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07-25-2009 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by spamz0r
already bet with AoN as well; propbet is worth $1k, i need to play 2k games avg stake $500+ and he needs to play 1k games $100+ avg stake in august; if we both succeed we dont give any money obv

hopefully sharkscope tracks all games feel free to jump in with some conditions nathan
Yeah this is cool. I need motivation to get big volume in next month on FTP. And if everything works out, 500s here i come in September

Run gd 1 time!
07-25-2009 , 09:27 PM
Firstly, would like to thank for the luck and supported secondly..

Originally Posted by AutumnSolace
Soon going to be under rolled for the $5's...

Someone post their graph so I can see that winning is possible.
I'm trying so hard to win... recording/watching sessions, watching husng videos, going through the HH, and still losing 8-10 in a row. This doesn't even make any sense to me.

I'm two seconds from cutting off my penis.
you can see my thread in the marketplace staking forum if you are having bankroll difficulties. I would love to take an application from someone who sounds like they are motivated to win.
07-25-2009 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by spamz0r
ROFL, you Spammy
07-25-2009 , 09:31 PM
Smamz0r... good luck on 2k games. I don't think I have ever played over 600.. The action has been slow lately 550-1k when Ive been on are you planning to sit on some regs to win your prop bet..
07-25-2009 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by CutchaLosses
Smamz0r... good luck on 2k games. I don't think I have ever played over 600.. The action has been slow lately 550-1k when Ive been on are you planning to sit on some regs to win your prop bet..
if i have to, ill see how things go after first week imo
i play vs most regs fwiw, some exceptions like you and wag dodge i guess; livb, da_pro, bigred, trader, etc sit me a decent percentage of the time, i sit back sometimes as well, i dont mind playing them for some games fwiw, even if my edge is breakeven at best lol even sit $1ks vs them if they ask im feeling stupid now haha but whatever i feel playing the best from time to time is best way to improve a lot
07-25-2009 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Brilliant27
My thoughts on moving down is this: I feel if it is working for you than thats cool. But, when I have downswings, I usually stick it out at the same level cause I usually have a big upswing after the downswing, and Id rather it be at the same stakes to recoup some of my losses from the downswings. Like the other day, I was 1-6, my worst downswing since June 26th, and then I took a 20 minutes break, got my head straight, won 7 in a row and finished up for the day. I don't ever think Ive lost 9 out of 10 games, cause I single table, take a 10-20 minutes break after EVERY loss, and focus entirely on each opponent and each game with no distractions, but if I were to lose 9 out of 10 in the future, I would simply relax, do my same routine, stay at the 100s and likely win like 7 of my next 8 or something good like that. But again, if moving down during a downswing works for you, def keep doing it. Everybody has their own strategies and stuff. Just giving my two cents.

Hey all, just got back from a long day out, so tired, and am surprised at all the posts reacting to my above post! I feel like I'm working on volume, trying to play at least 10 games a day, 25 days a month now, for 250 games a month. At the $100 and a 20% roi, thats $5,000 a month before rakeback. Even if I average 18% roi I'll still be averaging approx $5k a month at this low volume rate, and I am pretty happy with this, considering I used to clear $2,100 a month as an accountant. Plus, as ChicagoRy stated, by the end of August or maybe mid September, I think Ill have enough cash built up and enough confidence to move to the $200s on full tilt. Now i dont know what roi Ill be able to sustain at the $200s, but hopefully I can sustain a 12-13% roi at that level????? Thoughts on this would be appreciated from like Dopey, Spam, TakeMeOnaCruise, Sejje, Chicago, Prim, AllorNothing, Nathan, etc, or anyone I missed who plays or has played at this level b4. idk, guess ill find out in the fall. And yes, maybe by november or december i can move to the 500s, but thats not even on my mind as of now, i want to focus on beating the 100s now, 1 game at a time, and eventually move to the 200s.

As far as the volume goes, I'm working on it and its def a leak as sejje posted. I wanna get to the point where I can play maybe 15 games each night, and I feel like I can do that. Like last night for example, I started 6-3 at the 100s on ft, was up $255, but KEPT PLAYING and won 3 out of the next 4 and ended the night 9-4 up $435. So I made an extra $180 by not just stopping and saying "hey I'm up $255 maybe I should just stop for the night". So I'm def working on volume issues, and I gotta realize that the more volume I put in each night, the more money Ill be making long term.

