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HUS&G n00b seeks direction HUS&G n00b seeks direction

01-25-2012 , 07:08 AM

I am McFold, professional HUS&G n00b. My plan is to take over the HUS&G world but I dont not what i am doing now.

Can some one point me in the right direction?

I am looking for a framework for study, I really want to learn the game inside out but donot know where I should be starting.

It's not like school where you have a textbook and it's all broken into chapters and chapter 1 is basic fundamentals, chapter 2 is a bit harder, and all the later chapters build on that and make you a master (or at least I think so, I didn't get that far).

When Ive been reading through well posts in the sticky alot of the guys say stuff like "oh this guy is good but he makes mistakes" which seems to imply that there is like a technically correct way to play the game in a lot of spots...and that's what I want to learn, but I don't even know where to get started

Are there any good books, posts, articles, etc that people can recommend?

As incentive, the person who recommends the best learning resource (imo) will get $1000 when* I make my first $100,000 playing HUS&G tournaments as a professional non-n00b. Ok, thankyou for listening

HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
01-25-2012 , 08:00 AM
Read stickies.

Get a membership to

Post lots of hands.

Get lots of contacts on skype.

Grind a lot.

If you make 100k look me up
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
01-25-2012 , 09:12 AM
spamz hand history reviews are the nuts for HUSNGs imo. Links are in this thread Lots of other good stuff there too
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
01-25-2012 , 10:39 AM
Pretty much what these two guys have said. Also, only play one table at a time while you're learning the game at the basics level. Don't learn a couple of things and think "oh now I can 3 table profitably" and jump into the deep end.
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
01-25-2012 , 11:36 AM
Thanks guys, looks good so far!

I've been doing some searching and seen theres a book my Colin Maoshman about the HEADS UP games.

Does anybody know if this is worth buying?
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
01-25-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by McFold
Does anybody know if this is worth buying?
YES! It's the textbook you're looking for. It's about a quarter short of $17. I've been playing heads-up on&off for years, but over the past 3 months I've gotten back into it with much more vigor. IE I manage my bankroll properly and haven't had to rebuy over the past 250 or so HUSNG tourney's. I'm actually up!

Anyways, I got the ebook last night from the 2+2 store. I'm already 56 pages into it. Just covering some fundamentals. 90% stuff I knew, 10% new so far. However, just reading it over has made me sharper. I handled a hyperagro villan fairly well in this morning's tourney.

For someone in your position, it's a must. If you're not experienced you could loose hundreds of dollars gaining the knowledge contained in Moshman's guide. Buy it...learn it, use it...MANAGE YOUR BANKROLL!!!!.. profit... most of all.... Enjoy this fabulous game.
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
01-25-2012 , 02:42 PM is the best.
and it has a free ebook
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
01-25-2012 , 04:32 PM
Feel free to add me on skype. (FuzzyBowls)

I would be happy to ask any questions you may come across along the way.

Other than that listen to what the others say above. Work on getting better not so much on making money. Play one table at a time, and take frequent breaks to review your hands.

Try and focus on situations that you will come across often and not spend too much time overlooking the tricky but very rare spots.

Try and understand why each move you make is to be made.

One step at a time. Good Luck.
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
02-01-2012 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by FuzzyBowls
Feel free to add me on skype. (FuzzyBowls)

I would be happy to ask any questions you may come across along the way.

Other than that listen to what the others say above. Work on getting better not so much on making money. Play one table at a time, and take frequent breaks to review your hands.

Try and focus on situations that you will come across often and not spend too much time overlooking the tricky but very rare spots.

Try and understand why each move you make is to be made.

One step at a time. Good Luck.

Thxs man this seems like really good advice. I think I will take you up on your offer to add on skype
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
02-01-2012 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by McFold
Does anybody know if this is worth buying?
Imo its not, when I started I read this book first and it was allmost usless for me, as you will start at low stakes.
Get standart husng membership, watch some basic videos, and play straightforward poker and when you can bet low stakes you will know what to do next.
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
02-01-2012 , 10:49 AM
Just read stickies here if you haven't, very good content. Before even starting playing I've gone through it and it helped a ton.

Then start with membership.

Then profit and voila!
HUS&G n00b seeks direction Quote
02-01-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by none888
Imo its not, when I started I read this book first and it was allmost usless for me, as you will start at low stakes.
Get standart husng membership, watch some basic videos, and play straightforward poker and when you can bet low stakes you will know what to do next.
I agree, I read Moshman's book when I started and was underwhelmed. It isn't bad or anything and if you like owning books go for it. After reading it, I just felt like everything I got out of it could have been covered in <10 pages. IMHO most effective learning tools for noobs in decending order of effectiveness:

- a standard HUSNG membership and watch a lot of vids
- read every HH posted here (and come up with your own answer before reading everyone else's)
- do the opposite of what Bunza says*
- read the e-book
- read Moshman's book

*If anyone needs proof of this ...
Bunza = pansexual = lost HU4ROLLZ
Mersenneary = allegedly asexual = authored the e-book
authoring the e-book >>> losing HU4ROLLZ. QED

Last edited by TheLusty; 02-01-2012 at 04:06 PM.
HUS&amp;G n00b seeks direction Quote
02-01-2012 , 05:57 PM
I would defintely advice:

1. Read Colin Moshman's book.
2. Then check out plenty of clips.
3. I'm no HUSNG monster i pretty much just play for fun. But from my experience there's quite a fine line between profit and loss in this variant. I believe a much finer line than any other poker variant i've played. So be prepared to be super nity in your analysis if you want to become a very good player. All those tiny decisions add up so much. I know i still have a tonne to learn.
HUS&amp;G n00b seeks direction Quote
02-01-2012 , 06:05 PM
it can also help to play vs other sng hu players and talk about the game in skype, so you can point out each others mistakes and leaks.
atm i take a break from poker but in 9 days we can play some, if u want
that lmk skype
HUS&amp;G n00b seeks direction Quote
