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02-09-2012 , 09:30 AM
Im so frustrated and tired. I should take a break but i try to reach supernova elite...
02-09-2012 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by glockdiesel
I'm talking about our military over in Afghanistan. You have no idea what you are talking about. Things over there have calmed down a lot. It's due to our guys and what they have done there. My old unit just came back the day after Christmas and didn't lose a single guy. The battallion previous to them lost many men. You guys watch the news to much and are misled as to the situation over there.
Do you suggest that we should try to not keep abreast on current events? Do you dispute that 2011 was the worst year of the occupation regarding death? If things are indeed more calm there than a previous time, then what is the previous time to which you refer and what was the source of that prior lack of calm?
02-09-2012 , 09:31 AM
@card paladin: you seem to be depressed
02-09-2012 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by quinn132
Well as long as the American troops are safe thats all that matters i guess.
I disagree. Civilian safety matters as well.
02-09-2012 , 09:37 AM
Happy birthday Bob, you're a legend!
02-09-2012 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by bbq
US >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iran

Military budget of the United States, budget breakdown for 2012:
Total Spending $1.030–$1.415 trillion

hahaha wtf are you guys talking about... Iran beating US what a joke... $1.030–$1.415 trillion get the **** outa here. That's a ****ing million millions how the **** is it even possible. gl hf Iran, I hope you have your caves ready because when the US starts bombing you, you're (literally) gonna have to run for the hills

If it ever comes to a war I wanna bet on the US that's for sure :P


this excitement about a possible war is pretty disgusting, war is not fun, people get killed and bodybags and sent home.
sure usa would ''win'' but iran is an innocent country that has no history of attacking anyone, thats like beating the **** out of a 9yo girl with a baseball bat
02-09-2012 , 09:39 AM
idk about Iran, but Iraq is a lot less bad than it's made out to seem. I'm not pro war by any means, nor am I claiming that America made a correct decision to attack based on proper principles, but Saddam Hussein was actually someone who needed to be displaced, and it's debatable if that would happen without a) outside intervention b) a lot of civilian deaths.

Is Iraq better off because of invasion? I don't know, but it's at least a debatable point, and it's important to note, regardless of how badly the American government had handled the situation, that it's possible that it actually did a "good" thing for Iraq in the long run. You can't just say oh American troops died and oh civilians died, and then surmise that it was a bad idea.

And I say this having seen some atrocious things that have happened there.
02-09-2012 , 09:40 AM
I'm not sure about Iran being an innocent country... it's got very problematic politics at the very least. Are we being trolled?
02-09-2012 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by KarlizL
this excitement about a possible war is pretty disgusting, war is not fun, people get killed and bodybags and sent home.
sure usa would ''win'' but iran is an innocent country that has no history of attacking anyone, thats like beating the **** out of a 9yo girl with a baseball bat
you misunderstood my post. I'm definitely not excited for or rooting for a war. I was just saying that IF there's a war, the US is gonna win.

I really hope there won't be one obv. It only leads to suffering for everyone, and I think it would even hurt the US in the long run. Spending billions on wars when your nation is deep in debt sounds like a terrible idea to me.

gogo Ron Paul?
02-09-2012 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
I'm not sure about Iran being an innocent country... it's got very problematic politics at the very least. Are we being trolled?
sure it has a lot of problems, but Iran has no history of attacking anyone
02-09-2012 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Barbra Streisand
@card paladin: you seem to be depressed
Sometimes i am but now im just tired. Its normal that im tired so often because im grinding 120-160 hours in every month(january 166 hours) and studying same time

Only thing why i get depressed sometimes is type 1 diabetes.

Its not going very well in february...Started grinding 60-200$ hypers when i was 7,5k down...

Im still awesome
02-09-2012 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by Sol Reader
idk about Iran, but Iraq is a lot less bad than it's made out to seem. I'm not pro war by any means, nor am I claiming that America made a correct decision to attack based on proper principles, but Saddam Hussein was actually someone who needed to be displaced, and it's debatable if that would happen without a) outside intervention b) a lot of civilian deaths.

Is Iraq better off because of invasion? I don't know, but it's at least a debatable point, and it's important to note, regardless of how badly the American government had handled the situation, that it's possible that it actually did a "good" thing for Iraq in the long run. You can't just say oh American troops died and oh civilians died, and then surmise that it was a bad idea.