On another note, regarding the break after each match, I do it for several reasons. Number one is to give my eyes a rest after each match, stretch my back (have a bad back....bought a $900 leather chair in April but my back is still bad, my legs get tight, I might go see a doctor soon, maybe I have a herniated disc? idk). Second, I'm preparing myself for the next level, specifically the $200 where each match will mean more financially to me. And some day the $500 level, where each match could mean a 4 day vacation for me lol, im just not ready for the emotional swings of them yet obv. Anyways, I do RARELY accept rematches from big -roi fish after a WIN, thus violating my break after each match rule. But it has to be an awful fish and I have to have won the match and everything has to be right. Never ever ever do I rematch anyone after a loss, I take a break 100% of the time. I understand from some of your posts that some of you think I'm nitty for doing this or nuts or whatever lol, but hey, its just my routine, and its working for me the way I need and want it to. I'm not typing this out saying "this is the correct way things should be done", Im simply telling you my routine and stuff and telling it how it is. Nobody has to follow what I do, but just giving my thoughts. If anyone who reads this forum, maybe beginners or whatever wanna try my routines, go for it! If not, thats kool, you can call me an idiot or whatever lol but I really dont mind what people think. I'm just giving insight into how I do things.

Alright any questions about anything let me know, I'd be happy to answer anything. Good luck at the tables all! . Have a great night!

Last edited by Brilliant27; 07-25-2009 at 09:47 PM.
07-25-2009 , 09:41 PM
im not afraid of not getting any action though, always guys online like blueguy#### or pot odds which accept rematches most of the time because they think their edge on my is huge...

pot odds example:

Full Tilt Poker $1,100 + $30 Heads Up No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 2 players - View hand 200080
The Official Hand History Converter

Hero (BTN/SB): t1545 M = 34.33
Pot Odds 3 (BB): t1455 M = 32.33

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is BTN/SB with K J
Hero raises to t60, Pot Odds 3 raises to t210, Hero calls t150

Flop: (t420) 8 8 J (2 players)
Pot Odds 3 bets t390, Hero raises to t1335 all in, Pot Odds 3 calls t855 all in

Turn: (t2910) Q (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t2910) 6 (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t2910
Hero shows K J (two pair, Jacks and Eights)
Pot Odds 3 shows 5 K (a pair of Eights)
Hero wins t2910
07-25-2009 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by LiarsDice
So Matt, aka papelbon2007 on Cake and xcmatt79 on FTP, scammed me of $600 on Cake. This doesn't include the approximately $500 that was confiscated from an online poker account.

I knew him for more than a year prior to this happening (through Cake). I knew he was cocky, arrogant and full of himself but my philosophy with regulars was to treat them with respect until they **** on me personally because many times emotions rise (its poker) and things get blown out of context, thus stories are not always accurate about players. Well my day came but I was naive and didn't heed the warnings of multiple, respectable people.

He asks me one day if i'm interested in helping him move $600 from Golden Arch Poker (on the Carbon Poker network) because he needed the money for reasons I did not inquire about. It is probably worth noting that shortly after being scammed by him I was told by someone who knew him that he had some type of car accident and was short on money. So anyways we go to the Carbon Poker network and we make it look legitimate by helping him chip dump $600 at a table (no xfer feature). I normally never chip dump because I don't like jeopardizing any account but at the time I did it because it wasn't a large sum of money plus the fact that I thought I could trust a regular player I decided to help him out. I then proceeded to xfer the funds on Cake where he could make a speedy withdrawal.

Fast forward one day and one angry email from the Golden Arch Poker Management informing me that both his account as well as my account were locked and being investigated. He informs me that he strongly believes Mr. Papelbon chip dumped me funds given to him for sponsorship on the site and that in a few days he would have a ruling after further review. For those that don't understand how it works, GAP (Golden Arch Poker) gives qualified persons money to help boost traffic on the site. This money is to be used for specified games and to NEVER be withdrawn. Anything over X dollar amount given to him is his to keep and eligible for withdrawal. Thus, it is obvious that Matt knew the only way to essentially steal the backers (GAP) money would be to find some sucker to help him move it to another site.

