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15$ HT couple hands 15$ HT couple hands

03-02-2014 , 10:09 AM
First. Is this standard gii spot readless? Because there are lot weaker 8x villains range and many bad turn cards.

BB: 520
Hero (SB): 480

Hero posts SB 10, BB posts BB 20

Pre Flop: (pot: 30) Hero has 8 Q

Hero raises to 40, BB calls 20

Flop: (80, 2 players) K 8 K
BB checks, Hero bets 40, BB raises to 90, Hero raises to 440 and is all-in

Is this bad play? Villain had cb 43% (3/7) and turn barrell 0% (0/2). If something else is better on flop what would you recommend if he cb.

Hero (BB): 520
SB: 480

SB posts SB 10, Hero posts BB 20

Pre Flop: (pot: 30) Hero has J T

SB raises to 40, Hero calls 20

Flop: (80, 2 players) 9 9 6
Hero bets 40, SB calls 40

Turn: (160, 2 players) 7
Hero bets 80, SB calls 80

River: (320, 2 players) 9
Hero checks, SB checks
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-02-2014 , 10:43 PM
First hand you played great imo. Villain can raise as a bluff very often on a paired flop. Getting it in otf is best coz villain usually chks back turn with air.

Second hand I c bet 30 into 80 and give up if called. Or I chk / r then give up.
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-03-2014 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by StillNight1
First hand you played great imo. Villain can raise as a bluff very often on a paired flop. Getting it in otf is best coz villain usually chks back turn with air.

Second hand I c bet 30 into 80 and give up if called. Or I chk / r then give up.
1st hand we're IP. How is villain going to checkback air? Can you explain what you mean?

I'm flatting the c/r here. We only get called by better hands when we jam and we would never play Kx by jamming here. I prefer to keep bluffs in his range and play out future streets IP (usually bluffcatching if villain has a wide enough c/r + barrel frequency).

2nd hand is close between c/r bluffing and c/f. Will depend on villain's propensity to rebluff or float + our image + gameflow. Donking here is pretty unconvincing as a bluff. You're never donking strong here (are you?) so unless villain is a super nitfish a donk won't be terribly effective imo. A c/r better reps the way we would be perceived to play 9x + if we get floated we have some BD potential to barrel.

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03-03-2014 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by cdon
We only get called by better hands when we jam
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-03-2014 , 09:15 AM
Why donk flop if according to his stats a lot of the time he'll let you realize your equity for free
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:17 PM
Yeah in retrospect I should just check and realize equity and stab turns, I dont rep very much.. Still a little confused that first hand, guess jam is ok?
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-03-2014 , 01:38 PM
The more reg an opponent is the more thought you should put into what you are representing. Otherwise, you shouldn't bother too much in trying to "represent" vs fish. Just think about how your overall range in a spot interacts with villains overall range.

e.g the reason I might c/r bluff a board like J52r is not because I want to rep Jx (though consequently I may be doing that, but it doesn't matter) but rather because villains overall cbet range on that board should have enough air for me to profitably do so.
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Armed_Robbery

His likely calling range after c/r NAI is [Kx, 8x].

Against which we're way ahead of 8x and way behind Kx.

Add to that, there are likely more raw combinations of Kx in villain's OOP flatting range than 8x.

I don't think we're getting a huge amount of value here vs worse hands?

And do better vs his bluffs by flatting if there's a decent chance he will fire again with his air.

Or do you think it is better to take the pot down now vs his bluffing range?
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-03-2014 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by cdon

His likely calling range after c/r NAI is [Kx, 8x].

Against which we're way ahead of 8x and way behind Kx.

Add to that, there are likely more raw combinations of Kx in villain's OOP flatting range than 8x.

I don't think we're getting a huge amount of value here vs worse hands?

And do better vs his bluffs by flatting if there's a decent chance he will fire again with his air.

Or do you think it is better to take the pot down now vs his bluffing range?
i think there is a decent chance that villain gives up on the turn, in which case we let him realize his equity for free. take a hand like JT, if he decides to give up on any turn he doesn't hit, the EV of flatting is definitely worse than the one of jamming against that hand.

another aspect is that against 8x we are probably doing worse by flatting, any overcard is bad for him, especially the A, while he cannot really fold when we jam the flop.

against Kx it really doesn't matter, we are not folding on any turncard.

so we got 2 scenarios where we prefer jamming and one where we don't care, so the answer is clear. this is under the assumption that his bluffing frequency does not suffice to balance the equity share we allow him to realize. this is obv not set in stone and against certain opponent types there is merit in flatting.
15$ HT couple hands Quote
03-03-2014 , 07:40 PM
That makes sense. Thanks for the solid response.

I neglected the extent to which a call might kill our action vs worse 8x. And it would take EXTREME reads to consider folding so the times we're up against Kx don't affect our decision too much.

We might consider calling vs a very spewy player but even then it is quite valuable to take the pot down now relative to the equity we donate by giving villain another card at no additional cost.

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