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04-27-2011 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by znark86
I am still reading and catching up. But so far, I would prob put lolsteamroller the furthest away from my vote. Reason is that I dont think a wolf would make the second last post where he included me and spamz looking wolfy and put filthy at the top of the list. It would be too obvious for a wolf to do this.
meh, should be careful about giving people too much credit imo. likely to outlevel yourself
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04-27-2011 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by yaqh
altho i was unsure this morning, i thought about it more and im pretty sure i disagree w/ this. the wolfs already know who's a wolf and a villager. getting more info out there/greater transparency can only help the village.

interested to hear merc's thoughts on this when he shows up.

i think it's deff good strat for villagers to act seerish, i just don't think the system you mentioned would work that well

mm why?
wouldn't it be to obvious? woulda thought that the wolves would wnat to stick up for big names since that's what villagers do. it was just a guess really not much more reasoning than that
this is all sorta off topic though which is good for wolves so we should get back to who our second wagon should be? lolsteamroller?
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04-27-2011 , 12:09 PM
***** dead ******

***** dead ******
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04-27-2011 , 01:13 PM
Does no one else see that hookt is a wolf? You guys want to narrow down who voted for filthy but some of them voted for filthy and changed, so they should be included too.

With as limited information we have so far, I think hookt seems like the best choice to lynch if we want to kill a wolf today.

Also, I would think that our seers would not have peeked hookt, which is good because we'll be killing a wolf that wasn't a assisted by a peek (so we'll have better seer information later).
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04-27-2011 , 01:16 PM
Sorry for not posting yesterday everyone. Was taking a break from poker due to Black Friday, so I wasn't reading HUSNG and didn't realize that this started.

I have only read everything that has been said once and haven't really had a chance to examine each player in detail, but Bob Ross seems like a wolf to me. He says that he is inexperienced and that he has read basic strategy, and he would probably realize that being inactive would arouse suspicion, so he has been posting quite a bit today.

Also, he said that he was reading actively throughout the day (which I don't think he would bother lying about), and I think that that level of activity is indicative of a wolf.

I don't know, maybe I'm not thinking straight -- it's getting late and I haven't had much sleep --, but I think that makes sense. Obv. correct me if I'm being and idiot.

Bob Ross
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04-27-2011 , 01:33 PM
gj killing filthy for no real reason. We just lost a very important villager due to some people who had just made up their minds about who to vote for and refused to change it even after it was pointed out to them that their vote didn't make sense.

bob ross

I especially like bob ross' apology about how he should have changed his mind blabla. Sorry buddy, I'm not buying it. I'll keep a close watch on anyone who voted for filthy last night, if for no other reason than for the fact that it was stupid and unnecessary.

To make things even better, we also know there's a doublevoter in that group of players, but unfortunately I have a feeling there's not gonna be a whole bunch of wolves in there either. I doubt many wolves would "out" themselves by voting for filthy, because as i said it's a vote that just doesn't make sense if you're a villager. A careful wolf would probably be aware of this. We gotta decide how hard to go after the people who voted for filthy, who to wagon in that group, but we also need to pay close attention to the people who wisely decided to stay off that wagon.

Guys like spamz, hookt (but bob ross attacks him so that makes it less likely that he is a wolf imo), dhcg, coffeeyay (maybe), jspazz, anyone with few posts so far who looks like they are trying to lay low, should be suspects as well. I had a bad feeling about yaqh too yesterday, but he seems to be stepping up and coming up with useful suggestions now, so I feel better about him now than i did yesterday, but definitely not convinced by any means...
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04-27-2011 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bob Ross
Does no one else see that hookt is a wolf? You guys want to narrow down who voted for filthy but some of them voted for filthy and changed, so they should be included too.

With as limited information we have so far, I think hookt seems like the best choice to lynch if we want to kill a wolf today.

Also, I would think that our seers would not have peeked hookt, which is good because we'll be killing a wolf that wasn't a assisted by a peek (so we'll have better seer information later).
this settles my order for people who voted for filthy who we should wagon:

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04-27-2011 , 01:34 PM
im not sure what time it is in belgium, but that might be a good reason for why spamz,chadders and don jonnie havent posted today.

mers has no excuse imo, its 1030 in sf atm, maybe he is asleep? it also seems like he stopped posting after i voted for him. its possible he was busy etc, but he hasnt defended himself yet. im willing to bet that mers is a wolf, and that if we dont kill him, maybe some of the wolves will, just because i wont shut up about it and its better him than one of them.

that being said, i wont be surprised if the wolves kill me for being a vocal critic of mers.

can we do a quick update on how many wolves there are and how many villagers are left?

and im on my phone, which is dying. will try to charge and post more, but prolly not going to be much insight for another 4hrs.

and wtf is the serial killer
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04-27-2011 , 01:35 PM
with left -> right; vote -> novote

let's get a good wagon going guys. where's all the participation???
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04-27-2011 , 01:35 PM
so right now we're looking at
bob ross - 2
jack oneill - 2
hookt - 1
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04-27-2011 , 01:35 PM
it seems logical to me that one of those 5 should be lynched tonight
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04-27-2011 , 01:39 PM
my gut feeling says we should go for one of the more silent of the 5 voters, iheardjowblows, donjonnie or lolsteamroller
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04-27-2011 , 01:40 PM
I notice most of todays posts have been directed against filthys voters, which include me. Yeah I feel stupid about that vote but I really didnt feel it was as obvious as most were stating.

