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2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy 2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy

02-12-2021 , 03:42 PM
PokerStars - 15/30 NL (3 max) - Holdem - 2 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: 960
Hero (BB): 540

SB posts SB 15, Hero posts BB 30

Pre Flop: (pot: 45) Hero has J 5

SB raises to 60, Hero calls 30

Flop: (120, 2 players) K 2 J
Hero checks, SB bets 30, Hero calls 30

Turn: (180, 2 players) 5
Hero bets 120, SB raises to 240, [color=red]Hero?

Oppo is unkown but looks tight. I lead turn for protection which I think is ok.... what would you do here?
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-12-2021 , 07:42 PM
Id fold pre unless he is minraising very wide.
Yeah, lead is fine imo, you would hate to see check back, vs minraise Id snapfold.
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-13-2021 , 01:34 AM
I'd fold pre even at 25 BBs vs most opponents.

Turn makes sense, but I'd bet slightly smaller, like 50 %, as you don't have a flush blocker and opponent can still have the better hand here some of the time.

And as none said, it's a fold. I think you'll rarely see opponents spewing here w Kx9d, KxTd or whatever hand you are ahead of.
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-13-2021 , 05:28 AM
Thanks. Just out of curiosity, is this a fold according to gto?
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-13-2021 , 05:31 AM
If you are asking about pre its mixed call/fold.
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-13-2021 , 05:44 AM
I mean the turn
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-13-2021 , 05:59 AM
Is X/C or even X / shove a mistake here? (OTT)
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-13-2021 , 06:20 AM
gto wont lead this turn, if it does it will be super small %, and vs raise Id guess it will call.
Someone could put this in to solver, im curious too.
@Moodiest both of those options are fine
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
02-16-2021 , 02:55 AM
Agree bet/fold to minraise. Bet/call if opponent had jammed.
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
04-28-2021 , 11:47 AM
Just to echo the sentiments of none & Hokie, fold pre, fold to the minraise ott. Call vs a shove ott.

GTO leads turn around 10% here (1/2 PSB only in my solve) and calls j5 vs the raise (shove only for IP).
2 pairs against oppo raise on turn drawy Quote
