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Q & A Q & A

09-06-2009 , 04:05 PM
I have some time today and I'm happy to answer questions if people want to ask me stuff...

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09-06-2009 , 04:07 PM

Can you tell us your story of you flew through the stakes to crushing the 5K's

Can you also tell us what specifcally makes you better than most other HUSNG'ers.
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09-06-2009 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by livb112
I have some time today and I'm happy to answer questions if people want to ask me stuff...

Hi livb, just want to say that I rail alot of your games and you are the man!
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09-06-2009 , 04:08 PM
What stakes do you play and how good are you?
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09-06-2009 , 04:10 PM

Talk a little bit about your tilt. Is it exaggerated? How often does it come into play?
Five players you respect the most?
Your reputation is of being able to adjust better than anyone. What do you think allows you to do that so well?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
What do you expect as the state of HU poker three years from now?
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09-06-2009 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Stevecunn
What stakes do you play and how good are you?
learn 2 use the interweb.. N00b
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09-06-2009 , 04:16 PM
Why are you so rude to your opponents?

Why would someone who has won over a million ever go on tilt?

Why don't you show your opponents some respect?
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09-06-2009 , 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tcarnage
learn 2 use the interweb.. N00b
Was legit question. I don't pay attentions to SNG's anymore.

anyway, for anyone else here's a pretty sick graph
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09-06-2009 , 04:19 PM
Do you think it`s quite important to move up through stakes fast ?
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09-06-2009 , 04:23 PM
What happened between you and The Camel?
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09-06-2009 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by The Camel
Why would someone who has won over a million ever go on tilt?
Why wouldn't they?
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09-06-2009 , 04:28 PM
do you usually slow down or tighten up a bit against other aggressive players or do you play a more aggressive game to combat them?
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09-06-2009 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by The Camel
Why would someone who has won over a million ever go on tilt?
thats a weird question...
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09-06-2009 , 04:30 PM
why don't u post on 2p2 more often?

@ camel, tilting is irrelevant to how much u have won previously, some people tilt really hard at small things, so ya not really sure what answer u expect from OP.
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09-06-2009 , 04:35 PM
how many tables would u play if u be induced to play 55s and what roi would u expect to have?
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09-06-2009 , 04:40 PM
given the state of 500+'s, do you think you'll see many new people joining the ranks or will it be the same people on the sharkscope leaderboard for years to come?
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09-06-2009 , 04:40 PM
why are you such a big winner in Sng's but have a reputation for the suck at cash? Is hu cash really a totally different skill set? are you glad you chose sngs given that cash game hu is bad these days?
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09-06-2009 , 04:43 PM
In your opinion what was/is the most difficult stake level compared to the level before? IE -- $20 games are harder than $10 moreso than any other level change... etc etc.
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09-06-2009 , 04:46 PM
ppl say ur the best at adapting, is there any examples u can give of better adaptions u make?
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09-06-2009 , 04:46 PM
How long it took you to move from 0 to 5k stakes and with what bankroll management system?
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09-06-2009 , 04:49 PM
Is reading the barrage of questions making you want to go back on your OP?
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09-06-2009 , 04:52 PM
I would rather not focus on this issue but I will try to answer whatever questions people have.

I do show my opponents respect (most of the time) but in the past when I've lost, I've reacted poorly. I say the past because I've asked the sites I play on to take away my chat since I have proved unable to control it - though I have tried. Most of my chat has nothing to do with my opponents and is just me projecting my own frustration outwards. To anyone who has taken my rants personally, I genuinely apologize but I honestly don't feel that guilty since tilt almost always accompanies my rant and the recipients of my beratings have usually gotten more than their money's worth. Chat serves an unforunate but essential function in a negatively reinforcing cycle that will not be able to repeat itself now that I can no longer chat.

The idea that total profit is somehow related to tilt proclivity shows a total misunderstanding of the psychological underpinnings of tilt. I can get into that in another response if people are genuinely interested.
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09-06-2009 , 04:59 PM

What happened during your ~5k games breakeven stretch? How did you stay motivated to stick through it?

How do you improve your game? Do you ever analyse your games/hands?
Any chance of making a short vid of you playing? (Worth a shot )

Do you agree that the first person to reply in ths thread should get a HH review from you?
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09-06-2009 , 05:04 PM
For people asking me about smaller stakes, I'm sorry but I dont think I can give very helpful answers. I started playing 6 max cash and moved up in stakes. The games got tougher, I was playing underrolled and tilting was very expensive. I started playing more MTTs but hated being locked to my computer for such long periods of time. I started playing HU SNGs around 3 years ago and started playing the 100s - so I never played the lower levels seriously and can't really comment on them.

No I don't think people should move up in stakes quickly. I think you should combine responsibile br mgmt with a legitimate sense of confidence about being able to beat the stakes u want to move to. Responsible br mgmt doesnt have to mean a strict 50 or 100 buy in rule or whatever. I don't think strict rules like that are really necessary. Know yourself. Know what kind of cushion you need to play your best. It might be more for some people than others. I think 30 buy ins is a decent starting point but don't feel trapped by a rule one way or the other. The most important factors are confidence and comfort which obviously relate to each other.

Some lower stake levels are tougher than some higher stakes ones so watch and be aware of the stakes you want to move into. I recommend taking some shots in those stakes to get more comfortable rather than one day all of a sudden changing stakes.
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09-06-2009 , 05:07 PM
I guess I don't have a really pertinent question yet, I just want to say thanks for this.
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