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** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** ** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread **

04-08-2015 , 08:15 AM
Hi guys. Do you think 5% roi is achievable at 60s? Is it easy or only top regs can do this? Also I see EV line is very smooth on graphs. Does it mean that I can play like 1k spins and have a pretty precise estimation of my EV ROI?
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-08-2015 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by muzmov
Hi guys. Do you think 5% roi is achievable at 60s? Is it easy or only top regs can do this? Also I see EV line is very smooth on graphs. Does it mean that I can play like 1k spins and have a pretty precise estimation of my EV ROI?
You obv. seem new to those games and dont have a good grasp about variance in those games.. So in regards to your question if its easy to have a 5% roi, let me ask you this.. in what world do you think its easy to make 100$+ an hour...
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-08-2015 , 08:46 AM
Yes, I'm new to spins. I am 200-500nl zoom reg and in my world I make 100$ an hour Just wondering whether I can make more playing spins.

As far as variance I know that I can have 1k buyins swing, but when I look at chip EV graphs, I don't see variance at all. It's pretty much a straight line. And when you know your chip EV per tourney you can estimate your future ROI. Am I wrong here?
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-08-2015 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by muzmov
Yes, I'm new to spins. I am 200-500nl zoom reg and in my world I make 100$ an hour Just wondering whether I can make more playing spins.

As far as variance I know that I can have 1k buyins swing, but when I look at chip EV graphs, I don't see variance at all. It's pretty much a straight line. And when you know your chip EV per tourney you can estimate your future ROI. Am I wrong here?
You are kind of right but that future is way way in the future because you need the big multipliers to converge to the expected distribution.
Also keep in mind that the chipEV graph doesnt include rake thats why it looks more like a straight line.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-08-2015 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by BRpokah
Also keep in mind that the chipEV graph doesnt include rake thats why it looks more like a straight line.
Maths ftw. If chipEV was steady growing at more or less constant rate (say you make X chips/game with very low deviation each game), when you subtract from that something that is a constant - rake, you will get.... wait for it, the same "straight" line. Ups and downs won't appear magically because of rake.

On a side note, for a 500z reg the lack of understanding of variance in poker is a bit, let's say, surprising.
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04-08-2015 , 10:42 AM
Surprised also at the number of posts that speculate on ev, precisely because they see a possibly +ev situation. That situation is apparent to anybody and so you get greater amounts of regs and the ev changes, possibly or probably pretty dramatically. The player pool is not a constant.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-08-2015 , 12:16 PM
a 1k sample is on the small side, but it'll give you some idea.

look at Brown Gord graph just above (even though it's got some 180s in there or whatever causes those large spikes. you can pick a few 1k samples with different angles, but they're all generally "up" other than the very last 1k.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-08-2015 , 01:14 PM
Oh yeah sorry the spikes are not 180s. The 180s are literally a couple, or a handful of tournaments and I think I got a couple of 2/180 in the 2.50s. I really think you can basically ignore the sudden drop off in expected ev that I referred to earlier.

I just want to feel confident in my game (and with my BR). I should add that it was mostly the 7s and the DS was shot taking at the 15s and I could feel myself play particularly sub-optimal as I knew it was shot taking. Can anybody relate to their comfort level and how it affects their play?

I immediately did well at .fr and was really confident shot taking, with like 40 BI and ran it up. This was at the initiation of Spins as well so I knew there was an influx of fish. I hit a DS though, played badly and then played worse and it was at that point that I hit a x 1000. Not winning that and getting 0 really nailed me, then a few games later hit a x 100 and got sucked out on again. Again I got 0 !!

On Stars it really does affect how you play I feel, in knowing that you lock up 10% of first in a big winner. It calms you down a lot and allows you to play optimal poker.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-08-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by muzmov

As far as variance I know that I can have 1k buyins swing, but when I look at chip EV graphs, I don't see variance at all.
Thats because i havent seen anyone posting those graphs. But i´ve seen 250 buyin DS and below EV runs at 30s&60s from some guys (within like 5k games that is)..

