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Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me

07-31-2012 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by quux
Unless I missed something, aren't his friends the ones who berated Maxi for the theft, warned him about how much trouble he could get in and provided OP with a ton of info about what Maxi said, where he went and the info about Maxi's mom being told?

It sounds like his friends are the good guys here.

But if I missed something, definitely correct me.
no no i meant that imbrogno guy, i thought he was helping maxi scam somehow? i've probably got it all wrong tho, sorry to guys who helped to out maxi for insulting them
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
07-31-2012 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by JSpazz
no no i meant that imbrogno guy, i thought he was helping maxi scam somehow? i've probably got it all wrong tho, sorry to guys who helped to out maxi for insulting them
It turns out Imbrogno also got scammed by Maxi:
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
07-31-2012 , 02:48 PM
Yep... imbrogno comes off as a moron in his own thread here in 2+2 husng... but also says Maxipad is a scammer (big surprise).

This is the thread by imbrogno. It very clearly states:
-Maxi is a scammer
-imbrogno made the mistake of letting him borrow his account, which Maxi used to scam
-imbrogno has proof of Maxi scamming and apparently even admitting to his intentions to scam/steal

Can't wait to see what happens to you maxipad. Better hope the boys in your jailhouse don't get a hold of your new youtube sensation.

Maxi Duarte is a scammer and a thief
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
07-31-2012 , 03:51 PM
So, T. Imbrogno is not a scammer, but borrowing the underaged Stochyk his Pokerstars account was really dumb and naive.

Maxi Stochyk turned 18 on June 28th, 2012 and all the transactions were made before that date.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
07-31-2012 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by TimStone
kid wanted to trade some with me as well iirc. def. good for his health situation that never happend...
if thats the guy from the video... he looks very similar to TimStone

emu style
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
07-31-2012 , 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by ohly
if my rusty spanish isn't fooling me the other guy in that thread traded neteller money for pokerstars, but instead of transferring money he offered maxi the account, so that he could clear the deposit bonus. maxi took the account but cancelled the neteller transfer.

pretty shady business from both sides, but obv maxi is again the scammer if this is confirmed.
Furthermore Maxi tried to transfer 6k$ from SheldonFan's account, but he contacted support and they frozen his account.
Some of this 6k was from SheldonFan and the rest was part of another scam.
At the last skype cap Maxi admitted the scam.

Obvius scammer, is obvius!

Hello 2+2 BTW, sorry 4 my level of english
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
07-31-2012 , 11:06 PM
Im not a regular of this subforum i just wanted to post here cuz i meet Max a few months ago in skype and then facebook and came accros with this information and im shocked, im also surprise that this 3 accounts have not been banned at this point?
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by Potamito
Im not a regular of this subforum i just wanted to post here cuz i meet Max a few months ago in skype and then facebook and came accros with this information and im shocked, im also surprise that this 3 accounts have not been banned at this point?
He's been his own worst enemy, if he'd been banned, he wouldn't have had the opportunity to hang himself irrefutably with the forged chat log.

TBH I do see where you're coming from but I think it was a wise call on the admin's part.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 02:51 AM
I think Potamito makes a good point, and I banned the beats4you and maxitouch accounts. He can post on the one he created of his own name to resolve this issue here from now on.

I didn't notice the semi convo he had with himself on his 3 accounts, kind of weird, especially since everyone knew who he was at this point.

If somebody wants to format up some optimized cliffs and PM me with them, I can add them to the OP. I'm at the start of a move across the country and won't have time until at least next week, so I appreciate the help on making this thread easier to navigate and more effective at warning the community of potential future scams.

FWIW, a few of the recent issues where players stole funds of around 10k, those have actually been paid back, so I hold out hope for this one, though Maxi needs to own up to what he has done and just pay back the money he took, it wasn't his.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 03:14 AM
It's great that everyone pops in here to congratulate people on detective work, but at the end of the day OP still hasnt gotten HIS money.

Time to escalate IMO...
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 06:08 AM
someone post his address, come on
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 01:26 PM
what are the odds maxi willl be at his home in 2 weeks? obviously close to none considering youve already made your intentions clear. and noone's willing to post his adress in public, probably. i know i wouldnt.

pm it
Maxi Stochyk Duarte "Maxostoch" "Beats4You" stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 01:39 PM
Now Stochyk claims his identity was stolen:

Edit: Link changed ->

Last edited by I<3Poker; 08-01-2012 at 01:57 PM.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by I<3Poker
Now Stochyk claims his identity was stolen:
Better we paste the text here so his blogs doesnt gets views,better if edit the link imo,so nobody enters and we dont help him with the google.