The email blew me away. I contact Matt on AIM about it and he tells me to wait it out. I say fine I wait another 2-3 days and sure enough the Manager informs me that both accounts are locked and all funds are confiscated. Once Matt finds out about it he does a disappearing act. He blocks me on AIM and ignores my chat on the rail at his tables. Since we know he only plays one table at a time and loves for any player to start an altercation with him, i'm virtually positive he knows i'm trying to get his attention on the rail.

A few more days pass and I finally ask a third party who is friends / a regular himself in the hu sng world what I should do. He says he has his cell number and proceeds to contact Matt while telling me that he believes he will pay because in his mind its the obv right thing to do. Well Matt answers the phone, converses with him for a minute about life, his new girlfriend etc. Suddenly he has to get off the phone when he is asked why he is avoiding me and told i'm trying to contact him. He says he will call back the third party later that night. He doesn't call back. He avoids further phone calls...see where this is going?

I then contact his brother on AIM and inform him of the issue. He didn't know much about it until I told him and he says he'll call his brother. At this point finally Matt contacts me on AIM briefly telling me he isn't paying me back anything because of the way I acted by "harrassing" him over the money. I politely inform him that he knew about this all along and engaged in the money swap knowing fully well that he was chip dumping money watched over by the poker that was never his. What it boils down to is he chip dumped staked money (where he gets 100% profits) for money on another site all while conveniently not informing me of it because I would obviously never do the transaction with him.

Oh yes, and about a month after the scam he gets on the rail of my table telling me that he filed a police report on myself and another player for saying we were going to find him and physically hurt him. I honestly think the guy has a mental disorder and / or severe problems. Perhaps a narcissist and.. ??

Since the issue i've known of many instances where I have chatted with other regulars and many lies began to emerge about most of his stories. He is better making smooth lies about himself and relevant situations than he is at playing poker.

I initially wasn't going to even make a post on 2p2 or any forum about him because I didn't think he used them. Hopefully this serves as a warning to anyone who has considered any monetary or business-related transactions with him. Stupid me for trying to network and help other regs out since I was taught at a young age that you don't **** were you eat. I learned my lesson though and at the same time I think it is worth noting that most regular, winning players in the hu sng world are good people with ethics that I would help out any day.

Karma is a bitch Matt, you'll get yours.
sounds like a huge douche
07-25-2009 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by Brilliant27

Hey all, just got back from a long day out, so tired, and am surprised at all the posts reacting to my above post! I feel like I'm working on volume, trying to play at least 10 games a day, 25 days a month now, for 250 games a month. At the $100 and a 20% roi, thats $5,000 a month before rakeback. Even if I average 18% roi I'll still be averaging approx $5k a month at this low volume rate, and I am pretty happy with this, considering I used to clear $2,100 a month as an accountant. Plus, as ChicagoRy stated, by the end of August or maybe mid September, I think Ill have enough cash built up and enough confidence to move to the $200s on full tilt. Now i dont know what roi Ill be able to sustain at the $200s, but hopefully I can sustain a 12-13% roi at that level????? Thoughts on this would be appreciated from like Dopey, Spam, TakeMeOnaCruise, Sejje, Chicago, Prim, AllorNothing, Nathan, etc, or anyone I missed who plays or has played at this level b4. idk, guess ill find out in the fall. And yes, maybe by november or december i can move to the 500s, but thats not even on my mind as of now, i want to focus on beating the 100s now, 1 game at a time, and eventually move to the 200s.

As far as the volume goes, I'm working on it and its def a leak as sejje posted. I wanna get to the point where I can play maybe 15 games each night, and I feel like I can do that. Like last night for example, I started 6-3 at the 100s on ft, was up $255, but KEPT PLAYING and won 3 out of the next 4 and ended the night 9-4 up $435. So I made an extra $180 by not just stopping and saying "hey I'm up $255 maybe I should just stop for the night". So I'm def working on volume issues, and I gotta realize that the more volume I put in each night, the more money Ill be making long term.

