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How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC)

05-21-2010 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by cpar1
Cliffs on this would be great..
There are some cliffs somewhere in here iirc.

Basically, this pathological liar and scam artist strings Primo along for awhile and ends up getting about $30k out of him before Primo fully realizes he's not getting any back.

Turns out the guy has scammed a lot of people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not so surprisingly the guy is also a degenerate at the tables.

Recently guy goes to UK and buys a bunch of drugs, comes back to Sweden and goes on a party binge at a hotel, cops eventually get called, he's woken up out of a stupor and appears to have ratted out his associates who in turn rat him out and he gets around 8 years, a girl he was with 2.5 years or so.

Primo also goes on to recover most of what he lost through table winnings within a month or two of losing what at the time was his life roll.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by hest86
As a new member, I cant PM TS. I might be able to help him. If he wanna have a chance of legal redress, he will need to go throw the right channels, otherwise his paper will be ignored or put on file in the country of bureaucracy. You should get in touch whit one of the attorneys prosecuting Robert on the drugcharges so they can implement it to the next court if/when Robert appeals. I could help you whit it..

On another note;
If Robert is smart he will appeal his verdict and in a higher distance confess and do damage control. Giving the court a story about a bad psychical well being at the time, a drugaddiction, big depts and constant fear of the people who is after him. Im sure the very manipulative Robert could feed them whit what they wanna hear and get a lighter sentence. He clearly have some behavior disorder. Maybe its even possible for him to get psychiatric care instead of prison. Lets all hope he dont get it though.

It could be good whit additional charges displaying for the court how evil Robert is, both ****ing his victims financially and raping there trust for the mankind.

There is also the question; Do you have any solid proof? Could pokerstar help whit the logs?
A good thing is the judge want have much faith in Robert story of the whole thing atleast.
Nice of you helping out. But seriously, please don't use "whit" again.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by mattsan
Nice of you helping out. But seriously, please don't use "whit" again.
I haven't written in english since school 5 years ago. I hope I didn't ruin your day WITH it.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by hest86
I haven't written in english since school 5 years ago. I hope I didn't ruin your day WITH it.
No, you did not. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything, I just can't understand why many swedes use 'WHIT' instead of 'WITH', since the schools in Sweden have pretty good english lessons and you see/hear the word every single day. It's not like 'WITH' is something difficult to learn.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by mattsan
No, you did not. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything, I just can't understand why many swedes use 'WHIT' instead of 'WITH', since the schools in Sweden have pretty good english lessons and you see/hear the word every single day. It's not like 'WITH' is something difficult to learn.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-21-2010 , 09:36 PM
8 years, was it worth it
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-23-2010 , 03:02 AM
Here is an english version of the swedish story published, regarding this dude.
Robert Andersson gets 8 years for drug smuggling
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-23-2010 , 04:11 AM
owned, finally
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-23-2010 , 08:19 AM
Wow, just read the original op....

I cant understand how someone can give so much trust to someone they met on a pokersite.

It goes over my head.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-23-2010 , 06:30 PM
Robert tried to scam me aswell.

About year and a half ago I was playing in the entraction network some 1/2 HU NL. This one guy comes and starts to play with me. Nickname was cherry20. He is playing super loose and 3betting every hand and also generally really bad. Wins like 1k from me, then I have to go and pick up my family from airport and I have to quit. I ask if he wants to play with me more later. He replies something like "I dont play regularly in here, can you give me and msn address so we can set up a multitable match?" So I give him my msn address. Few days later we set up a new match playing 1/2, 2/4 and eventually I bust him.

Then he starts to chat with me occasionally in the msn. Firstly some random stuff, asking me if some clothes are cool what he is going to buy, sending me pics of her "girl friends" and asks me to pick which is best, etc.. After a few days he starts to ask if I can borrow him 20euros or something because he is short on monthly tournament. I said that I have a policy that I wont loan any money for some random guy on internet. Few days pass and he starts it again asking few hundreds because hes credit card is broken. Asks which skin I play on etc.. (I lie some random skin just to be cautious if he is some hacker he will try to hack my site on wrong skin). Same **** keeps coming and I say that if you ever ask me to lend more money I will instaban you. He quits that loaning stuff but in the end he asks if he can come and visit me on my home town, we could go and party and share a hotel room (LOL WTF?)..

After two weeks I found a link to this thread from finnish poker forum and read the whole story and realized that it was the same Robert Andersson on question. It was a nice read because there were so many similarities in the stories. I hope that primo gets atleast some of his money back and this surely has helped me and probably many other people to be even more cautious with money when it comes to some random people..
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 04:41 AM
Hella long post and I tried to read the majority of it.. From what I saw this guy is a real asswipe and I cant believe they let him play in the EPT!!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 05:25 AM
LOL I've read the thread a month ago and now i am realising i know this person for 1.5 years lol

i have him on facebook and msn

we have played nl hu 1.5 years ago and i busted him. He told me i should give him my msn than we can play a further match etc. At the beginning he was asking a lot if I can lend him money but i never did.

after that he told me about his illegal drug business. He claimed to have made more than 500k last year with dealing meth..

never thought that he were such a huge scammer
haha that guy is a joke
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by fullcontact
after that he told me about his illegal drug business. He claimed to have made more than 500k last year with dealing meth..
Sounds like Jesse Pinkman - (only less smart)

How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 04:21 PM
karma's a bitch.
have fun in jail for 8yrs sucka!!!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 07:23 PM
My wife and I used to own a fairly lucrative affiliate poker site. We were also taken from Robert in the sum of 5k+.

This is crazy...
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 07:37 PM
any pics of this prick? glad to see he is goin to jail.

i cant believe he got so much money just asking for it, its crazy,

all the best op, take care
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by McBeard
Rofl 8 years of prison.
Picture of him.

ok i found it. looks like a sneaky fuker alright
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
Hey Guys,

for anyone still interest, my story got re-released (they did an interview) as well as the story from the other guy who Robert scammed, links are here:

My Story / Interview

Sebastian's Story

Interview w/Betsafe (Robert tried to put 20k euro on there recently)
Wow, just wow.....this guy must have some people skills to manage to swindle that much money out of someone
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 08:02 PM
By the way, why is this in Heads up nl forum?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-24-2010 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Achill3s
By the way, why is this in Heads up nl forum?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-25-2010 , 02:00 PM
wow pretty awsome, primo must feel a little better now.

karma is a bitcccccccccccchhhhhhhh.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-25-2010 , 04:05 PM
primo 4 lyfe
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-26-2010 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by AlanPartridge27
any pics of this prick?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-27-2010 , 10:29 AM
Man reading this made me feel genuienly terrible for op. I dunno if I d ever be as trusting but I understand people get scammed and being a trusting decent person is nothing to be ashamed of so Im not going to flame someone for having good traits.

I also figured that this would just destroy a person and its awesome op has come back and is winning and playing bigger, nice one op.

Also nice to see karma came back around and the dude got what was coming.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
05-27-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by hest86
Our hero Robert is unfortunately sleeping where deeply after a period of massive druguse and no sleep and cant be wakened up.
lol I can just picture them trying to wake him up and him them the same look he gave primo when primo tried to wake him up...

haha, finally the happy ending, this story just got 10x better.

Gratz primo, I'll bet you're going to sleep better at night knowing he's getting sodomized while you're sitting at dinner with your wife.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
