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Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back

10-26-2011 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by astraube
When you have close to 10k of investors money, I don't think its too much to ask for an update (even if its to say there's no update). Seeing him active in other threads on the forum is what's most disappointing in that it creates the appearance that keeping investors updated is less important than discussing analysis of a hand.
Esp when I saw him today in the High stakes MTT thread!
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-26-2011 , 07:00 PM
Was unaware he is posting in other threads, I didn't do a check on his activity. Well then if that's the case, and he is indeed active in other threads while not updating his MP thread, all investors should take note of this for future packages he puts up.

Hope everything gets cleared up soon.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-26-2011 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
Sometimes PayPal takes a little bit to clear, his last post ITT said he should be able to PayPal out Wed (today) if it cleared. Hope everything works out for you guys here, highly doubt he is rolling anyone..
Paypal doesn't clear. The funds get transferred instantly. As soon as the funds arrive in his bank account he can transfer them, so long as the deposit wasn't made via check.

He's been posting at various times of the day this whole time. If I were an investor I'd be concerned and would be alerting mods to this thread asap. He should definitely receive negative feedback for his lack of professionalism whether he pays back or not.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-26-2011 , 10:08 PM
Green dot reload packs! Are snap paypal funds
There is a 5 dollar fee per get on it pls
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-26-2011 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Paypal doesn't clear. The funds get transferred instantly. As soon as the funds arrive in his bank account he can transfer them, so long as the deposit wasn't made via check.

He's been posting at various times of the day this whole time. If I were an investor I'd be concerned and would be alerting mods to this thread asap. He should definitely receive negative feedback for his lack of professionalism whether he pays back or not.
I understand investors are upset I would certainly be as well, especially if he is active in other threads while not addressing his MP thread with investors money, I'm not defending him, at all.

Are you talking about adding funds from a bank account to PayPal, or from PayPal to a bank account? If you're talking about shipping funds from your bank account to PayPal then there is certainly a wait, usually 2-4 days it takes for me and plenty of others I have heard/seen talk about. I thought there was also a couple days wait from PayPal to Bank Account as well? It's never instant for me..
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-26-2011 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
I understand investors are upset I would certainly be as well, especially if he is active in other threads while not addressing his MP thread with investors money, I'm not defending him, at all.

Are you talking about adding funds from a bank account to PayPal, or from PayPal to a bank account? If you're talking about shipping funds from your bank account to PayPal then there is certainly a wait, usually 2-4 days it takes for me and plenty of others I have heard/seen talk about. I thought there was also a couple days wait from PayPal to Bank Account as well? It's never instant for me..
From Paypal to a bank will take 2-3 business days. But when you send money from a bank account, credit card, whatever it is instantly transferred and the receiving party will get an email confirmation immediately. If he is transferring bank -> Paypal -> investors or he this is his first time using his bank account with Paypal there would be a delay, though.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 12:42 AM
Yeah It's instant if you have funds in your PayPal account and ship them to someone obv, but if he's loading it up from a bank account (which it sounds like he is given his post) it takes a couple days, hence the reason he said it should clear wed or thurs? I could be wrong idk.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Paypal doesn't clear. The funds get transferred instantly. As soon as the funds arrive in his bank account he can transfer them, so long as the deposit wasn't made via check.

He's been posting at various times of the day this whole time. If I were an investor I'd be concerned and would be alerting mods to this thread asap. He should definitely receive negative feedback for his lack of professionalism whether he pays back or not.
I have alerted the mods and have not heard anything.

George said that by Wednesday the funds would probably be available so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. If there is no action taken by him today, I do believe that further actions should be taken.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 08:30 AM
Must of been a rough 2 days for him @ borgata 5/10 with our $
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by astraube
I have alerted the mods and have not heard anything.

George said that by Wednesday the funds would probably be available so I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. If there is no action taken by him today, I do believe that further actions should be taken.
Thank-you for alerting us.

The OP has been pm'd letting him know that the first thing that he needs to do on logging into 2+2 again is come directly to this thread and outline clearly how much each person is due, how each person is getting paid and when they can expect the money. If he does not do this next time he logs in then please let the mods know.

I am on UK time and the OP and the majority of this thread (I assume) are on US time, so if further issues arise it will be quickest to either PM any Marketplace mod that is active or to report a post to bring a mod here. Just to avoid someone pm'ing me then having to wait 12 hours for an answer.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by D.S.
Thank-you for alerting us.

The OP has been pm'd letting him know that the first thing that he needs to do on logging into 2+2 again is come directly to this thread and outline clearly how much each person is due, how each person is getting paid and when they can expect the money. If he does not do this next time he logs in then please let the mods know.

I am on UK time and the OP and the majority of this thread (I assume) are on US time, so if further issues arise it will be quickest to either PM any Marketplace mod that is active or to report a post to bring a mod here. Just to avoid someone pm'ing me then having to wait 12 hours for an answer.

