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Situation/Population Tendencies Situation/Population Tendencies

01-08-2016 , 11:12 AM
I'm playing micros on PS and have a few questions about situations rather than population tendencies but I guess they go hand in hand.

1st situation and villains action tends to happen a lot. I'm SB, 22BB, and min with A7, villain calls. Pot 80. Flop 27J. I check, villain checks. Turn J villain donks all in. I call and villain shows 93. Is this large/weird turn sizing generally a bluff at lower stakes?

2nd situation. When op with no raise pre and flop comes 3 flush. Villain bets half pot, hero calls. Turn is none flush card. Villain bets half pot, hero calls. River is also none flush. Villain checks, are we happy here pushing with any two cards here? Or is it purely opponent dependent?
Situation/Population Tendencies Quote
01-09-2016 , 01:58 AM
1st situation, you should be cbetting. Random shoves like that at those stakes can be almost anything, air like you saw, any pair, Jx etc. You should be calling with your hand there.

2nd situation you haven't given anywhere near enough information, is this HU or 3h, what is the stack depth, is it a high or low or connected board etc. Your actual hand actually matters in these spots a lot so I'm going to go ahead and guess that the answer is no.
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01-09-2016 , 05:11 AM
1nd It's definitely a call on the turn as played. Sometimes you will run into Jx, more often it's anywhere between random junk, gutshot, etc. Most people don't straight ship Jx on the turn like that.

2nd situation is purely opponent dependent and I would not do it at micros without reads.
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01-09-2016 , 01:43 PM
Thanks for the replies gents. 2nd situation I agree the info is poor. Hard to explain exactly without PT and hand converter. Thanks anyways
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