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The Well The Well

07-20-2011 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by mersenneary

The value of life is a tricky thing to talk about. Most of my utilitarian philosophies are focused on pain and suffering and joy, but clearly life itself has value, too. I would not be a vegetarian if animals were killed in a way that minimized pain and suffering.
so does that mean you don't consume/support any kind of animal product that comes from extreme suffering? most vegetarians drink milk for example, but most dairy cows live in horrific misery, same goes for chickens who lay eggs.

and there are some farms that raise animals who live pretty nice lives and are killed humanely. would you eat those animals?

these are actually questions i wrestle with. i was vegan for a couple of years, but my health suffered.
07-20-2011 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Oops! That's the one I meant. I'm such a terrible nerd. I read a story once where someone created a character named that and that's why I misremembered.
But this character doesn't show up in google? Likely story.

Originally Posted by mersenneary
no problem with natural. no surprise given I'm a dirty hippie from Portland, OR.
If I move to portland can we be friends irl?

Is your job in portland?
07-20-2011 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by YertleTurtle
You are asking a guy who has had 3 relationships for relationship advice? Mers is smart but just like poker, understanding women takes practice.
I said there were 3 girls I've ever said "I love you" to in a relationship. Pretty different.

As a (somewhat) aside, throughout my life the majority of my best friends have always been women, I think that's shaped my personality a good bit.

Originally Posted by filthyvermin
so does that mean you don't consume/support any kind of animal product that comes from extreme suffering? most vegetarians drink milk for example, but most dairy cows live in horrific misery, same goes for chickens who lay eggs.

and there are some farms that raise animals who live pretty nice lives and are killed humanely. would you eat those animals?

these are actually questions i wrestle with. i was vegan for a couple of years, but my health suffered.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming I live a perfectly moral life or any bull**** like that. I still drink milk and eat eggs despite the fact that it goes directly against my claimed virtues, as you're right, it's really no better. Not eating meat is a step in the right direction, though, I think.
07-20-2011 , 02:53 AM
Via PM:

sorry for the broad question, would you recommend sitting regs to improve ones game, or is sitting first better?

It depends on your long term poker goals. If you want to move up, yes, play regs, especially at the $100 level where not playing regs means not getting action for some time.
07-20-2011 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by YertleTurtle
You are asking a guy who has had 3 relationships for relationship advice? Mers is smart but just like poker, understanding women takes practice.
So the more women you've been with, the better you are in relationships? Sounds quite contradictory to me.
07-20-2011 , 01:12 PM

GL with your new job!
07-20-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Polycarpus
So the more women you've been with, the better you are in relationships? Sounds quite contradictory to me.
From Mers' earlier description and my view of him as a big nerd I guessed his three previous relationships were short and filled with awkward moments.

Also - the more relationships you have been in, the more likely you are to get a girl back which is what dhcg was asking about. Still - I think Mers gave really good advice so I rescind my original comments and the one above about him basically being a huge awkward dork.
07-20-2011 , 02:54 PM
I have a bunch of questions--sorry if it’s too many, I tried to keep them short, but I’ve been thinking up questions this ever since you started your well

First some lifestyle questions:

Do you meditate, do yoga, or exercise regularly?

Next I have some random mathematics questions since I’m curious how much deeper math you are aware of--you don’t need to go into any detail here.

Have you ever heard of and/or know the (mathematical) definitions of:

A simplex?
A group?
A ring?
A manifold?
A topos?
A functor?
Lebesgue measure or integration?
Galois theory?
Homology/Cohomology theory?
Homotopy theory?
Stone-Cech compactification?
Godel’s incompleteness theorem?
The continuum hypothesis?
Poincare’s conjecture?
Brouwer’s fixed point theorem?
Arrow's impossibility theorem?
Bellman equations?

Lastly a couple brief poker questions:
Are you planning on doing a September fast track program?
Have you ever played against Skates? If so, results or comments about it?
What would be a hypothetical upper limit for a sustainable amount of quality hours of poker (lets say HUSNG STs) a day if you were planning on grinding 5 days a week?

Last edited by coffeeyay; 07-20-2011 at 02:56 PM. Reason: cut out why aren't you vegan since already answered above
07-20-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by YertleTurtle
From Mers' earlier description and my view of him as a big nerd I guessed his three previous relationships were short and filled with awkward moments.