I have his address also and I will make that public if I have to also and I would hate to do that! I hate people who cheat, steal and lye! like I said before just keep us update even if you dont have the $ (just let us know the truth) I think the jamieann one is a real reference i heard of her name in the marketplace!

His references need to come out and speak wether or not they really know him! This type of stuff sometimes gives a black eye for the marketplace, poker players, references, loyal investors, and people selling packages!

Last edited by D.S.; 10-27-2011 at 03:36 PM.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 02:38 PM
Well, I think you guys are getting a little ahead of yourselves - let's give George a little more time to ship back the refunds before we start crucifying him.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by solid
Well, I think you guys are getting a little ahead of yourselves - let's give George a little more time to ship back the refunds before we start crucifying him.
People are asking for an update thats all. He is logging into 2+2 and posting in other threads, while not addressing his investors in his MP thread, of which he holds thousands of dollars of their money.

I understand the PayPal aspect of it, and the time it takes to transfer money to and from a bank account, but like other posters said (I didn't know he was posting in other threads until it was mentioned) all he needs to do is come ITT and update his investors, and be honest.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Turb0Licious
People are asking for an update thats all. He is logging into 2+2 and posting in other threads, while not addressing his investors in his MP thread, of which he holds thousands of dollars of their money.

I understand the PayPal aspect of it, and the time it takes to transfer money to and from a bank account, but like other posters said (I didn't know he was posting in other threads until it was mentioned) all he needs to do is come ITT and update his investors, and be honest.
Right, I'm one of the investors and I agree with your post. I was referring to the posts implying that the money was as good as gone, etc.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 10:16 PM
i've been trying to talk to him on skype for a couple days now. We used to talk somewhat regularly but he hasn't been replying back to me recently. I want to say he's normally good for his word as he knows alot of people and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want his reputation trashed but he's also a pretty hard headed guy and he doesn't always think about what he should do right away regardless of his situation. I'll continue to try to get into contact with him. My word probably isn't worth anything at this point but I feel like he'll pay you back and he's just been being a dumbass for the last couple days/maybe he forgot or something stupid.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 10:35 PM
[10:23:33 PM] Joseph: nah but ur having 2+2 trouble...whats up with ur foxwoods package? investors are getting mad
[10:23:45 PM] george cicak (cicakman): yea ik i havent been home
[10:24:00 PM] Joseph: why dont you go and post an update about it? i mean do you still have the $ you owe them?
[10:24:08 PM] Joseph: they're getting mad and threatening to put out ur address and other things
[10:24:29 PM] george cicak (cicakman): hah i havent been home in 3 weeks
[10:24:38 PM] Joseph: okay so why havent you posted an update
[10:24:59 PM] george cicak (cicakman): ive been busy dealing with personal stuff
[10:25:02 PM] george cicak (cicakman): im not even in nj
[10:25:21 PM] george cicak (cicakman): and i dont really need more stress
[10:25:29 PM] george cicak (cicakman): i agree its ****ed up
[10:25:30 PM] Joseph: okay...they're still getting mad though. i might copy/paste this convo to at least get them to understand where you are but you need to get in the thread and fix it soon
[10:25:59 PM] george cicak (cicakman): yea i mean i feel bad but its not really the top of my list right now
[10:26:06 PM] george cicak (cicakman): i need to get home and deposit
[10:26:08 PM] george cicak (cicakman): and paypal it
[10:26:33 PM] Joseph: alright but i mean i'm sure they would have understood that if you posted something a couple days ago saying "hey im going through these problems, sorry i couldnt get your $ to you the date i said i would, i havent been home...when i get home around x/x/x ill do it, thanks for understanding"
[10:26:48 PM] george cicak (cicakman): yea i did and it hasnt worked out for me
[10:26:58 PM] george cicak (cicakman): and i feel stupid keep hanging people on
[10:27:13 PM] george cicak (cicakman): and it stresses me out more so i just ignore it until this clears
[10:27:15 PM] Joseph: well i mean what else are you doing? if what you're saying is true then they'd get their $ back
[10:27:29 PM] george cicak (cicakman): yea i mean im not gonna stiff people
[10:27:35 PM] george cicak (cicakman): its not that much anyway
[10:27:39 PM] george cicak (cicakman): like 3k
[10:27:42 PM] george cicak (cicakman): 4k
[10:27:43 PM] Joseph: its obviously a better alternative to not saying anything and getting them all mad/making a scene for yourself
[10:28:03 PM] Joseph: yea man i figure u got the $ but idk you obviously didn't handle this to the best of your ability and you got people all upset about it
[10:28:10 PM] george cicak (cicakman): yea agreed

got a peep out of him at least. he knows he's not doing you guys any favors, he's just putting it off because he has other priorities now. He also said he'd try to come into the thread tomorrow and make a follow up statement.

