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04-26-2011 , 06:36 PM
I think that completely depends on who's in risk of being voted out, if we're onto a wolf or two, they could start to panick a little?
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04-26-2011 , 06:37 PM
If I had to guess right now, no more than one of the top wagons is a wolf.
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04-26-2011 , 06:54 PM
Lets get a spamz/DonJ, or spamz/Kurru wagon going. Isn't night at 8pm? We need some time to organize and get this sht together.

Also, no day 1 vote is gonna be like "fk yea, that dude's def a wolf". So lets pick 2 and get some wagons going so we actually control the vote instead of letting the wolves take initiative of a chaotic scattered vote.

If you have a decent wagon, say so real quick. Lets get this sht sorted out in the next 20 mins or so and start real votes going
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04-26-2011 , 07:02 PM
I unvote filthyvermin

My new vote is on coffeeyay. I think filthy will be more valuable if he's a villager than dangerous as a wolf. coffeeyay seemed very wolfy in the beginning. Bob Ross is probably a wolf too. He seems to be real keen on getting filthy out by saying he stirred up a lot of ****. He didn't really stir up that much **** though and Bob has been laying pretty low aside from these two posts.
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04-26-2011 , 07:04 PM
Just remembered school blocks 2+2. On phone. Won't be able to post. Spamz line is more wolf than villa so far but hesitant to kill a potentially valuable villager with little evidence. Hope kurru OS the lynch
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04-26-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by coffeeyay
I like this idea a lot

spamz seemed wolfy to me too (i posted so earlier)

it's also consistent with how he acted in the last game (where he was indeed a wolf)

given more rallying i could go for this.
It's also consistent with how I played the first game here, where I was a villager and survived 3-way till last day (and then miserably failed herpderp). Bad analogy is bad, get your facts straight. Pretty sure you can go check that out easily now in the Games-subforum. I just don't feel the random name throwing at start is something for me, it's mostly hot air all and just "jump here" "follow there" "listen to me" without much info at all. I could be also throwing random votes here and there and make a misplaced comma look suspicious, is that what you want atm perhaps? I'll become a lot more active every day, I can promise you that.

Also, saying that a quiet person is a wolf is far from true for a multitude of reasons.

Now if you'll excuse me ima read up the posts behind yours and make up my mind before night falls.
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04-26-2011 , 07:18 PM
Oh man, now I'm feeling even more bad and more confused than ever before.

I'm up since ~6:30 am this morning and just quickly had to run back to the office again after my boss called me about something important.

And now I just read all that mers / kurru thing and have no idea what to think about that. It's also getting tough for me to decide whom to vote against.

* filthy:
IMHO, it could be a terrible mistake to falsely kill him. As it looks to me at the moment, he's either a village leader or a wolf. And if he really is a village leader, let's just waste the wolfs a night kill on him - as I'd absolutely expect him to get saved by the angel. And if he's a wolf, then we might find that out pretty soon as well.
* coffee:
Hmm, he got accused by some of the more inactive guys, but then defended himself. However, now he's staying quiet ... so maybe he's just trying to stay alive - or his wolf friends told him to do so and wait till the last minute.
* mers:
I could certainly vote on him. I'm a bit mad at him anyways at the moment because it looks like he unbanned that idiot again (or maybe it also was some other mod who did that).
Anyways, him showing up here so late and then immediately jumping on that kurru guy, that's indeed a bit suspicious. But he also had some good arguments which could truly help the village a lot.
* myself:
I was even thinking for a moment to vote for myself - after all that damage that I did today ... but then realized that this would be really silly. At least, I should run an attempt of "gaming the system" first. I mean, I'm not the guy who just silently commits suicide - if I were to take the fall for this, then I'd at least give it a shot at getting modkilled first.

Hmm, if we absolutely can't decide upon whom to vote out and also don't want to do anything wrong - what about having some trusted person (*) just randomly pick some inactive guy (who's already posted at least once, we don't want to waste the vote on someone who'd get modkilled for inactivity anyways) and then all jump upon him ?

