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SBRounder's WSOP 1k and 1500 2 event package... SBRounder's WSOP 1k and 1500 2 event package...

07-01-2011 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by yellowsub
personal attacks like this on a public forum are about as classless as it gets
I'm just tired of punks like Tufat making sarcastic remarks in an attempt to derail a legitimate thread I started. He decided to share his opinion unnecessarily and mock me so I did the same. I know it was a childish move but please spare me the hyperbole Jeff, there are a lot more classless things that can be done than calling someone out in an internet forum. Tufat is the one who decided he wanted to call me out inappropriately so I did the same back to him. Again, I know it was a childish move on my part, but I'm tired of punk Internet geeks hiding behind computer screens and thinking they can say whatever absurd thing they want with no repercussion. If Tufat didn't like my markup all he had to do was move on and not buy a piece. But instead he had to put his sarcastic 2 cents in so I blasted him back, plain and simple
SBRounder's WSOP 1k and 1500 2 event package... Quote
07-01-2011 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by SBRounder
I'm just tired of punks like Tufat making sarcastic remarks in an attempt to derail a legitimate thread I started. He decided to share his opinion unnecessarily and mock me so I did the same. I know it was a childish move but please spare me the hyperbole Jeff, there are a lot more classless things that can be done than calling someone out in an internet forum. Tufat is the one who decided he wanted to call me out inappropriately so I did the same back to him. Again, I know it was a childish move on my part, but I'm tired of punk Internet geeks hiding behind computer screens and thinking they can say whatever absurd thing they want with no repercussion. If Tufat didn't like my markup all he had to do was move on and not buy a piece. But instead he had to put his sarcastic 2 cents in so I blasted him back, plain and simple

Tom you seemed like an all right guy at first, I was ready to look past your brothers mistakes on this forum because you are not him and potentially invest (if you lowered MU of course), but it's really panning out to sound like you two are identical twins and really have no respect for people on this forum.

If you honestly think 1.6 MU is an example of a "legitimate thread" then I really question your judgement as a whole. People are not only responding to the MU (which is the highest I've EVER seen on this MP and surely will NOT sell out when it's not even the ME) But also how you are handling yourself in your responses.

If someones post is offensive to you, it's quite simple to click the red exclamation mark under the said posters name and report the post to a mod (I see Suigin has already edited a few) And carry on with your package, without letting the sarcastic comments get to you.

People have different ways of expressing their concerns in a MP thread, some are reasonable some are not, however responding to them like you are, only hurts your chances of selling out when potential investors see the way you are handling yourself ITT and could even hurt your chances running future packages when investors remember how you acted. I hope this message finds you well, as per it's intended to help not to mock. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
SBRounder's WSOP 1k and 1500 2 event package... Quote
07-01-2011 , 10:09 PM
How are your posts so coherent when your brother types like a complete id? GL in the series
SBRounder's WSOP 1k and 1500 2 event package... Quote
07-07-2011 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
Tom you seemed like an all right guy at first, I was ready to look past your brothers mistakes on this forum because you are not him and potentially invest (if you lowered MU of course), but it's really panning out to sound like you two are identical twins and really have no respect for people on this forum.

If you honestly think 1.6 MU is an example of a "legitimate thread" then I really question your judgement as a whole. People are not only responding to the MU (which is the highest I've EVER seen on this MP and surely will NOT sell out when it's not even the ME) But also how you are handling yourself in your responses.

If someones post is offensive to you, it's quite simple to click the red exclamation mark under the said posters name and report the post to a mod (I see Suigin has already edited a few) And carry on with your package, without letting the sarcastic comments get to you.

People have different ways of expressing their concerns in a MP thread, some are reasonable some are not, however responding to them like you are, only hurts your chances of selling out when potential investors see the way you are handling yourself ITT and could even hurt your chances running future packages when investors remember how you acted. I hope this message finds you well, as per it's intended to help not to mock. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
Thanks for your response Turbo, I did find it well and I agree with you that it was a mistake to respond to Tufat how I did. I checked the thread late at night and let my emotions get the best of me. I believe I admitted to that in my last post but your point is absolutely correct. As far as how much markup I was charging, I was able to sell 50% of that 1k at 1.5 to 1 and I fully believe my markup was fair for the event I chose. I could have played the event on my own, but I felt like I could sell some action if I received a very high markup. With the softness of the 1k field and huge prizepool I felt like charging an extra $30/10% than the typical markup of 1.3 for the 1k was reasonable. You could look at it as 1.6-1, but I still feel like paying $160 for a chance at 10% of a $500k 1st prize was/is a good deal. That's why I asked for the markup that I did. I obv should have left the personal attack of Tufat out, but I got emotional and fired back at his absurd comment claiming I was trolling when in fact he was trolling by making that post. Thanks again for your response Turbo, best of luck to you as well. -Tom
SBRounder's WSOP 1k and 1500 2 event package... Quote