On another note, regarding the break after each match, I do it for several reasons. Number one is to give my eyes a rest after each match, stretch my back (have a bad back....bought a $900 leather chair in April but my back is still bad, my legs get tight, I might go see a doctor soon, maybe I have a herniated disc? idk). Second, I'm preparing myself for the next level, specifically the $200 where each match will mean more financially to me. And some day the $500 level, where each match could mean a 4 day vacation for me lol, im just not ready for the emotional swings of them yet obv. Anyways, I do RARELY accept rematches from big -roi fish after a WIN, thus violating my break after each match rule. But it has to be an awful fish and I have to have won the match and everything has to be right. Never ever ever do I rematch anyone after a loss, I take a break 100% of the time. I understand from some of your posts that some of you think I'm nitty for doing this or nuts or whatever lol, but hey, its just my routine, and its working for me the way I need and want it to. I'm not typing this out saying "this is the correct way things should be done", Im simply telling you my routine and stuff and telling it how it is. Nobody has to follow what I do, but just giving my thoughts. If anyone who reads this forum, maybe beginners or whatever wanna try my routines, go for it! If not, thats kool, you can call me an idiot or whatever lol but I really dont mind what people think. I'm just giving insight into how I do things.

Alright any questions about anything let me know, I'd be happy to answer anything. Good luck at the tables all! . Have a great night!
07-25-2009 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Brilliant27

Hey all, just got back from a long day out, so tired, and am surprised at all the posts reacting to my above post! I feel like I'm working on volume, trying to play at least 10 games a day, 25 days a month now, for 250 games a month. At the $100 and a 20% roi, thats $5,000 a month before rakeback. Even if I average 18% roi I'll still be averaging approx $5k a month at this low volume rate, and I am pretty happy with this, considering I used to clear $2,100 a month as an accountant. Plus, as ChicagoRy stated, by the end of August or maybe mid September, I think Ill have enough cash built up and enough confidence to move to the $200s on full tilt. Now i dont know what roi Ill be able to sustain at the $200s, but hopefully I can sustain a 12-13% roi at that level????? Thoughts on this would be appreciated from like Dopey, Spam, TakeMeOnaCruise, Sejje, Chicago, Prim, AllorNothing, Nathan, etc, or anyone I missed who plays or has played at this level b4. idk, guess ill find out in the fall. And yes, maybe by november or december i can move to the 500s, but thats not even on my mind as of now, i want to focus on beating the 100s now, 1 game at a time, and eventually move to the 200s.

tbh mate i really dont think 20% or 18% at worst is sustainable. Maybe im wrong because i dont really know your game but i know/talk to some very good players who i have a ton of respect for (players who i consider the best at $100+), and most of us have an ROI in to 7-9% range.
07-25-2009 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Croix
sounds like a huge douche
+1, sh*tty situation LD - I know you're a very respectable and respectful person and for someone to take advantage for 600$ is just BS / petty scheming and he WILL definitely have karma coming his way..

Gl tho.
07-25-2009 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by paulgees822
yes i am a nit lol, def
07-25-2009 , 10:12 PM
It's funny that he posts that 100k or whatever graph everywhere but he's so desperate that he has to steal 600 from somebody.

Or he's like Crounder and can't stand giving anybody anything once he has it, even if it isn't their's. I'm not sure what that is called, but it is so ****ing annoying when people do it. ITS NOT YOUR MONEY YOU ARE NOT LOSING ANYTHING BY GIVING IT TO THE PERSON WHO IS OWED IT! /end rant and frustration with these types....
07-25-2009 , 10:16 PM
brill im adopting your strategy as i am a tiltaholic.

never accepting a rematch after a loss.
and waiting 10 minutes after a loss.

now if i could just get the 2 xbox's and tv's out of my room so my little brother and his friends can't destract the **** out of me while i try to grind on a saturday night.
07-25-2009 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by mjw006
tbh mate i really dont think 20% or 18% at worst is sustainable. Maybe im wrong because i dont really know your game but i know/talk to some very good players who i have a ton of respect for (players who i consider the best at $100+), and most of us have an ROI in to 7-9% range.
mjw, i understand what your point and have heard it from so many others that I can't sustain this high an roi or whatever, and I actually agree, but the thing is, im waiting for it too happen and it never does (not that i want my roi to drop lol).