However, this brings up the problem (*) of finding some trusted person .... what about asking our game mod about playing the random number generator for us ?
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04-26-2011 , 07:23 PM
lol no jack, we're not playing roulette about who to vote for :P
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04-26-2011 , 07:23 PM
Well class is starting so I guess I need to make up my mind.


I will explain why I voted tomorrow since I will be in class when night falls.
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04-26-2011 , 07:25 PM
To jackoneill: fixing a tie is ******ed, this way we don't get any info on voting and jumping bandwagons or changing votes. +1 wolf points to you, even if you would be new to this game, you could've thought about that yourself

Seems like people trying to get a wagon going for me atm. Fair enough I guess, wasn't active a lot, this is just how I play this game. Makes my decision easy though, vote for the other guy.

Unvote, and vote jackoneill atm.
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04-26-2011 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by jackoneill
Oh man, now I'm feeling even more bad and more confused than ever before...
given this post, i think ill be happy sticking with my current vote
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04-26-2011 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by bbq
lol no jack, we're not playing roulette about who to vote for :P
Was just thinking it might be better than doing a mistake. Man, I wish I was a wolf, then I could just ask my pack about what to do here.

Well, I'll give it a shot and read over this entire thread again - it's only 35 minutes and I think I can stay awake just long enough if I simply click on every single link in this thread: - and there's also another beer in my fridge that wants to get killed.

Vote: buxxxxxx oh no, that guy isn't even playing. was just shocked to see him back.


While this all may sound very suspicious, I still didn't see any clear evidence against killing him - I mean, he hasn't done anything useful here yet as far as I remember.
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04-26-2011 , 07:30 PM
I vote filthyvermin. I don´t buy the spamz thing and I don´t like filthys early posts.
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04-26-2011 , 07:32 PM
I've suspected jackoneill all day, but atm I'm leaning towards him just being an inexperienced villager... but if you guys wanna go down that road i def see why.

Also spamz is a devious mother****er. He posted some comments earlier today then stopped. Then he started getting accused and now he's back. Obviously if he was a villa he would probably play it exactly the same, so that doesn't prove ****. fml
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04-26-2011 , 07:35 PM
Hmm, 6;30 am here now, I guess night starts in 30 minutes, just realized how my nights are going to be at pretty ******ed times, thats ok though since my sleeping rythm is messed up. Anyway I am really not feeling the current wagons at all. If I HAD to pick someone who just subconciously or whatever makes me think he is a wolf, I would probably have to go with mersenneary just because he seems like he is trying realhard. But then again that is not really at all any good evidence and even if he had a slightly bigger chance of being a wolf right now than any other person it would still probably be +EV to keep him alive for now as he will prove to be valueable as a village later. I'll keep my hookt vote for now but stay up for another 25 minutes to see what happens.
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04-26-2011 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by bbq
I've suspected jackoneill all day, but atm I'm leaning towards him just being an inexperienced villager... but if you guys wanna go down that road i def see why.

Also spamz is a devious mother****er. He posted some comments earlier today then stopped. Then he started getting accused and now he's back. Obviously if he was a villa he would probably play it exactly the same, so that doesn't prove ****. fml
I was raiding and if you really want I can get some logs from some website on it I guess (not 100% sure but I think they got tracked). But same, doesn't prove **** what I am like you said. I wasn't checking/reading the forums in any way though.
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04-26-2011 , 07:37 PM
Have you played any WW before jackoneill?
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04-26-2011 , 07:38 PM
filthy gave a link to the seers guide, on 2p2 you can check the thread somebody is currently viewing, maybe this was a ploy by him to see who would look at the seers thread, but then he that would require a lot of stalking too so maybe thats just absurd
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04-26-2011 , 07:38 PM
Sry bros, I wasnt aware that his was running. I recently got a new phone ( yay) but its a USED phone, and is a POS. That being said, my browser locks up the phone, so once payday hits(THU) I will buy a new (USED) droid.

