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07-23-2011 , 08:29 AM
If you define a wet flop by having 1 possible Flushdraw and at least 2 possible Gutshot draws out there and dry flops by anything else what is the probability of each?

like 30%/70% ? i cant think of a way to figure that out and you´ll be probably more helpfull than the poker theory subforum.
07-23-2011 , 10:40 AM
  • How much harder was it to get to where you are, compared to how much effort you thought you had to put in to be one of the best?

  • How many hours do you think you have put into poker, lifetime?

  • How did you balance - grinding, HH, forum, videos, any other method?

  • How big is it to get coaching? How often and how much coaching would you recommend, or when? Lets say that a player starts of the year with 1k. He plays the 30's with an ROI of 3% and he plays 100 hours a month. Every quarter of the year he gets 5-10 hours coaching. Where would you see the player at the end of the year compared to if he didn't get any coaching at all.

  • What are the 3 main factors/abilities that separates a winner from a breakeven player?

Cheers for an awesome thread bro!

Last edited by mrbambocha; 07-23-2011 at 11:00 AM.
07-23-2011 , 12:42 PM
A few more important questions here I have also kindly supplied some options for answers as I know you’re busy.

1, if one of your friends asked you for money and you did not want to lend it to him what would be your response?

A. Go away poor person I don’t like you.
B. Sorry I’m broke, and then show him your bank balance and laugh.
C. I would lend you money but just don’t trust you, now go and get a job.
D. Other?

2, if a girl came up to you and asked you out, and she was clearly grunch ugly what would you say?

A. Sorry you’re not my type, but I will buy you some dog food.
B. Sorry the answers no, you’re so ugly you abuse the privilege.
C. I would but I think PrimordiallAA would be a better option.
D. Other

3, if cold callers kept ringing your door bell trying to sell you **** you didn’t need how do you get rid of them?

A. say sorry this is not my house I’m just robbing it
B. Crap in a paper bag then ask them to take some of your **** if you buy some of theirs.
C. Ask them for I.D then shut the door walk out the back door and don’t return for 2 weeks.
D. Other

4, you have been out for a curry with a good looking girl you have just meet, you get home and you know it’s on, you start of kissing and she starts to head south ready to give you a blow job, but then as she starts OH NO, you feel the gangues revenge coming in the way of a wet fart what do you do?

A, tilt your head up to the roof and smile and let her have it.
B, be polite and ask do you mind if I fire one of on your chin?
C, Tell her i only Cbet with air, and under no circumstances do I double barrel.
D, Other
07-23-2011 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by mrbambocha
How did you balance - grinding, HH, forum, videos, any other method?
This is a really good question.
07-23-2011 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
i got another question, hope u can answer it as well...
What's the biggest adjustment u have to make when playing reg speed to turbo? which blind lvl is the most crucial?
I don't think there's really any blind level where it suddenly becomes a problem, just anything 10-30bb where sitting back and being a nit and waiting for big hands to bet doesn't cut it (like it can 75bb deep).

Originally Posted by jayn
Thank you for doing this, I'm a big fan of your vids!

This is a broad question, but I've find these spots quite tricky in general:

Lets assume that villain is standardish 50's regfish, who is able to bluff a bit, is able to read board texture deacently, but not good etc.

50bb deep, Hero 3bets against minraise PF w/ AJo
FLOP: QJ3, Hero cbets halfish pot, villain calls, (planning to b/f, since villain is not going to raise with Jx)
TURN: QJ3 K, Hero c/f ???
RIVER: QJ3K 5, Hero c/f ???
Yep, both are check/folds to sizable bets, especially if the flop is rainbow. This is a common spot where it doesn't matter how weak your checking range is because people simply do not take advantage of it enough. You're only going to get bluffed by like T8.

50bb deep, Hero 3bets against minraise PF w/ Q6s (villain has been folding against 3bets)
FLOP: T62, Hero cbets halfish pot (I feel like I should be betting, since not betting makes this hand to harder to play imo, not sure)
TURN: T62 3, Hero c/f ???
RIVER (assumed turn was c-c): T623 A, Hero c/f ??? (Don't think villain is able to lay down Tx)

Could you give your opinion on these spots and explain your thinking process a bit? Thank you.
"Harder to play" should be a round about way of saying "has worse expectation". And in this case it is, betting has far better expectaton to checking. The decision is a little closer here: Our outs are cleaner, there are more straight draw air hands in his range (98/97/87), and it's more likely of a board for our opponent to float your half pot c-bet with just something like J9 in position. You'll also be facing a value bet from a worse hand a little more often.

The river decision is pretty interesting. So far, your opponent really reps Tx for value. So when he bets this river sizably, AT is the only hand he reps - 22/33/66 should jam pre (although he will have them sometimes), A6 also doesn't make it to the flop this way a good % of the time. 54s is possible. But that's a pretty thin value range. We can seriously think about calling, especially if the flop and/or turn had a flush draw that missed.

