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How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC)

11-03-2008 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
I swear he actually CONSIDERED us friends,

his blog had posts about me, and stuff we were gonna do when we traveled, etc.,etc., and every one of his 'friends' I met over there had heard about me, it's just sick, I seriously think his mind has to be !@)$(d

You still think this @sshole ever thought of you as a friend? Are you f'ing kidding me? From Day 1 this guy set out to take every penny he could from you and nothing else. If the two of you had been walking to the casino together and someone had come up and shot you dead on the spot. He would of just kept on walking not even calling an ambulance or calling the police so they could have a description of the suspect. And the only thing he would be thinking is F'ck! I guess I won't be getting any more money out of him.... God damnit!

And you couldn't bring yourself to call the police on him? If it were me I would hire someone to collect and I would tell them they could have an extra 20% of the cut if they mame him cut off a testicle or something, but F'ck that dude he never gave a ***** about you man. GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-03-2008 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ultim8Degen

"That left him one more night in Stockholm... and this time he didn't come back to MSN so happy, he had lost all 13k euro (10k he had won + 3k he had brought, or maybe he had only had 10k overall), but regardless, he lost it all. This left him being able to get to Paris but not Montpellier, and I was just fed up with it, and for SOME reason my gf came to me and asked me if I really trusted him, and that he actually WANTED to pay me back. I told her I really thought he did WANT to pay me back, and so she made him promise her he would repay her 320 euro she was spending to buy his ticket from Paris -> Montpellier, because her school was taking the money from her account to be paid in one week, and also we needed to take the dog to the vet and she like JUST had enough money to do those things, and that was before she sent the money. Transfers between european countries should only take 2-3 days they agreed on it."

this is just jibberish.

consult lil'holdem for lessons on how to communicate effectively.
This isn't gibberish at all; in fact, it reminds me somewhat of Kerouac. It makes it very clear what happened, even if not stylistically polished.

I could write this into a short story in a week and into a novel in a month. I'd have to make some stuff up, though. 2p2 writing contest?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-03-2008 , 07:20 PM
So basically you toured around Europe for a couple of weeks with some guy with a serious gambling problem who you didn't even know and kept giving him your money and letting him blow it left, right and center.

And people wonder how Sarah Palin is so close to getting into the white house. Man americans are dumb.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-03-2008 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by biggetje
You guys don't understand how scammers work. At a certain point you know damn well it's going wrong, but you still hold on to the idea he will eventually pay you back. And what do you do? Make him feel as comfortable as possible, don't get him mad and hope to see your money. You swallow your pride and all you think about is: "how can i get this guy to pay me back". And that's why you give him back these small amounts and hope he will somehow flip a switch in his head and do the same thing back. Not because you're a ****** who feels comfortable everything is still fine.
Just because you want to maximize your chances to get your money back that you've lent someone does NOT mean you need to go into ******-mode and stop thinking about what you're doing, or what the other persons intents are.

Originally Posted by two2brains
Trust me on this one. There are loan sharks who have recovery teams who have the means to recover this money for a fee. (around 25%) Start looking for this or put out the word and they will find you. You can recover this money!
Instantly I have to say I feel the amount is too small for these people to get involved.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-03-2008 , 08:37 PM
Im so sorry to hear what happend to you. Losing 22k or so...

Im from Swe and I actually play alot Casino Cosmopol in Stockholm (The Casino you went to with Robert). Now I have a great plan! I can get you the money back! All you have to do is to transfer med $ 150 to my FTP account and I sort it out! (Promise)

Let me now asap, I need the money within 24h to pull it off.

Just trust me...
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-03-2008 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by HellRoxYa
Instantly I have to say I feel the amount is too small for these people to get involved.
ya, think Fargo
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 05:13 AM
looooooool apparently robert is hanging around with william fry jonny lodden and dario!! somebody warm them if they know them or know any of ther contacts
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 05:19 AM

Robert is the one with cap !

Robert that idiot have also scam me on some money, but obv not this big size, i hope someone would fix him
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by nieezzborren

Robert is the one with cap !

Robert that idiot have also scam me on some money, but obv not this big size, i hope someone would fix him
He's th 1 railing him in th black hat, licking his lips no doubt!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 06:58 AM
read your story, sucks.

just curious what type of dog cost you $3400?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 07:41 AM
It really is disgusting that we all have to be so paranoid these days since so many ppl cant be trusted. It makes me very sad, seriously. Good luck primordial, and props to u for being a stand up guy thru all of this.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by chubb10
looooooool apparently robert is hanging around with william fry jonny lodden and dario!! somebody warm them if they know them or know any of ther contacts
already warned dario a few days ago, dunno will fry's contacts tho =/
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by P a s t
read your story, sucks.

just curious what type of dog cost you $3400?
pure breed English Bulldog
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by AMSTERDAM_FTW
Where in the **** does Thailand fit in to this story?

also, 1st on page 3 of epic thread
and, post pics of scum posing with your money
90 posts per page? step your game up
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
I offered a chop. He was unfamiliar w/it and took down my MSN (he gave a fake one at the time), but when we talked he wasn't comofrtable with chopping and said 'how could he trust me to send'.
oh the irony
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-04-2008 , 10:13 PM

Just so you know who you are likely to be dealing with. I used to have one as a boss and know how manipulative and destructive they can be. Just to give you an idea, several of my colleagues needed psychotherapy and medication after they quit their jobs after being abused for years. I was lucky to get out quickly after I realized how sick this person was, and even I waited until he was on vacation so I could hand my resignation to someone else. I was that scared.

