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222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge 222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge

10-21-2019 , 08:42 AM
NICE ONEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! glgl for next 30 days!
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-21-2019 , 09:33 AM
How much for coaching per 1 hour? Btw, I don't mean spins 1st but discipline 1st, spins 2nd coaching. I just made a cheese and ham with tomato slices sandwich, sliced it neatly in half with chef's knife and ate it and I'm about to drink 1/2 of "Monster Assault" energy drink, all for no reason and I feel like an idiot after catching myself automatically making and eating a sandwich, it's just ridiculous
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-21-2019 , 11:24 AM
Sick, you deserve it
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-21-2019 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by FREEQONE

This is a little oasis in a fkn hell what happened to me in last 1.5 years.

Very nice
But why does it matter at all if you run above or below ev when you are playing in the pool?
Or i'm missing something?
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-21-2019 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by mickey666
Very nice
But why does it matter at all if you run above or below ev when you are playing in the pool?
Or i'm missing something?
Chips under EV and over EV directly affects to Final EV$
Lets take reg-reg-fish game.
Imagine that you in first 5 hands in 3max jam 88 and regs call you with AK.
You lost and earn 500*0.55 - 500*0.45 = 50 chipEV (+4$)
And you losing your opportunity to continue game vsFish.
In case if you win flip, you continue in HU vs fish.
In spins avg hands per game = 20 (19;23) depending on game style.
But lets take 20.
So you have 20-5 = 15 hands remaining vs fish.
Avg winrate vs fish in HU at least 4.5 chips per hand.
So your expectation is 15*4.5 = +67.5 chipEV (+7$)
If you constanly lose all flips so you losing this 7$ of EV everytime.
And on the other hand, if you win more often flips and go over EV you often stay in the game and get extra chips.

Real mathematics will be more difficult, but to convey a thought, I hope it became clear.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-21-2019 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by EPTchips
How much for coaching per 1 hour? Btw, I don't mean spins 1st but discipline 1st, spins 2nd coaching. I just made a cheese and ham with tomato slices sandwich, sliced it neatly in half with chef's knife and ate it and I'm about to drink 1/2 of "Monster Assault" energy drink, all for no reason and I feel like an idiot after catching myself automatically making and eating a sandwich, it's just ridiculous
haha cool story about your snacks ;D
I also sometimes like energy drinks, prolly it is bad for my health overall.
But it is so tasty.

I don't offer coaching.
Probably in one day I wake up and decide to do it.
Not sure. Good player is not means good coach.
But it’s just not interesting for me, no one will buy my coaching for expensive,
And it is not interesting for me to give knowledge for a price below 250$/hr.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-23-2019 , 07:50 AM
Thanks! Yeah, you're right, it's probably energy drink who's the villain in this but I'm wrongly mad about the sandwich

Agreed on pricing, it should be expensive as you're given out the non-mainstream true knowledge of the game. Still, if somebody's serious he'd be ok to wire you, say, $4000 which is like 3600 euros for a package of 16 coaching sessions, for example

I have about, I dunno, I think I've drank about 900 energy drinks (0.5l) lifetime, maybe even a bit more. I haven't died yet and my cardio (some people tell you energy drinks are bad for heart / cardiovascular endurance) is very very good. Although! And you can test it out, for me if I've drank say 2 energy drinks or 3 energy drinks w/o much food it seems to increase the chance my side starts hurting during running
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-23-2019 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by FREEQONE
Finally satisfied of spending a lot of time in solvers.
wich solver do you use? pio?
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-23-2019 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by env0y85
wich solver do you use? pio?
What solvers are there, #env0y85, #FREEQONE?
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-23-2019 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by env0y85
wich solver do you use? pio?
pio for a study
simple gto trainer for a warmup before session
instagto for a hands review after session
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-25-2019 , 05:54 AM

been following this thread for motivation and study.

Do you think new spin flash are beatable?

222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-25-2019 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Notor1ous

been following this thread for motivation and study.

Do you think new spin flash are beatable?

you can't win in this game and you can't lose too much.
rake too high, would be profitable with 2% lower, -1% is slightly profitable

Just filter by blinds in PT4/HM2 how many chips won at 10/20 and 15/30.
This is most profitable levels.
In flash where 1min levels you can't realize full of your edge with 15bb- stack.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-26-2019 , 05:29 AM
Thanks for your reply, i will stick to normal ones.

Also, how many spins you play a month and how much is the minimum you think ?

thanks again
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-28-2019 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Notor1ous
Thanks for your reply, i will stick to normal ones.