And I say this having seen some atrocious things that have happened there.
No offence you are obviously entitled to your opinions, however arab public opinion has infinitly more weight than yours concerning matters in the middle east. These wars have no support from muslims the world over. When you arent getting support from the very people you are supposed to be fighting for, well, its problem imo.

Last edited by quinn132; 02-09-2012 at 10:24 AM.
02-09-2012 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by quinn132
Well as long as the American troops are safe thats all that matters i guess.

I dont know why you guys are arguing whether the US has the military capability to go to war with Iran. I mean i have the capability to go next door and stab my neighbour. This doesnt change the fact that doing so is not in my long term best interests.
well put sir

@ card paladin, nobody cares about your whines after you admitted to tilt spewing cash and sitting a bunch of regs. Basically just never complain unless u got good graphs or hh to show - you will just be trolled
02-09-2012 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by bbq
US >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iran

Military budget of the United States, budget breakdown for 2012:
Total Spending $1.030–$1.415 trillion

hahaha wtf are you guys talking about... Iran beating US what a joke... $1.030–$1.415 trillion get the **** outa here. That's a ****ing million millions how the **** is it even possible. gl hf Iran, I hope you have your caves ready because when the US starts bombing you, you're (literally) gonna have to run for the hills

If it ever comes to a war I wanna bet on the US that's for sure :P

Again, you guys are thinking with your emotions, not rationally. The point is not that Iran is superior to the US, of course not, they're a 3rd world country. If US and Iran faced in the desert, US would destroy Iran easily. For the last time (this is for you, dhcg etc.), my point is that the US can NOT conquer Iran. If they could have, Reagan would have attacked back in the 80's when Iran crossed the line. Iran knows this full-well. 86 million people, mountainous terrain, no way. ALSO, Iran is backed by China. That's right, China. There is absolutely no ****in way the US is going into Iran without this becoming a global event.

If the US wants to invade, Syria is a good candidate. They'd be easy (Syrians wouldn't even resist very much). But certain countries are out of the question and Iran is one of them. If you still don't believe me, go read. Your own government knows all this. I'm out.

Originally Posted by NicholasJ
1. 2011 was the most violent year (in civilian deaths) of the Afghan occupation. Things are in no way under control

2. Regardless of military strength (the US military is the strongest in the world), it would not be advantageous for the US to attack Iran. What would be the purpose? What would victory look like? Iran controls the Strait of Hormuz. Closing that could ruin the global economy. Also, aggression against Iran would likely prompt China (and Russia) to act.
This. The US would **** up their economy and bring in China (and perhaps Russia) if they ever tried. I will bet my life they will NEVER even think of attacking Iran.
02-09-2012 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by bbq
you misunderstood my post. I'm definitely not excited for or rooting for a war. I was just saying that IF there's a war, the US is gonna win.

I really hope there won't be one obv. It only leads to suffering for everyone, and I think it would even hurt the US in the long run. Spending billions on wars when your nation is deep in debt sounds like a terrible idea to me.

gogo Ron Paul?
you disgust me, im speechless
02-09-2012 , 12:33 PM
Bunza has to be right on this. Invading a country is about a lot less than who has bigger/better armies. Nobody is saying America doesn't have the lead there. Remember Korea/Vietnam?

I'm mostly of the opinion that BBQ is trolling.

Obviously what the people in Iraq think and feel bears a lot more weight than what I think. What I am saying is that what they really think or would think is not clear. The truth, as always, will not out. I don't actually have a strong opinion either way, but it seems clear to me that it is, well, not clear, and it's a bit simplistic to say take any dramatic side as a given because there's just so much we can't know. Propaganda is powerful, and so is ignorance and stupidity that can mislead us when all we have are indirect sources of information.

In things I don't know I generally just take a more passive "idk" standpoint, and yeah, it's a bit weak, but it's usually the best way I think.
02-09-2012 , 12:38 PM
Today's husng forum: "USA's new war #73, a potential no-go?"

Tune in tomorrow for: "Abortions, save a life or make use of that coat hangar?"
02-09-2012 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by glockdiesel
I'm talking about our military over in Afghanistan. You have no idea what you are talking about. Things over there have calmed down a lot. It's due to our guys and what they have done there. My old unit just came back the day after Christmas and didn't lose a single guy. The battallion previous to them lost many men. You guys watch the news to much and are misled as to the situation over there.
We here in Canada also went to war in Afghanistan btw. I personally did not go but we also lost men there, in support of our friends the Americans. I am not talking out of my ass, I'm not basing anything on the news, and I could get very passionate about this war and rightfully so as I have the right to do so as a former Naval Officer. I am speaking as a person who fought on YOUR side, alongside Americans, and what I'm saying is based on every military intelligence ever reported.