Just wondering whether I can make more playing spins.
If you dont have experience playing HUSNGs - no you cant, simple as that. At least not for the next couple of months until you put in your time to learn that game.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-09-2015 , 02:38 PM
Is it possible to observe more games than shown in 'Observe' section? If yes - how, if no - why there are some observers during every game even all 2x games?
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-09-2015 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by pretorian_st
Is it possible to observe more games than shown in 'Observe' section? If yes - how, if no - why there are some observers during every game even all 2x games?
I don't know if you can observe all games, I don't think you can. However, the observers you're referring to are either people watching a friend through the search feature, or when a player gets knocked out of the spin, they are classed as an observer until they "X" the table.
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04-09-2015 , 04:47 PM
probably if someone on the table is not hidden from search

EDIT: lol, dit not see the new page
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04-09-2015 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by kobmish
Maths ftw. If chipEV was steady growing at more or less constant rate (say you make X chips/game with very low deviation each game), when you subtract from that something that is a constant - rake, you will get.... wait for it, the same "straight" line. Ups and downs won't appear magically because of rake.

On a side note, for a 500z reg the lack of understanding of variance in poker is a bit, let's say, surprising.
Hi, you don't subtract a constant though, if Y axis is chips won and X axis is tournaments played, then subtracting a constant would mean lowering every Y value by that constant, but with rake at x amount of tournaments played you need to subtract the rake times x, essentially adding 2 graphs, the graph of chips won at the tables, and the graph of rake paid, which you can convert into chips. I made a little sketch of it, the orange line is chips won, the red is rake and green is actual winnings. Btw even if someone theoretically won the same amount of chips every single tourney, they would still most likely have ups and downs in real winnings, because of the random prizepool.
I might be wrong though so let me know what you think
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-11-2015 , 12:39 AM
is the Overlay net adjusted stat correct for spins on pt4?
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04-11-2015 , 01:15 AM
almost certainly not
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-11-2015 , 01:29 PM
Whats the best way of finding out expected results?
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04-11-2015 , 01:32 PM
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-11-2015 , 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by pretorian_st
why there are some observers during every game even all 2x games?
The player that has just busted out of a tourney is regarded as an observer until s/he closes the table. So don't worry, no datamining is happening in Spins (to my knowledge), it would be too difficult technically.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-12-2015 , 12:36 AM
hey guys any one know if i have the option to turn of the noise of the jackpot spinning in at the start of each spin n go? getting pretty demented by it, looked in the sounds section on stars n cant see it maybe under something ive not considered thanks in advance
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-12-2015 , 02:10 AM
Was tilting me too. If you're on stars 7 it's settings>global>sounds>spin & go animation.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-12-2015 , 06:30 AM
I, on the contrary, now find it disturbing when a non-Spin Stars tourney starts and there's no spinning sound

Meanwhile, on Russian Pokerstrategy, there's a guy ('robogwlor') who claims that he can crush microlimit Spins ($3-5) with a 50%+ ITM, backing it by a graph of (at the time of writing) 87 tourneys () showing an ITM of 50%+ almost all the way through.

Of course the sample size is yet too small to draw conclusions, but the guy seems to have correctly grasped the idea of studying the opponents in the first level and maximum exploitation of them throughout the tourney. He claims that he uses only colour codes (no text notes) and opponents spazz so much against his lines that he now ends a tourney two times faster on average than he used to. Well, nothing is impossible.

So I've thought of 'The robogwlor Challenge' for the top regs of $30-60 Spins, as a break from their normal grind: win as many EV chips as possible over 1000 $5 Spins (i.e. a sample long enough; when the 5s are removed from the lobby, switch to the 3s). Will anyone be able to end up with a chip EV of more than 250K (250 per tourney)?

Last edited by coon74; 04-12-2015 at 06:38 AM.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-12-2015 , 06:51 AM
87 tourneys lol... I can crush these limits with 100% ITM over sample of 10 games if anyone is interested
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:10 AM
Well, if you try to hit such a series at the 5s before they're removed... you'll have a significant chance of success.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:44 AM
50% itm... is just not possible.
** Official Spin and Go's Discussion Thread ** Quote
04-12-2015 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by SleightOfJam
Was tilting me too. If you're on stars 7 it's settings>global>sounds>spin & go animation.
ty sor (bow)
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