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**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** **Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread**

09-13-2014 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by ZakWray
Originally Posted by zilltine
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:23 PM
1 hour of you hyper guys warring at 300$. and the 3-4 hours worth of manpower that it cost stars to set it up/get it verified. will have been reimbursed. I no longer believe this is due to stars negligence or desire to not give all XX amount of ppl in this thread the one reasonable thing we are asking for, I'm sure they must have another point of view on how its negative for the games.
  • Maybe they think having wars slower and at 1 table drags out more stable action rather than having it over in a day or two. This way the worse reg survives longer, bleeding the fish...slower. Its a stretch but just putting myself in their position.
  • If for instance the whale hops on, gets mad and fires up 3 extra tables v a good reg using the Mythical Add T**** B*****. Obviously he's expected to dump a tonne, I guess in stars eyes they'd prefer it to be spread around the poker ecomony. Amongst other reg's.
  • Its easier for a degen recreational player to decline when they have 1 game running, rather than having to decline 1 game with others running. In hopes that they then go spread it in other games not just to the good husng regs

To sum up, LOL AT ALL THOSE REASONS i just had to make up to try n argue stars point of view so that it isn't just, we are lazy and ignorant to the sheer volume of a very reasonable requests itt.

Last edited by rorrrr; 09-17-2014 at 12:30 PM.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-17-2014 , 12:37 PM

You know what these 2 could use?
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-17-2014 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by rorrrr
and the 3-4 hours worth of manpower that it cost stars to set it up/get it verified.
you clearly never worked in software development for big companies...

Make that 3 weeks across different departments and you come closer...
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-17-2014 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by callme
you clearly never worked in software development for big companies...

Make that 3 weeks across different departments and you come closer...
Sure if they were not busy implementing the Lottery Spin and Go broke format....which one do u think is easier to implement?
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-17-2014 , 05:44 PM
Its not about whats easier but whats more profitable in the end ... and obv. the lottery raketrap thing is ALOT more profitable to them than a add table btn...
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-25-2014 , 03:16 PM
Trying to get multiple tables up against another reg who will happily play me, but we have to wait so long for the lobby to clear before we can sit each other. Sure would be nice to have an add table button.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-25-2014 , 03:51 PM
if we can't have an add table button, I would like if pokerstars could add a button on the table, and when you press this button it sends an email to asking them to add an "add table button"
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-25-2014 , 05:07 PM
add table button
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-26-2014 , 07:54 AM
you guys got it wrong, add table button is to play other regs, im sure 99.99% of fish wont ever use it, so the money wouldnt be spread differently at all...

so yeah, theres only a win-win, I can play 4 tables against a reg without wasting 1 hr, and stars steals more money from me in the process.

**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-29-2014 , 05:11 AM
if we can't have an add table button

can we at least have some kind of button with cool sound effects, maybe some sparkles
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
09-29-2014 , 09:06 AM
You mean like the old party animation with balloons and stuff everytime you won a hand? Awesome idea
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-08-2014 , 02:52 AM
Could you please give some response to the questions/comments/concerns posted re the introduction of spin and gos? There are plenty to choose from in this forum, STT section and in Internet Poker forum.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-08-2014 , 04:20 AM
I think they officially retired from supporting HU sng since spin and go introduction Just try to find last post by stars in this thread
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-08-2014 , 04:41 AM
Add table is now even more required, since you can wait A LOT to get a second table with the traffic after spins were introduced. On the other hand given the number of requests for it and how long ago it was requested, if we wait a few more months hu sngs can completely die and it will be not needed, so why bother.

+1 to any position about spin and goes and the hit on traffic. Why stars have refused to add other formats having liquidity concerns (read about 18 man hypers), while now there are no concerns at all?
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-08-2014 , 06:44 AM
What about offering No Limit Omaha H/L Turbo Heads Up SnGs with buyins higher than 30 Dollar? For Pot limit Omaha H/L you offer them up to 500 Dollar. Why not for No limit? NL is more popular.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-08-2014 , 11:01 AM
I have actually waited 60min to add 2nd table at 100s. I think i would be 3-tabling meanwhile. I would only imagine how bad it is at higher stakes
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-09-2014 , 06:48 AM
Everything is fine just fix this BUG please..

If you click lobby, and close tournament table, the lobby close too, unlike other sng's and tournaments if you close the table the lobby does not close..
So just make it so if the lobby is open and you close your table the lobby does not also close

This is issue because, sometimes randomly when it starts you cannot make notes or read notes unless you close the table and reopen it

Oh and the promotions, please reward regulars people who play often instead of making these stupid all in shootout promo's or make the challenges harder so you do not have 50k to 100k people in every bonus...

