Originally Posted by zalver
Sorry to note that at the beginning villain lead 2/3 pot with a fd. So I think I'm behind this time on the flop. I'd like to know what you'll do on the later streets, just call, call if he bets small?
When you know you're behind then why do you call ? It is an awkward spot because you made it so.
Anyhow, in this spot it is very difficult to turn your hand into a bluff esp on the 10s where it is not common to tackle opponents thinking on higher levels. If I had called the flop I would've played cautious on later streets.
Also imo a cr on the 10s is stronger than a cr on higher stakes mainly because at the 10s villians will mostly have 2p++ whereas on higher stakes people cr more frequently w bluffs & semi-bluffs.
If your intention was to float I wouldn't do it before having obtained a solid read and think that there is a good enough chance it will work. Moreover, tournaments aren't played hand-for-hand so if you think you'll have a bigger edge later on throughout the match it is worth to wait for it.