end by changing his strategy.

Basically, my question is how do you decide on the balance between exploiting a competent opponent's leaks and not becoming too exploitable yourself?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by sejje
I have no idea what your relationship is like with livb, I just figured maybe he was like "hay other hai-stakes gai, you should go do something else and leave me the fishes!"

It was pretty tongue-in-cheek, but at the same time there's no doubt it's in his best-interest (financially) to convince you to quit poker, amirite?
Unless livb is OP's staker

In all seriousness, Livb very recently wrote an extensive and seemingly heartfelt blog post about the merits of finishing uni/getting a degree, OP made it clear itt that was he mostly through with husngs and switching to cash, and Liv is at the top of the HS lobbywars foodchain anyways...

Neither am I attacking you Sejje nor is this any of my personal business obviously, but at the very least this came through as a bit cold/blunt, and possibly uncalled for (granted, it could also be an unfortunate byproduct of the recent scandals and the rapidly growing climate of distrust around here... or maybe, it simply is that I'm still overly naive).
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 04:27 PM
sejje youre such a cold-hearted meanie pants
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-20-2011 , 05:00 PM
i mean why would livb care? its not like he gives up lobbies ever
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-21-2011 , 06:37 AM
what stakes do you think should every person be able to beat if he studies and commits to the game?
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-21-2011 , 06:47 AM
imo livb feels poker players need to have a balanced lifestyle. Crimson has admitted in previous posts that he was obsessive and played 60hrs per week. Perhaps crimson can see the benefit to his personal well being in doing something different to poker. This sort of advice is what friends are for.

Is this true?

By the way livb does not sit lobbies 24/7 so I'm sure lotta lenya could find alternative action.
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-24-2011 , 12:45 PM
Serious question.

What would you do for a Klondike bar
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
08-24-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Fausto50

In all seriousness, Livb very recently wrote an extensive and seemingly heartfelt blog post about the merits of finishing uni/getting a degree
blogs are gay
The well: H2Olga/lotte lenya Quote