**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-16-2014 , 12:01 PM
Hello all,

A long time since last you heard from me, so without further delay:

Originally Posted by LoveThee
I have played the HU Deep no blinds increase game.
I noticed that when my opponent disconnected (which happened a few times.) he would not sit out. Instead, an extra minute would be allotted and his hand would be folded. The next hand, an extra minute would be allotted and his hand would be folded again, never sitting out. This happened for more than 15 minutes total (among several disconnects), and this would be only about 10 blinds. I thank that you had a failsafe where the time bank added per hand decreases if he doesn't come back, but it just reset if he connected and disconnected again.

This made up for a considerable delay on an already very long game (3 hours), I have sent a report to check if the player was deliberately stalling, but even if it wasn't this doesn't sound like a good system at all even when no player is intently stalling, if someone disconnects, it would take a whole 4 hours to blind down 3000 chips.

And even then, if we consider the fact that a player can use this to stall, games could extend for such a long amount of time, and if the player can look at his hand while disconnected to decide if it is worth playing, he can even avoid losing too much EV in exchange for the additional (+EV for him) stalling.
Without making any judgement on your opponent in this case, there is the unfortunate fact that some players have used these tournaments to gain an unfair advantage in some form or another.

By the end of next week we will stop offering these tournaments.

Originally Posted by whitesnow
What about offering No Limit Omaha H/L Turbo Heads Up SnGs with buyins higher than 30 Dollar? For Pot limit Omaha H/L you offer them up to 500 Dollar. Why not for No limit? NL is more popular.
Except for at the $1.50 buyin level. PLO8 run more often than NLO8 at the Turbos. In addition, there are actually not a lot of NLO8 Turbo HU tournaments firing off every day, so at this time it does not make much sense to offer them at higher buyins.

If you are willing to play Hypers, you will find NLO8s up to $100.

Originally Posted by Two
Everything is fine just fix this BUG please..
If you click lobby, and close tournament table, the lobby close too, unlike other sng's and tournaments if you close the table the lobby does not close..
So just make it so if the lobby is open and you close your table the lobby does not also close

This is issue because, sometimes randomly when it starts you cannot make notes or read notes unless you close the table and reopen it
Oh and the promotions, please reward regulars people who play often instead of making these stupid all in shootout promo's or make the challenges harder so you do not have 50k to 100k people in every bonus...
I have tried to recreate the issue in PokerStars 7 without experiencing what you describe. Every time I closed the table, the lobby would remain open. If you are using PokerStars 6, I would suggest you try moving to PokerStars 7 instead and see if that helps.

As for promotions, we are rewarding our most loyal players in a number of ways, most notably in the VIP Club. Promotions, in their nature are most often run to get new and sporadic players to the site, which is why they will usually focus on this segment of players. This is not to say that regular players don’t also benefit from our promotions, but we will continue to design most of them primarily with the recreational players in mind.

And finally, I have seen your request for an ‘Add Table’ button. And again, the reply is that it is being prioritized along with all the other development items we would like to have developed. I do not deny that it would be useful for the HU SNG players, but we have a lot of projects in the pipe line that needs to be higher on the list than ‘Add Table’.

It is not as small a project as you might think, so unfortunately, I can’t make any promises as to if and when this feature will find its way into our clients.

**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-16-2014 , 10:20 PM
add table button
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-17-2014 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by NoMeansYes_
add table button
what is that? could you elaborate a bit? three words may not be enough for pokerstars to understand what you actually want
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-21-2014 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by zilltine
what is that? could you elaborate a bit? three words may not be enough for pokerstars to understand what you actually want
please read the whole thread and you will see that these three words are enough...
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-30-2014 , 12:49 AM
I think I have finally figured out how this thread works, with that in mind here are my suggestions:

- Please do not add a table button, the ability for regs to instantly get the desired amount of tables they wish to have is very bad.
- Please increase rake more, currently there is some incentive for regs to play regs, it can only be good for pokerstars and regs alike if we change this.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-30-2014 , 12:55 AM
+1 to the above....this is exactly how this thread works!!
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
10-30-2014 , 12:57 AM
yea no need to add table button now, as regs are gonna stop moving anyways
they probably just saw that biggest winners are from HU hypers, so they thought they can cut from their profits a bit, but I think they didn't think this through and didnt consider the huge amounts of money that ppl rake when they battle 200-1k, where now there is tons of battles. I'm not sure about this yet, but I'm pretty sure this big rake increase will lower the amount of reg battles quite a lot
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