Here are my results, not doing this to brag, just doing this to get some insight from you and others now that u bring up the sustainability point.
$20 hu: 1007 games 23% roi $4,813 profit
$30 hu: 683 games 15% roi $3,326 profit
$50 hu: 688 games 22% roi $7,880 profit
$80 hu: 8 games 43% roi $288 profit
$100 hu: 235 games 20% roi $4,925 profit

Over 2,860 games sharkscoped career with a combined career roi of 20%.

Now I'm not doing this to brag, thats not my intention whatsoever, I really dont care what people think, I just am posting to get honest analysis and feedback. Like, with almost 3k games under my belt, cant i be pretty sure that I should be able to average at least a 15% roi at the $100 level. Just wonderin, and wonderin what itll be at the 200s in the future. I guess the real only way to find out is to log wayyyy more games at the 100 level and eventually 1k games at the 200 level and see for myself.

Again, I dont wanna come off as a douche or a bragger, cause i aint like that. I hope everyone can win as much as possible in hu and i wanna try to help all of us on twoplustwo better iin hu. I just like feedback and enjoy your guys thoughts.
07-25-2009 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by Royle Bluntson
brill im adopting your strategy as i am a tiltaholic.

never accepting a rematch after a loss.
and waiting 10 minutes after a loss.

now if i could just get the 2 xbox's and tv's out of my room so my little brother and his friends can't destract the **** out of me while i try to grind on a saturday night.
niceeeee, glad i got a follower! Hope it works for you, i guarantee u tilt less, 100% positive, never accept rematch after a loss and i guarantee ull make more long term profit because of the tilt factor and not playing ur A game after a loss. Thats what im trying to do, help people out, i want us all to improve our games!!!
07-25-2009 , 10:28 PM
rock on man..I also average 3 games per day too!
07-25-2009 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by Royle Bluntson
rock on man..I also average 3 games per day too!
lol, im thinking of playing 1 game per day, 30 days per month, thus ill have a 24 hour break after every loss LOL, lol just kidding
07-25-2009 , 10:32 PM
Forget the 50s and lower tbh. I played some 50s the other day and i felt like god

You'll find out your true ROI once you get a good sample at 100s. After i played you, you told me you don't like playing regs so asked me not to sit. So i'm guessing 99% of your games is vs fish. If your only putting in tiny volume but with a lot of quality, then a high roi% is possible ofc. But a lot of regs could do the same, but most choose not too. The game is about making $, we aren't here to try and get a massive roi, we want a massive bank balance

For 100+ games, i've got 13%roi. But i've 2 tabled a fair bit and i sit a ton of regs at 100/200s. So a high roi is def possible, but i think in the long-run, you should try and increase your volume, even if your roi drops, you'll make more $. 20%roi is def not sustainable at 100+ in the long-run, imo.

Another thing is, if you move up to 200s, regs will sit you, and you'll have to change your style completely, IMO.

GL with it :P
07-25-2009 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Brilliant27

Hey all, just got back from a long day out, so tired, and am surprised at all the posts reacting to my above post! I feel like I'm working on volume, trying to play at least 10 games a day, 25 days a month now, for 250 games a month. At the $100 and a 20% roi, thats $5,000 a month before rakeback. Even if I average 18% roi I'll still be averaging approx $5k a month at this low volume rate, and I am pretty happy with this, considering I used to clear $2,100 a month as an accountant. Plus, as ChicagoRy stated, by the end of August or maybe mid September, I think Ill have enough cash built up and enough confidence to move to the $200s on full tilt. Now i dont know what roi Ill be able to sustain at the $200s, but hopefully I can sustain a 12-13% roi at that level????? Thoughts on this would be appreciated from like Dopey, Spam, TakeMeOnaCruise, Sejje, Chicago, Prim, AllorNothing, Nathan, etc, or anyone I missed who plays or has played at this level b4. idk, guess ill find out in the fall. And yes, maybe by november or december i can move to the 500s, but thats not even on my mind as of now, i want to focus on beating the 100s now, 1 game at a time, and eventually move to the 200s.

