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InstaGTO 2020.1 is HERE! InstaGTO 2020.1 is HERE!

04-14-2020 , 03:33 PM

InstaGTO 2020.1 is here!

Today, we are happy to announce the release of InstaGTO 2020.1. The new
InstGTO has intuitive testing, and many other new features and
improvements. Let us know how you like the new version and what you
would like to improve. The list of improvements edits and bug fixes is in the
update log.




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Update Log:

2020.1.0 BETA
New Situation Trainer interface ADDED
New Vs BOT Trainer interface ADDED
Bet colors by the gradient from lowest to highest (PioLike) (Settings -> Colors) ADDED
Variable Big Blind ranges in HUD's and graphs (Settings -> Big Blinds) ADDED
New view in HUD Frequency Difference and EV ADDED
New view in HUD Frequency Difference ADDED
New combination BDSD ADDED
New combination FD+GS ADDED
New combination GS+BDFD ADDED
New patterns manager interface ADDED
General EDITED
Opponent's actions are grayed and action colors are by the EV in hand replayers EDITED
The better color algorithm in HUD's EDITED
Login screen login by clicking enter EDITED
Solver cards picker disappear on click outside EDITED
Patterns picker EDITED
EV actions in the hand's table colored EDITED
Vs BOT crashing FIXED
HUD's are fluent and don't stick the software FIXED
Checked heroes and opponents don't stay when is finished importing FIXED
Clicking on add variable filters opens the window under the main window FIXED

2020.1.4 BETA
Actions in solver can be removed by [Esc] EDITED
Select betting colors between gradient and EDITED
EVs in hud are all positive values EDITED
PartyPoker doesn't show opponent hands FIXED

2020.1.10 RC
SLIGHT CHANGES: EV [bb/100] to [-bb/100] in entire software, some labels EDITED
Frequency and EV cell in the hud corrected player - gto EDITED
HUD's are displayed by format EDITED
Filters in the hud and hand history were hidden EDITED
EV hand sorting FIXED
Vs BOT crashing FIXED

Colors in color|ev hud FIXED
Open Duplicated hands ADDED
Radio buttons didn't stay when you click on other feature from menu FIXED
InstaGTO 2020.1 is HERE! Quote
04-18-2020 , 01:49 PM
2020.1.20 (04/18/20)
SBvsBB stats + new stats ADDED
Changes in patterns don't show immediately FIXED
Study Boards from Tests ADDED
Same sizings in row generated in tests FIXED
Texture patterns don't work in tests FIXED
Adding sizing row bugged FIXED
Open/close(go from the solver tab)/(go to the solver tab)open the same hand twice crashes FIXED
InstaGTO 2020.1 is HERE! Quote
04-28-2020 , 01:48 PM
Preflop sizings in the test sizings setting ADDED
Preferred Big Blind at each line in the test sizings setting ADDED
Postflop bets are in Big Blinds in the test sizings setting EDITED
Unlocked from Big Blind in the test sizings setting EDITED
Cannot run the exact Big Blind Range in the tests FIXED
InstaGTO crashes on rerun the test after the quit testing interface FIXED
InstaGTO 2020.1 is HERE! Quote