The people in this thread criticizing OP are the ones who are naive, not him. There are people out there to whom others are only a game.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by John Dough
The people in this thread criticizing OP are the ones who are naive, not him. There are people out there to whom others are only a game.
I know this is truth because...hmm...I told me so.

There are people who go to great length just to please other people and not a make scene, no matter if the turd next to them is having sex with their girlfriend or stealing their money. It's naive and weakness of character not to stand up and say "no, Im not gonna be treated like this". These hys hys people are the main prey for lowlifes and conartists because they always fold mentally when they are looked into eye and told some random s**t because they want to believe so much that they just would't have to be in confrontional situation and go for ride to find their balls.

*Having a image of guy looking like Rick Moranis following shady looking guy and mumbling something along lines of "Im not really sure of this, you really need 5k so you can withdraw that 20k?"*
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 11:05 AM
A+++++++++ would read again
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 01:16 PM
Made me sick to my stomach, crazy story.
Hope you recover, GL and keep going!
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by bauss
Made me sick to my stomach, crazy story.
Hope you recover, GL and keep going!
tyvm , luckily for me it has been a pretty good start, so I can only hope it keeps going like that
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 01:34 PM
TerribleNit, I don't think you understand. Sheep, yes, but almost everyone is in the right circumstances. People like Robert should still not be tolerated and even if the OP is his "prey" as you call it, he needs all the support he can get.

Psychopaths (the real kind) are unbelievably good at playing with other people. They know what strings to pull to make other people behave in ways which seem completely irrational to outsiders. They study you from the get-go and find out what your fears, dreams and deepest values are. They know exactly what to say and when to say it. I've seen highly intelligent, nice, family men degrade into depression and paranoia. I've seen someone pretty much give away his business and life's work to one. I've heard two different women lie in court because he made them believe it's the right thing to do. And, unfortunately, at least one person was last seen step into his vehicle.

A lot of things in the OP's story sound very familiar to me, just in a different setting. He did what he did because he thought it was the right thing to do. Robert made him think that by lending him more money, he'd be more likely to get the old debt back, as silly as it seems on the surface. Mind you, OP didn't lend him all the money after 10 minutes but over a relatively long period of time, during which Robert constantly manipulated him into thinking they are good friends.

And everyone thinks they are immune. I know I did, and I know many of my colleagues did. I had even studied about the subject, and it still took me almost two years to recognize who I was dealing with. It wasn't until one day I found myself suspecting that my own mother was trying to con me. It was a scary moment which kind of snapped me back to reality and made me realize someone had been planting thoughts in my head. What made it even scarier was when I started noticing how methodically he used suggestive language, anger, friendliness, tones of voices etc to do what he was doing. He made a ton of promises he never kept. He'd ask really stupid questions, that he would obviously know the answer to, to throw off suspicion (a lot of people thought he simply had a bad memory). I even started to notice things like fake phone calls; he'd act as if he were buying a sail boat or another company and things like that in order to make people think he is rich etc.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 02:26 PM
Write book about story. Would also definetely make better movie than 21 with your casino trips around Europe, Roberts excuses for loans, stories about failed bank transfers and at the end your gf crying if strange country without money while you realize truth in Sweden (without money of course) -> real life drama.

Hope that you got your money back, but story like that should be worth more that 30K$.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 04:57 PM
Link to this thread was posted in one of the finnish forums. I read the whole story just now and wow, this guy must be a good talker. He looks like a pussy though.

But seriously, you should definitely go to court with this. I know a little about the similar case happened here in Finland earlier this year and it's going to court if I remember right. The scammer found out his "friend's" password to one of his poker accounts and removed all the money, almost 4000€. Luckily the victim noticed that very next day and called the police. This is what you should have done in the first place.

At least you would get the Stars-money back.

Hope everything ends up well and you get your money back.

If you don't get your money back you should definitely travel to sweden, find this guy and beat him up bad....thats the only way to get closure to this thing. This guy should not get away from his actions unpunished.

Btw, why don't you sell his debt to swedish Hell's Angels?
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 06:17 PM
Wow... read that over my lunch break, quite a story, entertaining to say the least
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
11-05-2008 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by SpaceMonkey13
Happy ending: You use the recovered $4k arranging it so he loses his virginity in prison to the biggest guy on the cellblock...
It doesn't cost that much homie. I've sean requests earlier in the thread about getting this dude taken care of. He lives in Jokkmokk.. but if he would stop by Stockholm and somebody wanted to pay up 5k SEK (aprox $600), I could get 5 crazy Somalians to rape him and piss on him. For like 600 $. Isn't that a pretty +EV deal?

EDIT: Im 100 % serious.

Last edited by crazyswede; 11-05-2008 at 10:57 PM.
How I lost My Life Roll to Robert Andersson -- (SUPER LC) Quote