As far as the volume goes, I'm working on it and its def a leak as sejje posted. I wanna get to the point where I can play maybe 15 games each night, and I feel like I can do that. Like last night for example, I started 6-3 at the 100s on ft, was up $255, but KEPT PLAYING and won 3 out of the next 4 and ended the night 9-4 up $435. So I made an extra $180 by not just stopping and saying "hey I'm up $255 maybe I should just stop for the night". So I'm def working on volume issues, and I gotta realize that the more volume I put in each night, the more money Ill be making long term.

On another note, regarding the break after each match, I do it for several reasons. Number one is to give my eyes a rest after each match, stretch my back (have a bad back....bought a $900 leather chair in April but my back is still bad, my legs get tight, I might go see a doctor soon, maybe I have a herniated disc? idk). Second, I'm preparing myself for the next level, specifically the $200 where each match will mean more financially to me. And some day the $500 level, where each match could mean a 4 day vacation for me lol, im just not ready for the emotional swings of them yet obv. Anyways, I do RARELY accept rematches from big -roi fish after a WIN, thus violating my break after each match rule. But it has to be an awful fish and I have to have won the match and everything has to be right. Never ever ever do I rematch anyone after a loss, I take a break 100% of the time. I understand from some of your posts that some of you think I'm nitty for doing this or nuts or whatever lol, but hey, its just my routine, and its working for me the way I need and want it to. I'm not typing this out saying "this is the correct way things should be done", Im simply telling you my routine and stuff and telling it how it is. Nobody has to follow what I do, but just giving my thoughts. If anyone who reads this forum, maybe beginners or whatever wanna try my routines, go for it! If not, thats kool, you can call me an idiot or whatever lol but I really dont mind what people think. I'm just giving insight into how I do things.

Alright any questions about anything let me know, I'd be happy to answer anything. Good luck at the tables all! . Have a great night!
Playing within your comfort zone is definitely crucial to being able to play your "A" game. If it works for you then there is no need to worry about people calling you an idiot.

I can't help but get the feeling though that you're looking at the money you make from a game by game or day by day basis with a microscope. The volume thing isn't what concerns me, I feel that due to low volume you're analyzing your stats and money made and lost too much, causing yourself to become more emotional over situations where for example if you were multi tabling you wouldn't worry about it.
07-25-2009 , 10:36 PM
I think it's far more important to learn how to put in volume than to adopt crippling strategies like no-rematch auto-timeout periods unless you absolutely can't control yourself. These are last resorts to stop a disease you can't control and not something to strive towards.

Brilliant - I hope you prove me wrong, but I don't think you have nearly enough of a $80s/$100s sample to extrapolate from. If you're up for a friendly prop bet, I'll put some amount down on you managing less than 16% over your next 500 games.
07-25-2009 , 10:38 PM
totally agree with both of u, thanks for the feedback, i appreciate it
07-25-2009 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by mersenneary
I think it's far more important to learn how to put in volume than to adopt crippling strategies like no-rematch auto-timeout periods unless you absolutely can't control yourself. These are last resorts to stop a disease you can't control and not something to strive towards.

Brilliant - I hope you prove me wrong, but I don't think you have nearly enough of a $80s/$100s sample to extrapolate from. If you're up for a friendly prop bet, I'll put some amount down on you managing less than 16% over your next 500 games.
i agree with you mers, but like i said, im not in it for ego or anything, im just in it for the pure not bringing this up to be arrogant, i truly would like all your opinions......and you guys def give good analysis of my situation, which i like for sureee, i just wanna get better, improve, etc etc.....

merse i dont wanna do the prop bet only because i might move to the 200s late aug or september if everything goes to plan, so i 100% wont get in 500 games at the $100 level by then....also, im not a fan of prop bets, just another thing id be overanalyzing too much lolol
07-25-2009 , 10:48 PM
Why do you jokers care how many games brilliant plays? from where im standing it looks like he is able to earn twice as much money in half the time as you fools are.

so go ahead and play 1000 games a month and be miserable but dont hate on a guy who plays 500 games and makes the same as you.
07-25-2009 , 10:48 PM
Make it the next 200 games then for $200, short and sweet? After all, it's just another +EV wager for you if your analysis is correct.

I do, of course, wish you the best of luck. I just urge you, that if your true ROI is indeed that high, you're lighting money on fire by not learning how to be a little tougher and putting more volume in.
