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The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread

06-01-2010 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by bbbushu
is this supposed to be a thinly veiled brag thread?
I had a feeling i was going to hear this word for word. This is not a brag thread. You can tell by all the questions asked and call for help. I am obviously not crushing these at 5% and bragging about it if someone is doing it at 3x that roi. I am just looking for help and interested in seeing others success. I have no problem sharing & I like looking at others graphs so I decided to post my own. These are not my strongest game and I am looking to improve. I understand that I have a small sample size for these specific tournaments. My other husng data on FT is irrelevant as is my PS data to what I am asking about which is how to beat 25xbb supers at a higher roi on FT. Any help is appreciated TY.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 11:29 AM
lol dude you are so naive with regards to sample size and variance. 5 roi is crushing these, but youre prob just running well. the 15 guy has a horseshoe up his ass, no way even close to sustainable.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by Joe Pulaski
lol dude you are so naive with regards to sample size and variance. 5 roi is crushing these, but youre prob just running well. the 15 guy has a horseshoe up his ass, no way even close to sustainable.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 12:00 PM
come back when you got couple of thousands of games (preferably 5k games+)
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by fullyfocused
If there is anyone who is beating these at a higher roi please post your graph/stats & shed some light on what you think you are doing that is responsible for your success. Are you minbumping, 2.5x, or 3xing every time you come into a pot? Do you use sharkscope, poker-edge, or anther program for these? What is the bottom of your open shoving range against a random opponent for 10/11/12/13/14/15x?
Anybody? Hokiegreg?
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 12:42 PM
1 table, don't lose = highest roi.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Glitlr
1 table, don't lose = highest roi.
Hey glitlr, I have played with you a ton on stars. the $16's I believe. Respect to your game bro, you are solid. How many tables do you play? Got to be at least 8 no? I remember you and eljuni banging out massive volume in those when I was playing them in dec/jan. What has improved your game? Any tips you can give me? What videos/coaches have helped you? What programs do you use? ect ect ect
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 01:04 PM
maybe if you didnt come over as such a leech, people would give some advice
just maybe
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by spamz0r
maybe if you didnt come over as such a leech, people would give some advice
just maybe
I thought this forum was for people sharing Idea's and helping people. I don't see how I am out of line. Maybe because I am new I am missing something. I am interested in making friends and sharing Ideas. If I can help anyone with their game I am happy to. I have posted reply's and tried to help others on 2+2, I was under the impression that was exactly what I was doing here. There are a ton of great players on here that I would like to learn from and I am happy to help those who can gain something from my knowledge/perspective.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 01:25 PM
I think what Spamzor is trying to say is that you seem to be asking a lot of questions that aren't really relevant to your success.

It isn't out of the ordinary, I did it awhile back, many others did too, but after a certain point you realize that a lot of your focus needs to be on playing and thinking about in game strategy rather than results, poker programs, br strategies and the amount of tables you're playing.

That's no diss to you, but that's how I read his comments. Take what you can out of them.

But for example, if there's a consensus that 1-3% (maybe 4-5%) ROIs are max attainable, what does it matter to you if a guy ran at 10% ROI for 500 games? These are things that are no worry to you and provide you no real value. Again, it's not to be rude to you, just to shape what appears to be good effort and motivation to improve your game into a more efficient and direct line of questioning and analysis.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 02:37 PM
Thanks chicago,

I just want to become a better player and learn as much as i can. I am here to help and I am here to learn that's where i am coming from. If anyone has any realizations or epiphany's about what has improved their game or what leaks they have plugged in the super turbos I am eager to here about it. I realize as a noob to 2+2 the questions i might pose might come with the risk of being considered naive or repetitive to some of the vets. Everyone of the vets has been where I am at some point so I ask them to understand and I am humbled by some of the very bright, talented, & successful people here. However it seems as though some people are looking to impress ones peers with witty retorts, sarcasm, and boost their post count rather than share or direct those who are eager to learn about something to the correct thread/archive ect. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to help those who are new.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 03:57 PM
supe rturbos onf ftp suck , they are not beateable , they wille at your bankroll and they r high variance (they will also eat your brains). Stop thinking about them as poker , it is not skill that wins those it is luck.

U CANNOT WIN THEM , stop thinking about them , play roulette cuz u pay less rake there.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 04:03 PM
by the way , why dont u play normal poker , get a skill and an edge ? U cannot stand the variance for hiper turbos anyway , is there even a bankroll rule for them ?
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 05:05 PM
dont be butthurt, pokerfun.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by fullyfocused
I am interested in improving my roi in fulltilt's HU super turbo's where you start with 25x the big blind. I play primarily the $35's and am beating them at a 5% roi over 300+ games. If there is anyone who is beating these at a higher roi please post your graph/stats & shed some light on what you think you are doing that is responsible for your success. Are you minbumping, 2.5x, or 3xing every time you come into a pot? Do you use sharkscope, poker-edge, or anther program for these? What is the bottom of your open shoving range against a random opponent for 10/11/12/13/14/15x? What Kind of notes/color coding do you use for these to aid your table selection? (I make long time winners/difficult opponents blue/green, average players yellow, poor player orange/red and the worst players purple to aid in table selection which is especially important when I take $50 & $100 shots in these).