Also - the more relationships you have been in, the more likely you are to get a girl back which is what dhcg was asking about. Still - I think Mers gave really good advice so I rescind my original comments and the one above about him basically being a huge awkward dork.
Your guess about the length of the relationships is wrong

Originally Posted by skates
There's a nash equilibrium to the game posed earlier in the thread. You can solve it by hand.

[deleted post shows a % higher than one I'm obtaining for Player 1 in any of my static strategy lineups]

God. I'm really not sure what that is. Given my assumptions, my guess would be that it's an equilibrium where Player 1 plays (60, 40) and Player 2 plays some random strategy because it doesn't matter at all what he plays at that point, his expectation from either choice is the same. Player 3 plays something where neither him nor Player 1 can profitably deviate and you get to that number. I would doubt Player 1 can independently assure himself that high of a %, just gets there due to a Player 2 choice that's irrelevant for him but happens to make life more difficult for Player 3.

Also, thank you. I really appreciate the help you've given me both in poker and going forward.

Originally Posted by coffeeyay
I have a bunch of questions--sorry if it’s too many, I tried to keep them short, but I’ve been thinking up questions this ever since you started your well

First some lifestyle questions:

Do you meditate, do yoga, or exercise regularly?
I exercise pretty regularly, yeah.

Next I have some random mathematics questions since I’m curious how much deeper math you are aware of--you don’t need to go into any detail here.

Have you ever heard of and/or know the (mathematical) definitions of:

A simplex? Heard of
A group? Unsure
A ring? No
A manifold? Heard of
A topos?
A functor? No
Cardinality? Heard of
Lebesgue measure or integration? No
Galois theory? No
Homology/Cohomology theory? No
Homotopy theory? No
Stone-Cech compactification? No
Godel’s incompleteness theorem? Yes
The continuum hypothesis? Heard of
Poincare’s conjecture? No
Brouwer’s fixed point theorem? No
Arrow's impossibility theorem? No
Bellman equations? No
My higher level math studies stopped pretty quickly at Princeton, as I moved on to a lot of psychology and politics/game theory.

Lastly a couple brief poker questions:
Are you planning on doing a September fast track program?
Current plan is to let Hokie take over and help out on the weekends in a supportive role.

Have you ever played against Skates? If so, results or comments about it?
To my recollection, no.

What would be a hypothetical upper limit for a sustainable amount of quality hours of poker (lets say HUSNG STs) a day if you were planning on grinding 5 days a week?

Going to vastly depend on the person. There are some people who really could put in 12 hours a day like this. Most people will grow weary even after a regular routine of 6, because poker players with their independence and capability of making money at any time get lazy.
07-21-2011 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
Yes, human > dog > rat > fly > leaf. The cruelty in killing is mostly in the denial of joy and happiness and the infliction of pain and suffering.
Not to get too philosophical but I feel I can u assume that all fauna and flora exhibit joy and happiness? It's been proven that rats, dogs are capable, but what about the fly or a tree? Do they know the concept of happiness? I think all creatures (and even flora) know what contentedness is, but there is no proof that we can say the same thing about happiness. In that case then, joy and happiness is not universal, and as such, can we conclude that it is not cruel to kill these lesser living things?

My point is: everyone draws the line somewhere. In our example, that line is something like the rat. And whatever lies beneath that line, say a spider and down, morphs our understanding of what is right or wrong. As such, are we then being hypocritical with our empathy?
07-21-2011 , 01:22 AM
Since when did I say fauna was capable of joy?
07-21-2011 , 03:45 AM
What do yo think about Noam Chomsky?
07-21-2011 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by MechanicalBoy
What do yo think about Noam Chomsky?
Could you be a little more specific? He believes a lot of things, some of them I disagree with, some of them I agree with. He is very straightforward about what his assumptions are and is pretty logical after that, so I respect him there for sure. He's obviously brilliant.