The US AND Canada has done more incredible things in Afghanistan than anyone could think possible yet there are still issues, there is still resistance. The nightmare will be 100X worse in Iran. Peace, soldier.
02-09-2012 , 12:41 PM
People are always more concerned about their own people, or people who are like their own people.

Anti-war sentiments before death tolls began to tally and costs rocket, then compare it to after.


It's like people crying about 9/11 and making jokes about the tsunami, and so on and so forth. It's not an American thing, even if it's very prominently shown (mostly due to American domination of media), I see it all the time in Chinese culture, it's pretty sickening.

I'm a bit extreme though. After all, I'm the guy who thinks cancer charities and the focus on it in media are a classist. Like look at this: Aids vs Cancer. It's not even close which one is a bigger deal.

I know people with cancer, have family who've died to cancer, and I'm not saying it's not a horrible thing, but call me cold hearted or whatever, but you can't call me a hypocrite, because I'm not going to change my mind even if I get cancer or if someone I care about does.
02-09-2012 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Barbra Streisand
you disgust me, im speechless
what are you talking about?
02-09-2012 , 12:51 PM
Unrelated fact, since I just remembered how Malaria has killed the most people in the world, and is still not properly stopped in some situations, anyway

My gf's father had at one point gotten Malaria. Instead of going to a hospital like a sane person, he just sucked it up and stayed in his house for 2 weeks, then it's like, k np. moving on.

Baller or what?
02-09-2012 , 01:03 PM
no, more like dumb imo

and @bbq: how can you not see why im disgusted?
it seems like youre too ignorant to neglect the fact that your main concern about going to war is money. **** that.
maybe its just because of your poor phrasing, but how can money even cross your mind?
02-09-2012 , 01:10 PM
I was making the perfectly reasonable argument that they shouldn't go to war because I think it would hurt them in the long run.

If that disgusts you then rofl @ you
02-09-2012 , 01:12 PM
Meh... I'm living with 3 Iraqis (here studying English for 1 year, and then Masters in Law/Politics etc) atm, and based on my small (maybe biased) sample size it seems that almost all Iraqis wanted (perhaps prefered is a better word) Sadam to be removed.

However, imo to MOST Iraqis, the fact that they were living under a dictator didn't bother them at all as they weren't persecuted by the regime, or faced any unfair treatment, apart from the daily crappy propaganda songs/programmes that they have to watch/participate in. So yeah, they wanted Sadam removed, but the feeling of invasion and occupation by American soldiers (and obv there were mistreatment of civillians, probably even some isolated incidents of raping and pillaging) would dramatically shift the resentment against America. And obviously muslims/arabs the world over are going to be against America too if they've never experienced what Sadam did to SOME of his people.

Fwiw- the 3 Iraqis I know are Kurds, and have known friends/family who were gased by Sadam in the 80s- and from what they tell me, Northern Iraq (Kurdistan) is trying to become independent of the Bagdad government now. And they can't thank the Americans enough for what they've done.

But yeah- maybe it's the fact that they are educated, but they know that America invaded Iraq mainly for it's own interests and don't buy the s**t about removing dictators and helping Iraqis. And regarding Iran, it's just politics. Iran and Israel don't mix, and America is Israel's uncle, so Iran and America are therefore enemies. So Iran sells most of its oil to China/Russia etc...

America (and the West as a whole) imo are recently being hypocritical over the Syrian thing too as they have themselves protected viscious regimes for their own interest in the past (such as in Vietnam, Batista in Cuba, Taliban(!) in Afganistan vs USSR, Sadam vs Iran, various South American regimes etc...).
02-09-2012 , 01:13 PM
Babs, I'm really disappointed in bbq too. I thought he was better than this. War is ****ed up. Soldiers die but at least they have weapons. What about the innocent civilians? the children? Those who think war is like football, fans sitting there eating hotdogs and drinking beer, then you don't know the realities...war is not a sport, it's a total decaying of society. If u support it, for whatever reason, then u r a moron.