Also, how many spins you play a month and how much is the minimum you think ?

thanks again
I play 6000 games average per month.

Minimum for everyone is 1500 games.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-28-2019 , 05:59 AM
What opinion do you have about playing at the best possible hours? Or do you not care if there are more regs or fish and you prefer to put more hours a day? Thank you
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-28-2019 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by RemyLebeau
What opinion do you have about playing at the best possible hours? Or do you not care if there are more regs or fish and you prefer to put more hours a day? Thank you
Hours is not my best side at this moment.
I think that on average people play 80-120 hours a month and 10-20 theory.
Only without talent or luck you will stay an "average" player.

I read quite a lot blogs and in 9/10 who reached the top devoted poker 250 hours or more.
This is what I miss, I think I’m somewhere 200 hours in the sum of the game + theory.
You can certainly say, so what will give 50 hours more per month?
But in reality it is 50x12 = 600 hours per year.
This is a lot, both in money and in knowledge.
If you imagine that one player these 600 hours devoted to the theory and the other did not, then the difference in skill will be huge.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 12:29 AM

gift from variance with love
i hope we are friends now

222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by FREEQONE
Hours is not my best side at this moment.
I think that on average people play 80-120 hours a month and 10-20 theory.
Only without talent or luck you will stay an "average" player.

I read quite a lot blogs and in 9/10 who reached the top devoted poker 250 hours or more.
This is what I miss, I think I’m somewhere 200 hours in the sum of the game + theory.
You can certainly say, so what will give 50 hours more per month?
But in reality it is 50x12 = 600 hours per year.
This is a lot, both in money and in knowledge.
If you imagine that one player these 600 hours devoted to the theory and the other did not, then the difference in skill will be huge.
I mean what do you think of playing in the hours with less regular players, do you control it in some way or do you not care?
But your answer was better than the one I asked you
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by RemyLebeau
I mean what do you think of playing in the hours with less regular players, do you control it in some way or do you not care?
But your answer was better than the one I asked you
Control it only on the basis of my feelings.
Can play 11 tables 4-5 hours a row with top concentration.
And can play only 30-40 min and stop session, especially if get heavy coolers punch.
If I see that I press the wrong buttons, I stop the session.
I have no goals on the number of hours in grind in separate session/day.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 05:04 AM
Almost moved to a new apartment.
Problem with connection solved.

Thinking about new challenges.
Last two I failed, but I'm learning on my mistakes.

From new ideas:
1. A new record of 22500-25000 games a month at a stakes 100$+
2. Take a shot with stream to 250-500$ stakes.
3. Some sort of 2-3 month challenge like 44444 for a 2 months. Try to restart dat sh7t.
4. Entertaiment content, like a creating Spin and Go league with $$$ prizepool and rating/ranking and become the main platform for this.

If you have any suggestions, I would be grateful if you share.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 05:31 AM
And by the way.

Can I ask to rename this topic?

Gonna transformate this one to my own eng blog.
If it possible, I will be glad if you rename:

222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 06:00 AM
congratz to 100x

some honest words:
I usually get angry (mindset leak) when I read about "another ******* winning high Multis".
You are the only "stranger" that I feel who deserves to get & win it!
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by FREEQONE
Almost moved to a new apartment.
Problem with connection solved.

Thinking about new challenges.
Last two I failed, but I'm learning on my mistakes.

From new ideas:
1. A new record of 22500-25000 games a month at a stakes 100$+
2. Take a shot with stream to 250-500$ stakes.
3. Some sort of 2-3 month challenge like 44444 for a 2 months. Try to restart dat sh7t.
4. Entertaiment content, like a creating Spin and Go league with $$$ prizepool and rating/ranking and become the main platform for this.

If you have any suggestions, I would be grateful if you share.
You're crazy and I like it!
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by FREEQONE
Control it only on the basis of my feelings.
Can play 11 tables 4-5 hours a row with top concentration.
And can play only 30-40 min and stop session, especially if get heavy coolers punch.
If I see that I press the wrong buttons, I stop the session.
I have no goals on the number of hours in grind in separate session/day.
You're probably the only guy who read twice Remy question and didn't understand what he meant. But at the same time you're probably the worst person to answer this question

Or I guess you could see you're cEV by hour of the day and be the perfect guy for that, since your sample is huge, but I doubt you wanna share it.
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
10-30-2019 , 03:00 PM
Do you always exclusively play GTO based, and never deviate based on reads? Do you use some kind of randomizer when you play?
222,222 Spin&Go Games: Endurance Challenge Quote
