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How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC)

08-09-2009 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by psyywar
This story is incredible.
I don't understand how a human being could be sooo naive.
Anyway, I think at some point you were fascinated by this guy, you appreciated him and his lifestyle so much that you couldn't see his real nature. You exposed your life, your money, your relationship. You involved your parents, his parents, truly unbelievable.

Tell us more. Nowadays, do you talk to him once in a while? Is he still playing poker? How do you see this nearly one year after ocurred? Are you still with your gf? Are you still in France? There are lots of questions...

crushing FTOPs satts so not gonna write too much atm, but I married my previous gf (wife now), never talk to robert, see it as me having been ******ed but learned a ton from it and am totally fine w/it now (looking past it), and we moved to New Hampshire from France (me and wife) and are looking to buy a house here
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
08-09-2009 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
lol @ you being so busto you can only play $.50 / 1 and im bad at poker.

i'll 4 table you $1/2 and 4 table you $200 HU SNGs simultaneously if you want, although by the sounds of it 8 tables would take up your roll so we'd have to do it in sets and not concurrently
The problem is that playing in sets will do little to help this problem if the matches go the way I think they most probably will. Anyway, keep us posted, guys.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
08-09-2009 , 03:45 PM
Wow primo. Honestly i think you handled it with much maturity for your age-20 at the time?

If i was in your shoes id be so lost and helpless

But look at where you are today man. GJ
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
08-09-2009 , 05:35 PM
crushing FTOPs satts so not gonna write too much atm, but I married my previous gf (wife now), never talk to robert, see it as me having been ******ed but learned a ton from it and am totally fine w/it now (looking past it), and we moved to New Hampshire from France (me and wife) and are looking to buy a house here
Really cool that you have managed to look past it. I hope you do well in the future. These things happen and after all it's only money.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
08-09-2009 , 07:57 PM
Yo OP, I know some dudes that can "take care of him" for $100 dollas!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
08-10-2009 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by The Camel
Primo can have it locked if he wants, as far as I know he hasn't wanted it locked and he definitely hasn't asked me.

Personally (doesn't matter, if Primo wants it locked it's locked, if he wants it open it can stay open), I think it's good to see this bumped every so often. Most people are kind and compassionate and they ask him how he's doing, he responds about how he's progressed since then and it's very positive bc he's done so well since then. It's also good to see it bumped bc more and more people read about it then and they can learn from his previous mistakes and people that have been scammed can see how it could've been much much worse and even at that Primo handled it so well.

So, that's just my two cents, but Primo, feel free to let me know if you want it locked. The random idiot or two in here has been the exception rather than the norm, but Primo knew before he posted this that a ton of people would likely feel no remorse and would rip him for letting it go so far. At the time he was still comfortable posting it and I think he's only gotten more confident and happy since posting this thread.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 06:57 PM
Regarding this incident, I had the same problem with the guy as you and belive me u are not alone but I fixxed it. Feel free to give me ur mail and we can talk more.

Really wanna help you!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by zelman
Regarding this incident, I had the same problem with the guy as you and belive me u are not alone but I fixxed it. Feel free to give me ur mail and we can talk more.

Really wanna help you!
OMG hitman offering his services!!!

How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by zelman
Regarding this incident, I had the same problem with the guy as you and belive me u are not alone but I fixxed it. Feel free to give me ur mail and we can talk more.

Really wanna help you!
you can send me a Private Message on 2p2 here ;p, interesting that it randomly got 'fixed' =]
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 07:49 PM
Primo, I deeply respect u as a HU player, watched a lot of ur Videos and learned a lot from them, and really hope this situation gets resolved ASAP.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by DocDevil
Primo, I deeply respect u as a HU player, watched a lot of ur Videos and learned a lot from them, and really hope this situation gets resolved ASAP.
tbh im 99.8% positive it will never get resolved, this happened october of last year, so like, 14 months ago. I've moved on, i've made way more money since then, and im happy with most other aspects of my life. it was a huge mistake and it was really unfortunant that it happened, but not much to do about it at this point. That said, tyvm for the kind words, and im really glad my videos have helped
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 07:56 PM
Ugh. Hoping that if you give someone more money he'll turn around poay back what he owed you. I feel lucky to have learned that lesson in an MMORPG where it only cost me time and virtual money. I can't imagine losing that much IRL.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 08:03 PM
wow wow wow never saw this thread before sick story primo.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 08:31 PM
Just read the whole thing. I feel really bad for you Primo

I can't believe you're just gonna let this guy get away with this. You have his full name etc, surely there must be some way this can be taken care of.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 09:54 PM
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-23-2009 , 10:18 PM
degens have degen tendencies.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-25-2009 , 11:01 AM
This is like the sickest story ever..i know it's awhile ago and don't even know how i got to this thread but that sucks and sorry to hear. Maybe one day you'll get a call saying oh here's 30k...Buy a watch if you do bud
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-27-2009 , 04:23 PM
If this douch was in Brazil I know some folks that could fixx him for a pack of cigarretes.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-27-2009 , 10:24 PM
wow i felt so sick in the stomach while reading the story. just incredible.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-27-2009 , 11:30 PM
Ok, I dont post here hardly ever but I just spent like 30 minutes reading this whole story. There is obv nothing you can do now, so you should try to learn as much as possible from what happened. You are a decent player, have played w u several times in tournies, and for someone of your intelligence, I feel like you shoulda been more aware, but you werent so view this as a life leak maybe, and realize people are bad and untrustworthy sometimes. It seemed completely transparent from early on in your story that this guy was completely playing you. When he was aiming you and says I wont help you w your money until you fix my ept problem, it should instantly click at that point that you are never getting your money back, he doesnt give a **** about your friendship, he doesnt give a **** about anything except himself and what he wants. I am praying you are no longer friends w this guy. PLZ PLZ PLZ, he is such trash, and also I tihnk itd be wise for you to never lend money to anyone except people such as Charder30 or someone w a ton of factors showing they are trustworthy or someone you have known for years, bc to not be able to see thru this person's true intentions probably means you can be easily influenced by smooth talkers and you are better safe than sorry trusting people in the future. Im sure you've heard most of this advice before but hopefully this is just enforcing it, bc you were right w one of ur original statements, this was mostly all your fault. This guy is clearly a pathological liar and bluffed you repeatedly. Anyway, you will win it back so gl in the future.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-27-2009 , 11:37 PM
god, thats so depressing
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-28-2009 , 12:13 PM
For some silver lining, posting your story just helped me out catching some fraud. I read it and then checked my bank account in a fit of "paranoia"... Turns out someone stole my debit card info over the holidays and charged $2000 to my account literally today. Thanks to that I just contacted my bank. I feel for you, there's some terrible people out there.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
12-28-2009 , 12:48 PM
just for the record Robert Andersson is on my list of "i hope they fall down the stairs and break there neck"

Primo for President.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
01-13-2010 , 12:04 AM
It was me who left my mail in ur HU match.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
01-13-2010 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by zelman
It was me who left my mail in ur HU match.

yea I lost it, you can find my email through my blog/coaching page to email me
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
