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**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** **Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread**

01-17-2013 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by Gonzo1984
anyone else lag first hand of rematches and miss a hand? has happened to me 3x today. When a rematch starts, I'm sitting out, miss a hand, they take my bb or sb, etc and get off to an early lead at no fault of my own. If someone from PS could address this, that'd be appreciated
I've had this problem too but it was on my end. My modem would randomly 'lose' packets. This also caused me to sit out randomly and lose buyins.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-17-2013 , 07:31 AM
no blind increase is a good idea only for regulars

NBI hypers sounds weird. Fish like fast structure, this would be a bad change imo although our edge would increase
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-17-2013 , 08:28 AM
could still just call them hypers and omit the NBI part
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-17-2013 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
I don't think the way you describe this would actually solve anything.

The primary reason a reg doesn't play another isn't because he has no edge, it's because he can get a higher edge playing a fish.

Therefore, I think the key would be hoping that fish don't play NBI as often as they do now, making it more reg heavy. Now, a more clearly defined edge between regulars will help, but if you recall back to the turbo speed and regular speed days, there were plenty of times where regs would refuse to play each other (sitting in long lines on FTP or taking turns on PS), and it seems laughable now, but they often said "no edge" (what they meant was "not worth my time" and some did put it that way).

So I think there needs to be a way to find a game format that regulars will play more often compared to fish, but that's difficult bc you run the risk of nobody registering a no blind increase if few fish play it.

Perhaps we should be looking at finding ways to increase incentive on rematches between regs.

I liked that best of 5 or best of 7 idea. Play 5 or 7 games and whoever wins the majority wins the entire prize. There are some variables in there that would need to be treated carefully though.

The add another table seems to make sense too, as it will capture the flow from some reg battles/tilted regs, and is less likely to be used by fish (that aren't multi tabling as often as two regulars who face each other).

If battlenet style lobbies for high stakes is too risky, but the status quo is too anti competitive, perhaps a mixture might be considered. Make one lobby at each stake the traditional method, then make another lobby "instant action" where you blind register and get matched up with whoever else has blind registered. Sort of a "zoom" version for HUSNGs, while keeping the traditional lobby option open as well (this would also be great for comparing trends, how often casual players are registering for instant action versus traditional and so on).
If your goal is to get regs to play other regs, there were some good ideas in the thread:

- decrease rake for every rematch (5% up to 75% for example) (myabe only for players who played at least 2000 HUSNGs last month or so)
- get next empty lobby when sit second
- leaderboard where u get more points by playing better players

All these things can be done realtivly easy without changing the lobby structur. Imo this is a very important point because this lobby structure is the best from a fish perspective...
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by ibavly
if they made hypers nbi we would get so much reg action
I agree with that. All of a sudden it would make your (small) skilladvantage over others an edge again that would net you money instead that could actually beat the rake.

The primary reason a reg doesn't play another isn't because he has no edge, it's because he can get a higher edge playing a fish.
I really disagree - a guy with a half a pokerbrain and a Nash table can very quickly eliminate all edge one has and turn it into a breakeven match (and therefor losing game for both players) once approaching 10bb which is just very fast.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-18-2013 , 04:41 AM
I'd love to see NBI hypers, or at least a slower blind structure.

Especially when PS turbos are just about exciting as watching the paint dry (slowest turbo structure available online?) and big part of current hypers is <10bb effective stacks, it'd be cool to see something in between.

Originally Posted by pavels4444
NBI hypers sounds weird. Fish like fast structure, this would be a bad change imo although our edge would increase
It wouldn't really make hypers too much slower. They'd still be significantly faster than turbos. I guess some kind of compromise, like only having 10/20 and 15/30 blind levels would be fine too.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-18-2013 , 07:22 AM
if we slow down hypers imo fist step would be making blinds 3minutes not nbi
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-18-2013 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by none888
if we slow down hypers imo fist step would be making blinds 3minutes not nbi
yeah, this is better idea
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-18-2013 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by pavels4444
yeah, this is better idea
i agree
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-18-2013 , 08:38 AM
longer game times doesn't really do much good, we just get less games/hr and it doesn't attract new players to the game. Yeah the edge will be greater but I don't think stars really want to start making games where recreational players have less edge/chance of winning/having fun. The fact they're slower might even push people away from them because they prefer a quick gamble/fun etc
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-18-2013 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by I just LOLd
longer game times doesn't really do much good, we just get less games/hr and it doesn't attract new players to the game. Yeah the edge will be greater but I don't think stars really want to start making games where recreational players have less edge/chance of winning/having fun. The fact they're slower might even push people away from them because they prefer a quick gamble/fun etc

I think a discussion about changing the hyper-format is pretty useless. This is by far the most attractive form of HUSNG for fish. Glad Pokerstars knows this
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-19-2013 , 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by att
If your goal is to get regs to play other regs, there were some good ideas in the thread:

- decrease rake for every rematch (5% up to 75% for example) (myabe only for players who played at least 2000 HUSNGs last month or so)
- get next empty lobby when sit second
- leaderboard where u get more points by playing better players

All these things can be done realtivly easy without changing the lobby structur. Imo this is a very important point because this lobby structure is the best from a fish perspective...
I agree with your post.