I´m not 100% in the game atm, I have been waiting for my thesis advisor to review my paper and let me know if I'm graduating or not, so I have basicially just been half here mostly making jokes. Which didn´t seem so bad overall since I really doubt the wolves will kill me during nighttime.

Other than that I´m not going to start defending myself to much untill some serious people start trying to run a train on me.
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04-27-2011 , 01:40 PM
fwiw i am up getting ready for work and working from 0500 until 1600 mon through friday. i prolly have 3 hrs of free time inbetween, but am often eating during said times. ill try to post whenever i have anything productive or insightful. it is 1139 for me atm. mountain time.

so re bob ross, i guess he does seem wolfish. id really like to kill mers but since no one is going to vote with me, it seems like a waste of a vote. also, what is the point of voting early?
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04-27-2011 , 01:42 PM
Ok that might be happening but I will have to get back to you wolf + villagers mob lynching mother****ers on that one later during the day.
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04-27-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by chadders0
my gut feeling says we should go for one of the more silent of the 5 voters, iheardjowblows, donjonnie or lolsteamroller
this seems reasonable. i guess id vote for joe of those 3 b/c his initial claim of being a wolf seems like a poor double level more than anything to me.

but anyway picking two people right now doesnt necessarily mean we'll lynch one of them tonight. it just means that its a real possibility unless they step up and defend themselves.

so thats the real goal, to get people talking and defending themselves so we have some info to go on.

so jump on a wagon ppl. plenty of time to change before nightfall if you have to. bob, jack, etc, come defend yourselves.
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04-27-2011 , 01:45 PM
what are they supposed to say to defend themselves?
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04-27-2011 , 01:45 PM
the thing is it was very possible that filthy was a wolf, but it doesn't really matter, cos he would be way more useful if he turned out to be a villager (which he did.) Worst case scenario we would have let him live for a few days then ended up killing him later...

iheardjoeblows i hope you think harder on who you vote for tonight. Who are your suspects right now?
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04-27-2011 , 01:46 PM
I Dont think jackoneill is a wolf, because, no offense to him, but he really has not come of that..strong I guess, this game and wolves would probably help im out a bit as to avoid some of the stuff he has done. Have a pretty huge lean towards him being serial killer though so untill I have big reason to believe someone is wolf I think he is a pretty good lynch

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04-27-2011 , 01:47 PM
i like the mers logic, but if he is a villager then the wolves will kill him soon right?? and if he survives more then a few days he will get insta lynched right...
or maybe the wolves will leave him knowing it is bound to look suspicios if he survives a few days and potentially save themselves a lynching of the group on one day
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04-27-2011 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bob Ross
I seriously considered unvoting for filthy last night after bbq asked me to reconsider. I don't think a wolf would do that considering we were headed to kill off a very important villager. Going through bbq's posts really leads me to believe he's a villager.

Chadders: EST is GMT-5
Originally Posted by chadders0
my gut feeling says we should go for one of the more silent of the 5 voters, iheardjowblows, donjonnie or lolsteamroller
i agree with this 100%... those silent guys need to come out and start defending themselves asap
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04-27-2011 , 01:49 PM
just realized i ****ed up the above quote... damn you multiquote... ignore the bob ross part that was ment for an earlier post
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04-27-2011 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
im not sure what time it is in belgium, but that might be a good reason for why spamz,chadders and don jonnie havent posted today.

mers has no excuse imo, its 1030 in sf atm, maybe he is asleep? it also seems like he stopped posting after i voted for him. its possible he was busy etc, but he hasnt defended himself yet. im willing to bet that mers is a wolf, and that if we dont kill him, maybe some of the wolves will, just because i wont shut up about it and its better him than one of them.

that being said, i wont be surprised if the wolves kill me for being a vocal critic of mers.

can we do a quick update on how many wolves there are and how many villagers are left?

and im on my phone, which is dying. will try to charge and post more, but prolly not going to be much insight for another 4hrs.

and wtf is the serial killer
is it possible mers and dhcg are both wolves and this is a genius level planned by mers, something to be considered later in the game me thinks
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04-27-2011 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
fwiw i am up getting ready for work and working from 0500 until 1600 mon through friday. i prolly have 3 hrs of free time inbetween, but am often eating during said times. ill try to post whenever i have anything productive or insightful. it is 1139 for me atm. mountain time.

so re bob ross, i guess he does seem wolfish. id really like to kill mers but since no one is going to vote with me, it seems like a waste of a vote. also, what is the point of voting early?
why do you think mers is a wolf? tbh i dont really see it. if nothing else he's been doing good for the village (or at least he was yesterday and i guess he does if he ever shows up again) so theres a lot more downside if we're wrong.

anyway you havent done anything other than say you think he's wolfy. the burden of proof is definitely on you here.
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04-27-2011 , 01:54 PM
i dont think that sleeping in to 11am counts as wolfy. he did the same thing yesterday.
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