The best person I can find in these is Tomtrippy who is killing the $35 hyper's at 15% roi over 800+ games! How is that even possible ? What is this guy doing to have attained that high of an roi in these? His profit in these only makes up 1/5th of his HUSNG winnings btw so he is an obvious stud. Everyone who is killing these at least 5+% what info can you share with the 2+2 community & I ? Thank you in advance everyone. I would love to see some graphs and how everyone is doing in these. Gl at the table guys

My stats:
Maybe if you keep your post to asking a couple of questions instead of asking a hundred, you would get better responses. No one is "killing" these for 5%+ long term, so it's delusional to think you can. Anything less than 5,000 games is still clearly short term in my book.

I'll give you one tip, never raise for more than a minraise on the button.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-01-2010 , 10:40 PM
I have a ROI % of 2 on these over 655 games. I'm not pleased with it, but it is a lot better than negative ROI. Rake is the lowest you can get, but if you play a ton of them it adds up and is a lot. I can't give you much advice since I'm still learning them. If you want shoot me your SN so I know who you are when we play. GL
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-08-2010 , 07:40 PM
I have tried them out, about 700 games so far. Just to get a feeling.
350 $10's - ROI 11,5%. 350 games in $20's - roi 10,x%.
Regulary I am playing $92+ level reg and sometimes turbos.

I think pple play so bad these sng's. I dont use nash or anything like that. Have my own strategy and it seems to work. It is against my play in super turbos(nash, eq.). Ok, not against, but yeah... ehh.. You still can outplay them, you just need to THINK, not just push/fold cos some kind of chart says so. Think, think over every move u make. Fold when u think u r beat(sometimes some big hands). Don't jump around and just clicking buttons.
I like to play only 2 tables at time.

I know that 700 games isn't much, but this is what I think about ST's no matter how many games I have played.

About bankroll. I would keep 100+ BI's for these. JUST because you don't think about it.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-08-2010 , 09:27 PM
how long is average game?
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-09-2010 , 03:16 PM
5-10 minutes
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-09-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by flopton
5-10 minutes
wtf, are you even playing STs? My average game length is 3.2 minutes after thousands.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-09-2010 , 03:22 PM
I have been playing these for a little over a month now.

Some Background, I have always been a breakeven-loosing HU Player. I think I simply wasn't patient enough for the 1500 chip games. Then the 300 chips ST tournaments came, and those were 99.9% luck, and it was basically a 100% variance game. Then FTP introduced these guys, and I think they hit the sweet spot. Sure variance will be high, but so many people don't know how to play these. I agree with the previous poster, you need to adjust very quickly in these...

Small sample, but about 1300 games, and I have a ROI of 7% in these. Currently running a little above EV though, so I'm expecting my ROI to go into the 4-5% long term, and if it does just that, I will be more than happy. Low(er) rake makes these appealing as well...

In the last 37 days, I've played 35 days, and had only 3 losing sessions.

98% of these are split between $50 and $100 buyin.

The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-09-2010 , 03:46 PM
There will be plenty of people who will have stats like yours and will also be actually losing players or marginal winners. Superturbos are the sort of game where you can get lucky (note: not just all-in EV) for a couple thousand games and think you're printing money and then start losing it back as you go back to true expectation. The fact that some very good players have gotten killed in these should be enough indication that you can run bad or good over long stretches and not reach your true ROI.

If you'd like, I'd prop bet against you getting 5% ROI over your next 1000 games.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-09-2010 , 03:56 PM
prop-betting _against_ super-turbo ROIs - thats a pretty sweet idea imo
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-09-2010 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
There will be plenty of people who will have stats like yours and will also be actually losing players or marginal winners. Superturbos are the sort of game where you can get lucky (note: not just all-in EV) for a couple thousand games and think you're printing money and then start losing it back as you go back to true expectation. The fact that some very good players have gotten killed in these should be enough indication that you can run bad or good over long stretches and not reach your true ROI.

If you'd like, I'd prop bet against you getting 5% ROI over your next 1000 games.
I'm sure you are right...

Have these been around long enough for someone to say get 10k games in yet? Unless I'm mistaken, these have been around for less than 2 months.

Can you offer and graphs of players with 5k+ of these games? NOT INCLUDING the previous 300 chip games.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
06-09-2010 , 04:01 PM
Certainly they're beatable, I'm just very skeptical of 5% as a top number. I think 2-4% (4% playing like spamz) is more likely with plenty of people thinking that they're +EV and actually not. I don't mean to be a downer about it, just trying to keep people's expectations reasonable as they're the sort of game that can feel absolutely "quit poker" crushing if you set them too high.
The Superturbos (aka "sejjeturbos") Discussion Thread Quote