So, investors, just keep hanging on, he's aware he messed up but he hasn't done anything sketchy (according to him) and he'll get you the $ when his personal life is fixed
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 11:31 PM
So he hasn't even put the payments on PayPal yet? or initiated the transfer? He said wed, maybe thurs (today) Also says he doesn't really care about it right now, kinda shytty attitude IMO.

I'm not an investor in this package, but I buy shares a lot in the MP and this def reflects poorly for him. Really hope whatever is going on ends up OK, because considering his rep, this I hear is unlike him. Hopefully he posts soon for an update and addresses his investors.

IMO, and I know this sounds harsh, I think he blew the money or some of it. Of course he won't admit to it if he's scrambling to get it together now and when he does he won't say that was the case, but given how this is playing out, it sounds like blown funds, really hope I'm wrong
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-27-2011 , 11:56 PM
I am a regular buyer and seller in this mp, and I honestly feel like George doesnt have the cash . He lies and acts like he can give two ****s about investors money, that honestly makes me believe he dont have the money. He also stated he is out of town and not home, ok well im assuming his bank has multiple branches across the area where he is at, and if there is not im sure there is a 7/11 he can go to and buy a Green dot money pak which will snap load his pay pal account!

Its only like 4k? from lookin at his opr and his live cashes ...sigh ..dont think 4k is a small amount to any investor
and too be totally honest, his biggest cash was for 15k live back may of 2011..his opr stats have no volume and two scores that make his roi +...he plays 5/5 and 5/10 and claims 4k aint nothing, this makes me outraged he uses other 2+2 mp regulars in his reference list and induces good people to buy his package.

well once he does pay this debt back which i hope he does , this thread should be refered everytime he trys to sell action, Wazz had to do it and George should too. Actually id appreciate a Ban on him MOD, let him buy action but he def shouldnt be allowed to sell.

Last edited by lilman2636; 10-28-2011 at 12:11 AM.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-28-2011 , 01:40 AM
full disclosure-I invested in this and George owes me $816

Huge thanks to isuxatpokerbad to try and straighten this thing out. You said everything I would say. I hope you can continue to talk to him and get him to do the right thing.

I'd agree with ^^^^ - it has been over 2 weeks since he missed the first tourney and given stuff he said in Skype, the money is probably gone. Posting over in HSMTT and MSMTT and not updating guys here (I counted 17 ) shows a clear disrespect for other people's money. But it sounds like he understands how dumb it would be to ruin his reputation over only $4k.

George, if you do read this, here is my best advice on how to handle this bad situation:
1) Communicate to us the honest truth of the current situation. I am not so concerned about the past and how we got here. Do you have the money, or half the money, or is it all gone?
2) Give us a realistic plan for future repayment. Maybe half now, half end of Nov.
Or if the truth is no money now, no idea on future repayment, tell us that.
3) Continue to communicate with us frequently until we are repaid in full.

Ignoring the situation will not make it better, it will just make it worse.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-28-2011 , 06:43 AM
Yes thank you very much isuxatpokerbad, it really is greatly appreciated.

I hope he can clear up the situation soon and hopefully just be upfront and honest. Also, I am an investor in this package.
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-28-2011 , 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by isuxatpokerbad
[10:24:59 PM] george cicak (cicakman): ive been busy dealing with personal stuff
[10:25:21 PM] george cicak (cicakman): and i dont really need more stress
[10:25:59 PM] george cicak (cicakman): yea i mean i feel bad but its not really the top of my list right now

I take it the way to deal with stress is to think about MTT hands!
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-29-2011 , 12:23 AM
^^ link doesnt work
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-29-2011 , 01:09 AM
Oh, well if you search his post history he's made like fifteen posts in the MTT strat forums since the 23rd. Too stressed to come in and say "Im working on it" at least
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-29-2011 , 01:59 PM
Maybe this package is for Foxwoods 2012! This is bull****, hopefully I run into him at borgata fall open! Nick Rainey#2!
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
10-29-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
Oh, well if you search his post history he's made like fifteen posts in the MTT strat forums since the 23rd. Too stressed to come in and say "Im working on it" at least
seems absurd. Can't the mods prevent him from posting in any other thread but this one till he rectifies/explains his side ITT? I'm a new albeit pretty small buyer in MP (just started looking at BAPs recently) and this kinda stuff really turns me off. Can only imagine what it does for the big buyers...if you want to maintain or even increase liquidity in MP, this kind of stuff has to be addressed pretty harshly IMO....hope George is in fact just being ridic lazy for some reason and there was no malicious intent
Cicakman scams 2+2ers for thousands of dollars. Update: paid back Quote