Originally Posted by callme
I agree with that. All of a sudden it would make your (small) skilladvantage over others an edge again that would net you money instead that could actually beat the rake.

I really disagree - a guy with a half a pokerbrain and a Nash table can very quickly eliminate all edge one has and turn it into a breakeven match (and therefor losing game for both players) once approaching 10bb which is just very fast.
I mean, I would've believed you as hypers came out, but the results of top players playing against near top players (and relative top vs decent at most levels) argues against your last sentence quoted above. Evidence points to the sentence being incorrect, and I don't mean anything bad by that, it's just why I disagree with it.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-19-2013 , 04:24 AM
really? You think most top players have significant edges on near top players at 10bb?

If you've seen a couple graphs of top players crushing at 10bb I'd argue that it's more likely to be variance (even if it's an ev graph) than anything else since luck at those stacks can make any player seem like a complete crusher, and likely will do so for a decent number of players.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-19-2013 , 05:02 AM
The current structure of HT's is pretty good.

One of the most attractive aspects of the game is that even if the fish/recreational player gets outplayed 12bb+ they still have a fighting chance to win the match with a couple of allins.

This keeps them interested and coming back.

If you want to play with NBI you can always play HU cash.

If you want slower BI's you can play reg speed or turbos.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-19-2013 , 07:11 AM
yeah lol just cash in in HUNL with 20bbs and boom there you go NBI vs regs

just deal with it guys, the only possibility to fix it is rake decreasing but it wont happen until serkules becomes a rakebackpro
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
01-19-2013 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by ibavly
really? You think most top players have significant edges on near top players at 10bb?

If you've seen a couple graphs of top players crushing at 10bb I'd argue that it's more likely to be variance (even if it's an ev graph) than anything else since luck at those stacks can make any player seem like a complete crusher, and likely will do so for a decent number of players.
No, I meant the edge in hyper turbos between good players is more real than detractors will have you believe.

I took his comment to mean that hyper turbos have no real edge between good players, and I think the evidence we've seen makes that false.

I know he mentioned 10bb, but I think he meant that the 10bb area makes it so that hypers have small edge, otherwise why would it be fully relevant to mention that just one part of the game has a small-no edge between regulars? You have to discuss the entire game, which evidence suggests that there is a real edge, even with rake, between many regulars over other regs.

And I'm not saying that I know all, my opinion of the success of many regs over other regs leads me to believe this is true. If someone doesn't believe it, that's fine, but I think the reasoning should be more solid than pointing out that one aspect of the game can be low to no edge.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-08-2013 , 07:26 PM
Hello all,

Sorry for the inactivity in the thread the last few weeks, here are some comments on a few issues and suggestions you made since the last time I posted.

Originally Posted by nwDanon
I think built-in startor-session manager + seat 2nd get free lobby feature will satisfy all regs and solve the lobby problem: u will be able to wait your lobby in queue and seat whoeva u want 2nd
This is an interesting suggestion and certainly something worth considering. I'd be interested in hearing what the rest of you think of this and if there are other suggestions, I welcome those too.

Originally Posted by JSpazz
Solution: Leaderboard rewarding players playing regs, NOT highest rakers/most games played.
We are not going to get involved in a solution that requires tagging players as recs or regs. It is inappropriate for our poker room to be labelling players this way.

Originally Posted by Chumplestultz
husng happy hour isn't amazing but so far it's about the only thing i can think of that might actually bring new players into the pool.
Happy hours are one of the promotions we are considering for Sit & Gos, and one of the details we will have to work out would be whether to run special Happy Hour promotions for HU S&Gs.

Originally Posted by ibavly
if they made hypers nbi we would get so much reg action
Originally Posted by Chumplestultz
could still just call them hypers and omit the NBI part
We are not looking to add a new variety of HU tournaments at this time.