Last edited by mersenneary; 07-21-2011 at 06:27 AM.
07-21-2011 , 04:34 AM
He believes a lot of things, some of them I disagree with, some of them I wouldn't agree with

pretty much the same for me, btw manufactory consent is a sick book and I'm simply fascinated by his knowledge
07-21-2011 , 04:37 AM
whats your drink of choice ( alco and non alco ) ?
do you like sauna ?
07-21-2011 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by MechanicalBoy
He believes a lot of things, some of them I disagree with, some of them I wouldn't agree with

pretty much the same for me, btw manufactory consent is a sick book and I'm simply fascinated by his knowledge
Oops, edited

Originally Posted by Andres_A
whats your drink of choice ( alco and non alco ) ?
do you like sauna ?
Alcoholic: I really like flying livingstons, which is just a livingston with red bull. Big fan of whiskey sours, amaretto sours, and gin and gingers. Like rum and cokes a lot. Also a huge fan of pretty much every girly drink, especially if it has pineapple. I have no shame in ordering girly drinks. They are fabulous.

Non alcoholic: I really like a ton of different juices.

Never been in a sauna.
07-21-2011 , 07:17 AM
How do you recommend to study with videos?

Like watch many videos for a few hours and then play or watch a few videos over and over?
07-21-2011 , 04:31 PM
In some of your brilliant posts and powerpoints, while writing EV equations you seem to consider that the EV(folding) from the blinds as -1 from the BB and -0.5 from the SB, whereas it is more conventional to consider EV(folding)=0 since the blinds are not yours (they are dead money) so you cannot lose them when you begin a poker game.
Of course this is technically correct as long as you consider they are part of the stacks, but is there any advantage in calculating expectations this way or is it a matter of style?
07-21-2011 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by FishFishFish
How do you recommend to study with videos?

Like watch many videos for a few hours and then play or watch a few videos over and over?
I think one close watching of a video is all you should do for gameplay videos, maybe more for the BB/SB strategy powerpoints which are more numbers in-depth and you might need a second or a third at some point in the future to really process and retain.

The biggest thing to ask yourself after a video is "OK, what did I learn from that?" Consciously ask yourself that. As a teacher, I'm trained to really hammer that in at the end of lessons - what did we do today, what was the point of doing it - because otherwise, you quickly move on to whatever you're doing next and don't really retain it.

It's also a good way for yourself to decide who has videos that are worth watching. If at the end of a video, you can't really pick out some things that you consciously improved on, maybe try a videomaker who has a style you mesh with better.

Originally Posted by erdnase17
In some of your brilliant posts and powerpoints, while writing EV equations you seem to consider that the EV(folding) from the blinds as -1 from the BB and -0.5 from the SB, whereas it is more conventional to consider EV(folding)=0 since the blinds are not yours (they are dead money) so you cannot lose them when you begin a poker game.
Of course this is technically correct as long as you consider they are part of the stacks, but is there any advantage in calculating expectations this way or is it a matter of style?
This is a good question. So as you allude to, it's all a frame of reference, and as long as you keep the math consistent with that frame of reference, it's totally fine.

So saying folding = 0EV and everything else is a sunk cost isn't wrong. It's a perfectly valid way of looking at situations. I just think it leads to some significant errors sometimes in how you're PERCEIVING the situation (the math doesn't change. For example, I'm a big fan of doing 3-bet shoving calculations as expectation from the start of the hand, because some people will calculate a shove with J7s the other way and notice that it's +0.4bb. Wow! That's a good expectation, they think. But that's compared to folding, and we're never folding J7s. Comparing from the start of the hand, a neutral reference point that doesn't presume anything about the validity of other options, now says it's -0.6bb under that frame of reference. Hmm, that's not very good expectation, maybe I should just call.

I think doing it from the start of the hand encourages better thinking about all options, basically.
07-21-2011 , 05:08 PM
Do you have any mental preparations before your sessions? i.e. a certain routine, ways to ensure you are in an optimal state of thinking and motivated to play your best poker, times when to avoid playing? Also, do you structure your sessions in terms of a daily routine, or have a more open and flexible approach to your sessions?
07-21-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by jenbones
Do you have any mental preparations before your sessions? i.e. a certain routine, ways to ensure you are in an optimal state of thinking and motivated to play your best poker, times when to avoid playing? Also, do you structure your sessions in terms of a daily routine, or have a more open and flexible approach to your sessions?
Not really. I like to have food first and something to drink by my side. I take pretty regular breaks, like a 5-10 minute break every hour or two.
07-21-2011 , 05:42 PM
Are sessions structured into a routine or just flexible?
07-21-2011 , 06:02 PM
07-21-2011 , 06:03 PM
ever played naked?
07-21-2011 , 06:04 PM
