River:(320, 2 players) A Hero checks, SB bets 370 and is all-in, Hero ?
oppo is a reg. His stats are cbet 55 on the flop (28/50) and 60 on the turn (6/10) (1/2 ont he river)
It looks like he likes to barrel. The river card makes his shove really polarized as this is a limped hand and makes it less likely he's got an A. would you ever have a % call here ? What if we have a heart card?
His line is polar but otoh we don't have Ax so I feel like maybe it's less polar than you think.
Having a heart would make me happier to call, having a straight blocker would make me happier to call, having Kx would make me happier to call I think...so I don't think I'd call this one much.
Yeah, I agree, we have a lot better hands to call, no need to call this, blockers are important here, Q2 would be much better, also I think not even all Kx calls down