If he bets small, well then he reps Tx still. If you have the read that he's an opponent who will value bet thin with small sizings, it's a great river to check/jam if you think he's capable of laying it down. You can also donk out with a pretty big bet, as well, especially if there aren't missed flush draws to rep as a bluff.
07-25-2011 , 01:56 PM
In one of your videos you show that the minimum opening frequency for shoving A5o for 20bbs to be profitable against a nit on the button that calls with top 15.8% is 33%.

I get a smaller value do you mind explaining how you made this calculation?

(I am consideringing that the expectation from folding is 0. You already discussed ITT the reasons for considering this expectation to be -1 but it is easier for me to do it in this equivalent way)

EV(shoving) = (1-f)(3) +f(2WS-(S-1))

where f is his calling frequency. Since f = 0.158/(opening frequency)
W is equity of A5o against top 15.8% which is 44.9%

EV(shoving) > 0 <=> (1-0.158/x)(3) + (0.158/x)(2*0.449*20-(20-1) <=> x > 21.3%
07-25-2011 , 06:58 PM
You may have already replied to a similar question but...

On a standard day, what's your daily routine regarding poker? ie wake up, 2 hour session, lunch, 3 hour session, study...etc

07-25-2011 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by erdnase17
In one of your videos you show that the minimum opening frequency for shoving A5o for 20bbs to be profitable against a nit on the button that calls with top 15.8% is 33%.

I get a smaller value do you mind explaining how you made this calculation?

(I am consideringing that the expectation from folding is 0. You already discussed ITT the reasons for considering this expectation to be -1 but it is easier for me to do it in this equivalent way)

EV(shoving) = (1-f)(3) +f(2WS-(S-1))

where f is his calling frequency. Since f = 0.158/(opening frequency)
W is equity of A5o against top 15.8% which is 44.9%

EV(shoving) > 0 <=> (1-0.158/x)(3) + (0.158/x)(2*0.449*20-(20-1) <=> x > 21.3%
Bolded is inaccurate. The second part is probably the biggest error. If you're using PokerStove's "top 15.8%", you'll get a wildly inaccurate calculation.

Originally Posted by Mr Accused
You may have already replied to a similar question but...

On a standard day, what's your daily routine regarding poker? ie wake up, 2 hour session, lunch, 3 hour session, study...etc

search thread, sorry
07-25-2011 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Bolded is inaccurate. The second part is probably the biggest error. If you're using PokerStove's "top 15.8%", you'll get a wildly inaccurate calculation.

search thread, sorry
What tool do you use to get the top 15.8%? Or do you select a range manually? OFC there are several ways to choose a range of 15.8% but I thought it was standard to use Pokerstove ranges.
Could you point what is innacurate in the first part? ty
07-25-2011 , 09:37 PM
Pokerstove ranges are atrocious for that calculation. You're better off not doing the math at all. Call QJo but not A9o or 66 for 20bb? Come on.

There are other programs that have better default, but it's best to manually input based on your intelligence of the game.

What's wrong with first part already explained in thread.
07-25-2011 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Pokerstove ranges are atrocious for that calculation. You're better off not doing the math at all. Call QJo but not A9o or 66 for 20bb? Come on.

There are other programs that have better default, but it's best to manually input based on your intelligence of the game.

What's wrong with first part already explained in thread.
OK if I am not mistaken, for this particular case, card removal effects reduce his Ax combos by 20% so his calling frequency is going to be less than the initial assumption.
Do you recommend propokertools over pokerstove for the default ranges?
07-26-2011 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by erdnase17
OK if I am not mistaken, for this particular case, card removal effects reduce his Ax combos by 20% so his calling frequency is going to be less than the initial assumption.
Do you recommend propokertools over pokerstove for the default ranges?
Ax combos by 25%, but yeah.

propokertools has somewhat better default ranges but if you're bothering doing calculations at all you should not be using default ranges from these programs ever, otherwise the only point of doing calculations is to make yourself feel good about being the sort of poker player who likes to do calculations.

I mean, just take a look at what you're doing. 33 isn't included in top 48% of hands in Stove. And just think about what you're doing. Does it make sense to raise/call the same "top 30%" that you would 3-bet jam (think about T9s)? So why would you ever just say "top 30%" there actually be a 30% that makes sense to do that with for all these problems?
07-26-2011 , 09:27 PM
Didn't get through the entire thread, but what type of firm are you working for and do you have any idea yet of how much your poker skills are going to translate? I just finished an internship at a market maker in chicago and found that poker was a slightly overhyped for the job when compared to other skills such as math ability and/or a computer science background.
07-26-2011 , 09:29 PM
Too early to really answer that one.
07-26-2011 , 09:50 PM
Finally got around to this

1) If Black Friday hadn't occurred and I came to visit you as planned, were you going to try to gay sneak attack me while I was sleeping on the couch?

2) Rank your top five 4-man partners on FTP in accordance to skill.

3) Rank your top five 4-man partners on FTP in accordance to funny AIM chats.