La verdad sobre el problema de Maxi Stochyk
Publicado el 1 agosto, 2012
Hola a todos aqui voy a contar la verdad sobre los threads que se estan hablando en PokerStrategy y TwoplusTwo forums, Mi identidad fue suplantada por una persona cercana a mi que con un screenshoot de mi pasaporte acredito ser yo y asi cometio lo que se esta discutiendo en varios lugares.

Yo personalmente no tube nada que ver con eso espero que todo sea aclarado y si no me quedo tranquilo que lo aclaro aca yo.

Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 01:51 PM
ok ishipkq, after reading this please go ahead and smash his skull in
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 02:04 PM
It is a lie cause he talked to me through both facebook and skype about coaching. And he uploaded photos some of the days so it was definetly him.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by paddygo
It is a lie cause he talked to me through both facebook and skype about coaching. And he uploaded photos some of the days so it was definetly him.
not just that, he used to scam 2 years ago in other forums, so what he has his identity/facebook/skype/blog stolen for 2 years ? xD

hes an idiot
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 02:50 PM
Maybe OP should contact police? Its high time for this idiot to visit jail...
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 03:00 PM
Lol this guy is so screwed I almost feel sorry for him. Doubt that's worth the money he's scammed from everyone he could so far. Try going for millions next time buddy.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 03:07 PM
Maxi Stochyk Duarte added me on Skype in January asking for coaching, and I declined it.

On June 20, he contacted me and proposed to transfer 5.6k$ to a Pokerstars account and he would give me the money on Moneybookers plus a 3% commission. He told me he needed to have the money in Pokerstars because he was moving to Argentina and could not make a deposit. I accepted the deal and transferred $5,663 to the account "rastafari726" as he said.

The very next day he said he wanted to transfer money to another account because the account of "rastafari726" was not his. He said that he could only return the money to me and could not transfer directly to another account. So he made a transfer of $6,000 from "rastafari 726" to my account, and then told me to transfer the money to another account. He told me that account was someone who could cash out and give him his money directly in cash.

During the whole process at no time did I know that his real intention was to make a scam. I basically was used by Maxi as a middle-man to get his goal.

Currently my Pokerstars account is frozen and under investigation, and I responded by explaining the whole story and providing evidence such as all the Skype conversations that Maxi and I had.

I hope this is resolved as soon as possible so I can clear my name.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 03:12 PM
man this is getting worse and worse........
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by ishipkq
someone post his address, come on
Public posting of addresses is not allowed.
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by elpivesabe
Maxi Stochyk Duarte added me on Skype in January asking for coaching, and I declined it.

On June 20, he contacted me and proposed to transfer 5.6k$ to a Pokerstars account and he would give me the money on Moneybookers plus a 3% commission. He told me he needed to have the money in Pokerstars because he was moving to Argentina and could not make a deposit. I accepted the deal and transferred $5,663 to the account "rastafari726" as he said.

The very next day he said he wanted to transfer money to another account because the account of "rastafari726" was not his. He said that he could only return the money to me and could not transfer directly to another account. So he made a transfer of $6,000 from "rastafari 726" to my account, and then told me to transfer the money to another account. He told me that account was someone who could cash out and give him his money directly in cash.

During the whole process at no time did I know that his real intention was to make a scam. I basically was used by Maxi as a middle-man to get his goal.

Currently my Pokerstars account is frozen and under investigation, and I responded by explaining the whole story and providing evidence such as all the Skype conversations that Maxi and I had.

I hope this is resolved as soon as possible so I can clear my name.

What is the other account you had to send the 6000usd to?. Did you send it?? Are the 6kusd stuck in your under investigation account?
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
08-01-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by OhNoes!
What is the other account you had to send the 6000usd to?. Did you send it?? Are the 6kusd stuck in your under investigation account?
Yes I sent it, if I had access to my poker account I would take a screenshot of the transfer. But I can't access to my account right now
Maxi Stochyk Duarte &quot;Maxostoch&quot; &quot;Beats4You&quot; stole ,700 from me Quote
