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Confirm your horses WSOP participation! Confirm your horses WSOP participation!

06-04-2013 , 11:47 AM
All I'm saying is that only in poker would playing at the highest level in the most prestigious events and not beating the best in the world be something people looked down on.

Make it to the golf's US Open, but have Tiger beat you by many many strokes? Everyone would laud your courage for trying, praise you for the countless hours you spent on the practice green to get good enough.

Enter a top level Scrabble tournament but get bounced immediately? "Oh wow must have been tough you'd probably destroy me if we played." People would want to know some of the complex words that got played against you.

I totally understand that in today's cultural makeup, having lost money at the WSOP doesn't seem much different than degenning at your local casino's baccaret pit. My argument is that we have been trying for years to change that perception and this is a step backwards.

Millions of Americans waste countless time and money playing Golf, or Tennis, or [insert fun activity], but only in poker are you looked at like a degenerate loser because you didn't profit from your activity.

Yes, the WSOP's idea to protect rec players has merit into 2013's social makeup, but it is short sighted and doesn't push poker into positive acceptance like they should.

Last edited by DoGGz; 06-04-2013 at 11:49 AM. Reason: final draft of my argument i promise
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06-04-2013 , 12:20 PM
The thing that is unfortunate is that this community really needs all tournament directors across the world to publish entrants list, but at this point it looks like that won't happen if the WSOP won't even do it.
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06-05-2013 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by DoGGz
I'd tweet about this but can't be bothered.

I think it's a pretty big issue though that they are essentially saying playing Poker is something shameful and people should want to hide that they've played it.
I think the issue is that to some people it IS just "gambling" and those are the random rich fish who come out every summer and lose tens of thousands in tournaments. I don't think any pro or "reg" is against having their name on those lists, and I don't think that's who the WSOP is concerned about it bothering. Somebody probably complained about this last year or something to cause them to do this.
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01-01-2014 , 01:07 AM
Make publication optional. Easy game.
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05-27-2014 , 08:52 PM
Is it working for 2014?
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05-27-2014 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by riverph7
Is it working for 2014?
Considering they didn't release an entrants list in 2013, I doubt they will be this year. No entrants list = no
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05-29-2014 , 10:40 AM
We've gotten a lot of interesting studies in the last few years from the data provided in the years they did this. Still sad to know poker won't ever get to a respected standpoint that Bowling/Darts/Golf have gotten to.
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06-04-2014 , 12:34 PM
unsticky-ing thread since the information is unfortunately no longer relevant
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