4) If you had an opportunity to punish the people who were villains in the movie "The Cove" what would you do? (For those wondering:

5) If you and I played 1,001 games HU in turbo format who would be the overall winner?
07-27-2011 , 03:36 PM
since u are a expert in math for poker, it is hard for me not to ask your a math question.
U have (Qs) board comes (8,T,Khh,5) villain bets out 1/2 pot (280/560)u know villain either has a heart draw or top pair (so basically u either have two outs or villain is on a draw) , would u call this bet with the implied outs? and how do u calculate it? Again ty for your contribution for the HUSNG community, u will go down one of the best husng player in 2p2.
07-28-2011 , 09:23 AM
Firstly, 2 outs on turn = 4% to hit (25 to 1) only by knowing this id be almost sure this is the wrong play.. but lets go on the analysis:

Your paying 280 in a final pot of 280+560=840. 280 in 840 pot = 33% or 3 to 1 odds.

basically, to call you need 33.+% equity
If you stove his range (only top pairs - no two pairs, and heart draws with no pairs)
vs your range (Qx with no pair). You get 20% equity, so no, its a wrong call by a very large 13% mistake.
(Villain suggested range: removed all suits except Xdd for suited cards )

Hand 0: 20.614% 19.36% 01.25% 55906 3611.00 { QcJd, QcJs, QdJc, QdJs, QsJc, QsJd, Q7o-Q6o, Q4o-Q2o }
Hand 1: 79.386% 78.14% 01.25% 225600 3611.00 { AdQd, AdJd, Ad9d, Ad7d, Ad6d, Ad4d, Ad3d, Ad2d, QdJd, Qd9d, Qd7d, Qd6d, Qd4d, Qd3d, Qd2d, Jd9d, Jd7d, Jd6d, Jd4d, Jd3d, Jd2d, 9d7d, 9d6d, 9d4d, 9d3d, 9d2d, 7d6d, 7d4d, 7d3d, 7d2d, 6d4d, 6d3d, 6d2d, 4d3d, 4d2d, 3d2d, KJo+, K9o, K7o-K6o, K4o-K2o }

I did for Kdd board instead Khh board, well, its same **** i guess
This call could become more correct if you had an open ended straight draw, but being 100% sure ur Q hi is good vs all his flush draw range is pretty ******ed asummption imo!

Anyone feel free to correct me if im wrong!

Last edited by emotionx; 07-28-2011 at 09:29 AM.
07-28-2011 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by ITRIED2WARNU
Finally got around to this

1) If Black Friday hadn't occurred and I came to visit you as planned, were you going to try to gay sneak attack me while I was sleeping on the couch?
Like duh, obviously.

2) Rank your top five 4-man partners on FTP in accordance to skill.

3) Rank your top five 4-man partners on FTP in accordance to funny AIM chats.
It's a weird question to answer because I've played with a lot of different people, and some of the folks I've only 4-manned a few times with are probably some of the best.

You, i just LOLd, rumnchess, aqe, and Punch Dancer are 5 people I especially liked 4-manning with.

4) If you had an opportunity to punish the people who were villains in the movie "The Cove" what would you do? (For those wondering:
Just getting them to stop would be enough.

5) If you and I played 1,001 games HU in turbo format who would be the overall winner?
I'd probably win 80% of the time or so. I think I'd only have a very small edge, but 1001 games is a lot. Plus, I'm more used to putting in sick volume
07-28-2011 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
I'd probably win 80% of the time or so. I think I'd only have a very small edge

Wish you all the best in your endeavors bud. Go crush those donks!
07-28-2011 , 09:06 PM
Very small edge in each game leads to 80% over that sample

07-28-2011 , 09:59 PM
surprised nobodies asked this one given you under title, favourite food? Feel free to give a couple of dishes, including something tasty I could make that doesn't involve fish.
07-28-2011 , 10:12 PM
any info about fast track in aug?
07-28-2011 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by LoveDonkey
since u are a expert in math for poker, it is hard for me not to ask your a math question.
U have (Qs) board comes (8,T,Khh,5) villain bets out 1/2 pot (280/560)u know villain either has a heart draw or top pair (so basically u either have two outs or villain is on a draw) , would u call this bet with the implied outs? and how do u calculate it? Again ty for your contribution for the HUSNG community, u will go down one of the best husng player in 2p2.
It depends on what stack sizes are behind and your villain's OOP calling range. Even if you were so sure to put him on a heart draw or top pair (not usually a good simplification), it's even more severe of a simplification to souay "let's take all possible flush draws and all possible top pairs".

But if you want to know the math, just Stove your equity against what you think his range is. Then you have to predict his river behavior and the expectation there. Expectation from calling will differ a ton based on what your opponent does with different hands in his range on the river.
07-29-2011 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
It depends on what stack sizes are behind and your villain's OOP calling range. Even if you were so sure to put him on a heart draw or top pair (not usually a good simplification), it's even more severe of a simplification to souay "let's take all possible flush draws and all possible top pairs".

But if you want to know the math, just Stove your equity against what you think his range is. Then you have to predict his river behavior and the expectation there. Expectation from calling will differ a ton based on what your opponent does with different hands in his range on the river.
villain is an unknown donk calling wide oop and only has 525 behind on the turn.. is there an formula to calculate the implied outs?
07-29-2011 , 12:48 AM
I hope one day we have an opportunity for a friendly, fun challenge! I asked for your opinion but certainly differ with it.
