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Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator

12-19-2009 , 07:04 PM
First off, a big thanks to spamz0r for making this post on various endgame strategies (as well as the HH review, with a hand where I folded Kx from the button 7 BB deep which inspired this post). Also as I play mostly HUSNG, this is a HUSNG-oriented post, cash players will really only find this utility helpful against shortstackers.

What I've created here is an Excel spreadsheet which will do all the calculations required for Sklansky-Chubukov (I have posted this one before), Nash, SAGE, as well as the math for the 3-bet shoving dynamic seen in this thread, only with the math done correctly this time.

What I am hoping to accomplish with this spreadsheet is a way for players who aren't as familiar with the pure mathematical parts of the game to visualise various proper shoving/calling ranges, and for everyone else to play with this and eventually be able to instinctively know these ranges well enough to do them without the chart (in case you're ever HU in a live tournament or something).

Also, I would like to integrate Pokerstove's calculator directly into the Excel table with VBA or whatever eventually, so you can just enter your hand instead of manually running the equity calculation for a more streamlined table. If anyone knows how to do this and can help, I'd be very appreciative.

If you have questions, comments for improvement/addition, or anything else, post them here. This isn't a finalised spreadsheet. Enjoy!

Download the spreadsheet here - Version 2.21

Last edited by Newff; 08-23-2011 at 02:18 AM.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 07:15 PM

edit: nice, this will be useful. thanks steve
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 07:21 PM
insane_steve I thank you for everthing you do. this is exactly what I've been looking for.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 07:24 PM
nice. Thank you
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 07:39 PM
This is awesome.

As far as integrating pokerstove, I think there's a command line version of pokerstove that you can purchase if you email them...
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 07:59 PM
This is great. Thanks, Steve.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 08:55 PM
I volunteer to port this to a web format. Give me a holler on aim, steve (sejje).

I haven't opened the spreadsheet or whatever, I want to know about the inputs required and maths.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 08:59 PM
nice post tyty.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 09:08 PM
Steve - ur the man!

Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 09:13 PM
good stuff.. ty
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 09:20 PM
very nice, congrats, and ty
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 09:33 PM
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 10:07 PM
ty a lot, very useful
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 10:18 PM
thanks steve. this is pretty cool.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 10:44 PM
I was playing with similar spreadsheed some time ago so maybe I could help a bit.

- I'm using chubukov to like 9-8 BB and below NASH. The charts I'm using now looks like this . Can be usefull as a visual presentation of those two.

- As for 'Three-Bet Shove Math' and intergration of pokerstove.
You can download to excel equity vs typical ranges (5%, 10%, 15% etc.). Holdem Ranger + AHK does it. Than via vlookup incorporate it into calculation. In my spredsheet (unfortunatelly I've lost it) I did this calculation in excel in 13x13 table for all 2 card combinations, than I've put conditional formatting for all >0. As an output we get whole range with given conditions that have positive equity presented in a table.

If you like the idea and need any help with this let me know.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-19-2009 , 10:57 PM
nice.. ty
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-20-2009 , 05:34 AM
Originally Posted by sejje
I volunteer to port this to a web format. Give me a holler on aim, steve (sejje).

I haven't opened the spreadsheet or whatever, I want to know about the inputs required and maths.
Originally Posted by LLuke
I was playing with similar spreadsheed some time ago so maybe I could help a bit.

- I'm using chubukov to like 9-8 BB and below NASH. The charts I'm using now looks like this . Can be usefull as a visual presentation of those two.

- As for 'Three-Bet Shove Math' and intergration of pokerstove.
You can download to excel equity vs typical ranges (5%, 10%, 15% etc.). Holdem Ranger + AHK does it. Than via vlookup incorporate it into calculation. In my spredsheet (unfortunatelly I've lost it) I did this calculation in excel in 13x13 table for all 2 card combinations, than I've put conditional formatting for all >0. As an output we get whole range with given conditions that have positive equity presented in a table.

If you like the idea and need any help with this let me know.
I'd be interested in following through with both these, AIM is Insane Steve11.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 01:14 AM
With many thanks to LLuke, version 2.0 of the Endgame Calculator is out!

The biggest addition is a spreadsheet for the three-bet shove math that does not require you to manually input the ranges into Stove to get equity. You pick one of 13 "top x%" or 5 "realistic in-game" (because villain is not folding A8o if he's calling 98s ) ranges and the calculator calculates your equity for ALL starting hands and tells you which ones are +EV to shove. I will likely add a few more realistic ranges in a later build if they are wanted.

Also there's a S-C/Nash comparison chart -- the main help for this is to see the differences between them and realise that jamming 45s for 20BB may not be the best idea in practice.

Download v2.0 here
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 01:59 AM
Good job Steve
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 03:31 AM
Thanks much.
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 03:58 AM
ill figure this out after christmas so i can pwn moar

ty steve

merry christmas
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 04:11 AM
Finally got together with steve, working on web version now: NASH first.

Will post when done, probably the 26th unless the weather is bad tomorrow. Can also probably easily do a python script (and exe for those of you who are lazy).
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 04:27 AM
sejje ilu, and merry christmas and thanks for doin this
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 08:42 AM
Very nice work - keep it up
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
12-25-2009 , 10:54 AM
"You can't have a sooted pair Moran"


Nice one!!!

And thanks
Pooh-Bah Post: The Endgame Calculator Quote
