Originally Posted by ShortSharpShock
really sucks prim, sorry to hear. btw i like the book idea, i was thinking the same thing about halfway through, it was a really interesting read. Obviously you know you've made mistakes, so i won't harp on that. Gl in the future.
Also, i know your probably in a state of shock still at this point, but don't be too worried. You've learned a hugely important life lesson for a relatively cheap price (I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it's better losing 30k than 500k when you're a rich baller). And as long as you still have 4k, I'm 100% sure you'll be back to where you were within 6 months. In the grand scheme of things, it's only a minor setback.
TBH like now that I look at it... it blows, alot, but if it had been 6 months later it would have been INFINITELY worse. I've been playing poker a long time, but just recently alot of things 'clicked' with me, so I really had only had 2 big months before this happened (August +12.3k, Sept. +17.4k), and luckily for me I had a ton of REALLY nice people offer to help me out, so I got a loan and have been grinding and playing suprisingly great, and I expect i'll be back to a 30k roll before 2009 (hopefully closer to 40), so while it is still like the worst experience ever, prolly took years off my life in worrying, wasted 3 weeks of October
, the recovery part will hopefully be the easiest. Learning that people are !@)$s is probably the most annoying... like I dunno, I guess I knew it all along, and cwar re-assured me all summer to never trust poker players ;p, but im from a small-town where like the WHOLE town leaves their doors unlocked when they are gone to work and the keys in the car, even if they are at the store, or gone from the place they parked it, etc., just super trusting, so I guess my natural instinct to have good-faith in people needs to stop (and it has) especially around anything related to such large sums of money and anyone involved in gambling ;p
Also: Nemo yea my gf wants me to write a book too, but i'm just not that good of an author, I think I could work GREAT and I think the story could be made super intruiging on a 'based-on-a-true-story' kind of deal if I had an author to work with or something, but im a fish at writing
and Trankuility... I already thought up an awsome ending / twist , but I need a book-deal for you to find out