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Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back

11-04-2011 , 05:51 PM
Fwiw, as one of the investors in this package I don't feel as if banning him will make him pay back faster, nor will posting pictures of him or contacting his family.

I will try texting him to see if he can agree to some sort of payment plan. Would investors be ok with that and with me facilitating it?
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-04-2011 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by D.S.
cicakman - banned - Ban reason - You get your account back after your backers get their money back.

George Cicak certainly wants people to think he's a thief. He's taking the piss with thousands of your dollars, he's not welcome here. title change as well.

Those of you who were wanting to go to the police/FBI should maybe talk via PM and arrange a joint action.

Possibly someone who is owed a large amount may wish to politely contact his family and ask why it appears their son is stealing your money.

Nothing is going to encourage him any more or less than he already is really, barring family pressure or the police I'd imagine.

As has been mentioned in this thread he logs on to 2+2 and Facebook and pisses around instead of doing anything regards payment. This is one distraction removed. We also don't want him logging in and PM'ing other people for any reason while he's got this to finish.

Also some people have an attachment to their 2+2 account (seriously) or just have a lot of vital information in their PM box, so regaining access to this may encourage him to repay faster, and I'd imagine that George doesn't want when people Google his name to have this account with 'banned thief' come up on the search.

He doesn't need his account to read this thread. He can easily tell how much and to whom he owes money if he somehow doesn't already.
Good moderating, well done.
Agree that someone should try and get ahold of his family or something.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-04-2011 , 06:08 PM
I agree with Mod on this 100% ! George knows
He fffed up ...I think banning him till he pays back
Is perfect
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-04-2011 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by astraube
Fwiw, as one of the investors in this package I don't feel as if banning him will make him pay back faster, nor will posting pictures of him or contacting his family.

I will try texting him to see if he can agree to some sort of payment plan. Would investors be ok with that and with me facilitating it?
I would certainly be ok with that. Please let me know what I can do to help.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-04-2011 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by astraube
I will try texting him to see if he can agree to some sort of payment plan. Would investors be ok with that and with me facilitating it?
your assistance to get any of the money back will be appreciated
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-04-2011 , 11:27 PM
I have kept quiet until now because I was hoping it was all a big misunderstanding, but I am really shocked that this happened. I consider George a friend and stayed with him for over a week during the Borgata WPT series. I never would have imagined he would scam anyone, and I really still think he will come through. He is a bit of a degen but I never thought he would screw over investors like this. If you're reading this George, please do the right thing and pay people back. Like you said in the skype conversation with Joe, it's not a huge amount of money but it's enough to ruin your reputation in the poker world. People won't completely forget, but you will get forgiven if you refund the money. I only have 5% so it's not the end of the world, but I could still use it obviously. I will try and see if I can do anything to facilitate payment, but at this point, I'm not sure.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-05-2011 , 07:08 AM
Talked to George over Facebook yesterday. He claimed he didnt know that he was banned on 2+2, that he would pay back beginning of next week pending paypal transfers etc..
He didnt write much, as pointless as it probably was i tried to convince him to sort this out and come out of this with a reputation that isnt completely tarnished.
I get the feeling he does intend to pay back but is simply piss broke.

Id guess theres probably a "limit" in time where he is too late with the refund that he or the poker community simply doesnt care, and things wouldnt look too pretty.
I.e, if he hasnt payed before the end of this year, i wouldnt be too hopeful.

I think its all about him swallowing his pride eventually, its not very appealing for someone who posts a fair bit in HSMTT to admit that he is broke/pretended to play a HS tourney series, better just hope he realizes that this is the only viable option for anyone in his shoes thinking somewhat rationally.

Hope he ends up doing the right thing, gl to all involved.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-07-2011 , 04:43 PM
Tick Tock!!!!
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-07-2011 , 08:19 PM
had a text convo with him earlier. He doesn't have all the $ as thought, but he has some and he's claimed to put it on paypal that should be paid to investors soon. He wouldn't tell me the reason he took the $ and he told me he did initially put the package up to actually go play but a "perfect storm" of events happened that he doesn't want to go into detail about, since they are personal. The only thing he said to me is that he didn't degen it off or sell it for drugs.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-08-2011 , 12:54 AM
I just got a refund from him for my 2%. Seems like he's willing to pay back, let's give him time.

He should get unbanned too as he started paying back the investors, IMO.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-08-2011 , 12:58 AM
I got my complete refund too - via paypal, same way I paid
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-08-2011 , 01:16 AM
I also received my complete refund today via PayPal.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-08-2011 , 03:26 AM
Excellent, glad to see this is turning around in the right direction.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:21 AM
I wanted to confirm $415 sent to astraube via paypal as per post 94 in this thread.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:34 AM
Confirmed ty!

Also george sent me 204.80$ yesterday as well, leaving him owing 1012.20$
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-08-2011 , 09:52 AM
good news, keep it up george i guess

now would be a good time for him to explain a bit/briefly what happened that caused problems in the first place
an honest explanation while putting up the rest of the money would do him good probably.

to be fair, i talked to george back in what i think was the end of september, and he mentioned something about real life trouble.
i didnt mention this as i dont remember if it was before or after the package was posted in the marketplace.
at least the package was not the subject of our convo, i dont think it was mentioned at all, and i think it was him who initiated the conversation. also not sure about that.

im not sure if he said he had IRL issues bc he suspected i knew about this mess and it would add credibility(which i didnt) or if it was the truth.

Last edited by SMUTTTT; 11-08-2011 at 10:03 AM.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-12-2011 , 08:09 PM
Haven't received anything yet
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-12-2011 , 08:38 PM
Neither have I
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-12-2011 , 10:38 PM
For those who invested in his Borgata package too (pokerbrat and dpeters appear to be investors in that package too), please look at my post (#14)in that thread. here's the link:
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-15-2011 , 12:57 PM
I didn't see dpeters17 on the investor list. here is where the refunds are, as far as I can tell:

solid 10% - refund paid
jw123 10% - refund paid
busto23 2% - refund paid

pokerbrat 5% - owed $408.00
astraube 20% - paid $619.80, owed $1,012.20
aje221 5% - owed $408.00
GAC 5% - owed $408.00

total owed: $2,236.20

private 5% - ?
private #2 5% - ?

look right?
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-15-2011 , 01:59 PM
I believe dpeters is owed from a separate package. here is where i believe this package stands:

solid 10% - refund paid
jw123 10% - refund paid
busto23 2% - refund paid

pokerbrat 5% - owed $408.00
astraube 20% - paid $619.80, owed $1,012.20
xrob - $195

total owed: $1,615.20
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-15-2011 , 02:08 PM
I never received payment info so I never sent the stake. Im owed nothing.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:01 PM
He still owes me! I never got paid!
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-15-2011 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by astraube
I believe dpeters is owed from a separate package. here is where i believe this package stands:

solid 10% - refund paid
jw123 10% - refund paid
busto23 2% - refund paid

pokerbrat 5% - owed $408.00
astraube 20% - paid $619.80, owed $1,012.20
xrob - $195

total owed: $1,615.20
Originally Posted by x18robbase
He still owes me! I never got paid!
sorry about that x18rob, I included you in the second list of who is owed.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
11-15-2011 , 07:01 PM
I invested 2.5% in the earlier package and never got a refund either
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