I think its important for me to just put out some basic info . Its not like hella people are hounding me, but Ive been the victim( prolly guilty ) of groupthink before, so I just want to make a few things clear; below is the list of players, and since I am an active 2p2er, Ive made some friends , and some non friends. I will note the above, below.

Originally Posted by Maruchan
Live players (30)
bob ross-FRIEND
chadders0- FRIEND ( I KNOW RIGHT <3)
donjonnie- FRIEND ( but havent seen in a while, how are you doing man?)
punch dancer
raised by jews- kinda friend
tamas6- kinda friend
yaqh-<< mad respect for

Originally Posted by bbq
I think we can all agree that dhcg86 has to go. guy is a huge scumbag and a wolf for sure. :P

As I said previously, BBQ does not like me. I dont think hes a wolf, prolly just ****ing around being his normal troll self ( see avatar)

but seriously, if everyone who's posting is just accusing eachother, wouldn't it make sense for the wolves to just stfu?
Originally Posted by bbq
He voted for me, prolly to just be funny, nice hand sir.

Originally Posted by chadders0
for some people it would be a good indicator, like dhcg for example, if had been online all day and not posting i would be surprised if he turned out to be a bog standard villager
Chadders is a friend and is prolly just pointing out the obvious, I havent been trolling 2p2, Ive been at work. I could be logging in under a different user name, or using Chrome's anonymous feature, but tbh, I just got home, and I have no need to do that, because if I die its not a big deal. Apparently if a villager dies and the game ends well ( for us villagers) then we still win. That being said, no prize for winning? Should be some kinda cool undertitle imo

Originally Posted by mersenneary
If Kurra is a villager it does make coffee/filthy/jack more likely to be wolves and me/berks more likely to be wolves.
basically, after reading through everything, I think Mers is a wolf. being extremely smart, capable, and prolly some kind of out of the box thinker ( see videos, poker results, and the fact that he created a relatively new [afaik]
coaching system, this is someone I want to watch.

My thinking is this; if Mers is in this game, and is a wolf, then he would want to kinda keep to the shadows/ be a normal poster. But that is too obvious, esp for someone of Mers' stature. So if Mers was a wolf, I would expect him to post an above average amount, with plenty of jokes, small levels, but overall friendliness and availability. This, so far, has been the case. The fact that he has been really busy lately, and doesnt post too often ( from what Ive seen) leads me to believe that his out of ordinary posting trends, are a result of his need to divert attention to himself, because he is a wolf. This very well may be because of the infamous Black Friday, but I am not buying it. I therefore vote for Mers. I think it is important to note that Mers will not to blantantly obvious things like vote for me because I voted for him, he is simply to smart for that. In before mers votes for me, obv.

And lastly, Chadders skyped me, prolly on accident, here is the chat log

need to get on the wolf forum
[5:03:17 PM] chadders: oh wait
[5:03:18 PM] chadders: nm
[5:03:22 PM] chadders: cant talk about it
[5:04:18 PM] yea u cant
[5:04:19 PM] but ty
[5:04:24 PM] I just saw that it was up

and holy **** was that alot of reading
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04-26-2011 , 07:39 PM
WTF, get off filthyvermin. so bad.

I guess we're doing spamz and Jacko. Get on a wagon ffs
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04-26-2011 , 07:39 PM
also, after reading what people posted above, I really dont think Spamz is a wolf; his attitude is a bit nonchalant and not wolfish imo.
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04-26-2011 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by earl
Have you played any WW before jackoneill?
No - and I also haven't played any similar games before.
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04-26-2011 , 07:43 PM



Wtf. is that friend / no friend list about ?
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04-26-2011 , 07:43 PM
Is it just me or is there tons of people who have between 0 and 2 posts in this thread though. (like 5?) hm
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04-26-2011 , 07:45 PM
kinda feel there should be bandwagon possibilities for mers and filthyvermin too, just feel like one of day 1's heavy posters is likey to be a wolve.
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