**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-08-2013 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Baard
This is an interesting suggestion and certainly something worth considering. I'd be interested in hearing what the rest of you think of this and if there are other suggestions, I welcome those too.
I think most people that have posted on this topic are interested in an in built "session manager"/queuing system as it removes the need to buy 3rd party programs to gain equal access to new lobbies. Previously the guys who had better connections/were closer to Stars' servers had a distinct advantage over the rest of the field in that they could see and register for new lobbies much quicker. If Stars came up with a way to give everyone equal access to the new lobbies, or they simply implemented an in built hidden queue system similar to Sharkystrator, then I would be all for it.

The suggestions for sitting second and then gaining the next lobby/going to the front of the queue also seem to be well liked although personally I think it could get a little messy. Beyond actually having to design it, I imagine it would also mean another pop-up after registering, something about do you want to play another and go to the front of the queue. A lot of us find the pop ups annoying, and beyond that I think for recreational players there is a risk of confusion.

Further to this, I can potentially see that if there are 2 or 3 regs who 4 table one stake, then they could literally take every open lobby for hours at a time, while a few other guys who maybe aren't up to playing reg battles that session will wait enormous lengths of time, probably just to get sat by a reg anyways. People seem to think encouraging this level of reg on reg action is necessary, but I'm not 100% convinced it is, and I think this particular suggestion will just lead to a lot of spite sitting, and a case of which reg can run the hottest.

Having said that, there are a number of regs I already sit anyways, so I'm more than happy to adjust if the change is brought in. It's also worth noting that the situation at $30s is different from the situation at $200s, where games run less frequently and the lobby is worth a lot more.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-09-2013 , 07:00 AM
Originally Posted by PokerStars Baard
We are not going to get involved in a solution that requires tagging players as recs or regs. It is inappropriate for our poker room to be labelling players this way.

However, you could use something like number of games played in a month or VIP level as a measurement, for instance create a leaderboard that solely counts games played between SuperNova's.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-09-2013 , 03:48 PM
PS not wanting to give tags to recs and regs in order to force action between a specific player type is actually a good thing for us.

What if they didn't take this stance and decided to take things a step further and develop a system where supernovas can only play supernovas and goldstars can only play gold stars. What then?

I love PS a lot and think they are doing a great ****ing job, I liked a lot of ideas at the start of this thread but the suggestions being posted recently keep getting more ridiculous and complicated.

Now that sharky's working great I just hope that stars keeps everything as is, except for maybe adding obvious stuff that benefits us all like an lb or happy hour...etc
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-09-2013 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by bighusla
PS not wanting to give tags to recs and regs in order to force action between a specific player type is actually a good thing for us.

What if they didn't take this stance and decided to take things a step further and develop a system where supernovas can only play supernovas and goldstars can only play gold stars. What then?

I love PS a lot and think they are doing a great ****ing job, I liked a lot of ideas at the start of this thread but the suggestions being posted recently keep getting more ridiculous and complicated.

Now that sharky's working great I just hope that stars keeps everything as is, except for maybe adding obvious stuff that benefits us all like an lb or happy hour...etc
i agree with all this. the lack of getting stuff done from this thread has caused weirder n weirder suggestions.

the obvious solutions to keep ppl happy would be the simplest ones. Leaderboards , happy hours ..anything that will get someone who doesnt play hu sngs to play hu sngs
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-09-2013 , 04:51 PM
I would be happy with:
-leaderboards - it would improve the current lobby system
-add an other table - not sure why stars doesnt implement this as it would result in more
games, esp. in higher stakes, meaning more rake for them
-fixing the rematch window - when someone declines a rematch by clicking the x button and not the decline you have to wait 15 seconds plus some extra added time before u can close it, not to mention it steals attention
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-09-2013 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Irregular
I would be happy with:
-leaderboards - it would improve the current lobby system
-add an other table - not sure why stars doesnt implement this as it would result in more
games, esp. in higher stakes, meaning more rake for them
-fixing the rematch window - when someone declines a rematch by clicking the x button and not the decline you have to wait 15 seconds plus some extra added time before u can close it, not to mention it steals attention
Add another table at the 60s Hypers at least!
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-09-2013 , 07:42 PM
When we click "Show Hand", could you make it for the hand to stay more than 0,2 sec? Seriously, people can't see the hand at all. Just try it it's impossible to see the hand the guy showed without having to go in the replayer. That's with Hyperturbos.
**Official PokerStars Heads Up SNG Improvement Thread** Quote
02-09-2013 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by Irregular
-add an other table - not sure why stars doesnt implement this as it would result in more
games, esp. in higher stakes, meaning more rake for them
Thing i want more before any changes. if tilt had stars volume id leave in a second purely for that feature
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