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HT 15$ preflop situations HT 15$ preflop situations

03-03-2014 , 05:57 PM
please what is the best thing to do with these hands ~readless?
which decision has the best expectation, an why?

Hero is BB - 15bb deep K9 vs a minraise
Hero is BB - 11bb deep 78 vs a minraise

Hero is SB - 16bb deep QT

especially should we openshove QTs @ 16bb deep?
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-03-2014 , 06:13 PM
you cant be totally readless , i mean its easy to see if your opponent raise 100% or he mix some calls , also you could check icmizer to find an answer to these problems but anyway i will try to answer them.

1) depends on his preflop raise frequency and your image , if he raise 100% and your image is solid then you can easily shove this otherwise just call with such hand.

2) you have less fold equity now and the opponent might call you wider than before , i may just call with this hand or even fold , i guess i would fold below 10bb but i think its fine to call at 11bb , you can push many flops , generally its very hard to give a specific answer for such hands at 11-15bb range , most people play them different.

3) depends on the opponent , if he reshove a lot i may just limp with this hand otherwise i minraise.

4) you can check sklansky-chubukov numbers to see this , i think the last time i checked them QTs wasnt an unexploitable shove at this stacksize , i may be wrong though , generally you dont want to openshove above 12bb , you use sklansky chubukov for 8-12bb range and nash equilibrium below 8bb
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-03-2014 , 06:17 PM
1) Call
2) Call
3) Minr/call

1) and 2) aren't at all close to any other options (don't fold 78s oop basically ever fwiw), 3) is a bit close to limp/call and not at all close to open shove.

1) and 2) is because these are the best options given population minr ranges, 3) is because we have a value hand that benefits from seeing flops.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-03-2014 , 06:24 PM
hello Summoner500, many thanks for your reply!
I didnt know about ICMIZER, it looks like the excel spreadsheet on

chubukov needs to be 2 bb deep to shove pocket aces, not really EV+ imho..

thanks coffeeyay! i was more thinking about 3bet shoving 78 actually,
can you tell me a lil bit more on your thoughts on these hands, which postflop play do you plan when callin on the bb?

Last edited by PacificJJ; 03-03-2014 at 06:36 PM.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-03-2014 , 08:04 PM
I would think that if villain is opening wide enough to play 87s we would be better 3b jamming it @ 11BB? There is so little money left behind to yield implied value from that we would prefer to realise our preflop FE than to play a single raised pot OOP.

Conversely, if villain is not opening sufficiently wide that we can 3b jam profitably, I would be inclined to fold.

How do you play it postflop?
c/r jam any pair or draw?

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Last edited by cdon; 03-03-2014 at 08:18 PM.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-03-2014 , 08:08 PM
lol @ calling is not even close to 3b jamming k9o
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-03-2014 , 09:04 PM
wow, rly surprised by some of the answers ITT. I'm shipping both hands, and feel very good about it. Pretty sure the QT hand is a 2x/fold readless, also.

coffee: are you limp/calling a JAM, or just a smaller raise?
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-03-2014 , 11:50 PM
would be also interested
also coffee, until which stack size are you mr/calling QTs readless?
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 12:21 AM

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HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 03:59 AM
Originally Posted by emotionx
lol @ calling is not even close to 3b jamming k9o
15bb vs population at and around these stakes it's not close... Not even like kinda close we could debate because it's interesting lol

Maybe population at 300+ plays different than at 200s and lower?
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 04:47 AM
Had the same conclusions as coffeeyay for 15s-60s population.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 08:12 AM
completely irrelevant discussion imo, we can always make better assumptions than just taking the preflop ranges of the population at a certain stack depth and plug it into a calculator. what is the EV of flatting, i suppose something like -0.2bb? even against someone only opening about half his hands jamming becomes a really good option, so i would just make up my mind on wether he is a total nit or decently aggressive and choose flatting or jamming accordingly.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 09:09 AM
call call mr/call pretty std i would say
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by coffeeyay
15bb vs population at and around these stakes it's not close... Not even like kinda close we could debate because it's interesting lol

Maybe population at 300+ plays different than at 200s and lower?
I guess it gets closer with KTo vs the avg 15s-60s population? Is 3betjamming KJo+ much better than flatting? 15bb eff stack size.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 01:27 PM
^kts,kjo def better 3bs than flat,imo.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-04-2014 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Armed_Robbery
completely irrelevant discussion imo, we can always make better assumptions than just taking the preflop ranges of the population at a certain stack depth and plug it into a calculator. what is the EV of flatting, i suppose something like -0.2bb? even against someone only opening about half his hands jamming becomes a really good option, so i would just make up my mind on wether he is a total nit or decently aggressive and choose flatting or jamming accordingly.
Ofc there are different better options under certain conditions but the question was readless. And I don't see any better attitude than following and adjusting to the average villain you're gonna be playing.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-05-2014 , 12:41 AM
side note: you shouldn't really be readless ever at that stack depth IMO
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-05-2014 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by genher
side note: you shouldn't really be readless ever at that stack depth IMO
He coul be at all those depths 2nd hand

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HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
03-06-2014 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by crazyriver
Ofc there are different better options under certain conditions but the question was readless. And I don't see any better attitude than following and adjusting to the average villain you're gonna be playing.
let's take a random stat that with value 60 over the population. a big subset of your population will be known regs. now let's assume they have a value of 80 for that stat. once the game commences you immediately know wether villain is in that group or not. you can conclude before the first hand that his vpip is either estimated best by a value of 80 or a value lower than 60. so no, going with the overall population tendency is probably never your best response.
HT 15$ preflop situations Quote
