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10-14-2014 , 02:09 AM
Hi guys 98harkw here.

Looking to sell around 65% for the upcoming GUKPT from the 9-16 November 14 in Blackpool, England.

About me

I have a full time job as a chief engineer and work rotation, fortunately I get to spend a lot of time grinding live cash games throughout Europe, mostly in the following locations - San Remo, Cannes, Palma, Malta and London. Most recently I have been on a steady run, up around £10k since August and looking to build upon that. I have sold numerous live cash packs in the MP and also some online packs too. Handled thousands of dollars worth of transactions and pride myself on being a honest and trustworthy investment.

The past 4 years have seen me move from playing 0.50/1 live to playing up to €5/€10 in Europe. Have a ton of live cash experience and now looking to move my game into the live MTT arena. Have played small MTTs for the past 7 years or so in local casinos with a steady ROI, this will be my first 'substantial' buy in and feeling very confident.

Event Details

I will be selling for the main and may sell last minute for the sides if I want to get there early or not. No doubt I will be playing cash when there but my main focus will be the main event. I wont be playing cash while the main is on as I want to get rested and feel refreshed should we run deep. The series runs from the 9th - 16th November.

Link to event details -

I don't know which day I will play yet and will decide nearer the time, its all dependent on what the field is like on the certain days. I will discuss this with a few of a the circuit regs prior to deciding.

I would be expecting more than 200 runners for this and it should easily eclipse the £200k GTD.

The event has 60 min levels and a deep structure which should suit me from playing over 200bb regularly when playing cash. Details of payout structure and blind levels can be found on the above link also.


Buy in - £1000 + £80

Total with MU @ 1.0879 = £1175, converted to USD locked in = 1890.28

Selling 65%

2.5% = $47.25
5% = $94.50
10% = $189
20% = $378
50% = $945

-Please send funds to 98harkw on Pokerstars(ghostbusters avatar)

-PM me for Paypal details.

-PM me for bank transfer details.

-Can accept cash at event also.

-An updated rail will be kept throughout.

-As an investor you are buying a % of the main event action, any other benefits or royalties associated with a deep run or win will be kept by myself.

Thanks for your investment.

Regards 98.
10-14-2014 , 10:35 AM
10 ball private

55% left

Playing regardless
10-14-2014 , 10:40 AM
your selling for a 1k tourny with mark up when your a losing player on mtt's on stars?
10-14-2014 , 11:07 AM
Can't find you in sharkscope. 98hawrk

Resevre 10 till I get off my phone and on a computer to check
10-14-2014 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by lennygeeee
your selling for a 1k tourny with mark up when your a losing player on mtt's on stars?
Hi Lenny,

Yeah my online stats are far from great but I have been grinding live all over Europe for the past 4 years at cash with solid results. I am very comfortable at playing deep and have played up to €5/€10 with good success.

I feel that having played with a lot of regs in the cash scene that I will be more than comfortable and able to hold my own.

I hope that answers your query and the best of luck at the tables, hope you get your money back also.


10-14-2014 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by OurSurveySays
Can't find you in sharkscope. 98hawrk

Resevre 10 till I get off my phone and on a computer to check
No problem.

Thanks for the reserve. Much appreciated.

45% available
10-15-2014 , 06:41 AM
Ok guys, spoke to a few people and decided that I would be better selling at no mark up for this event.

So the revised prices are as follows - £1080 is $1737.19 rounded to $1737.

2.5% = $43.43
5% = $86.85
10% = $173.70
20% = $347.40
50% = $868.50

45% available
10-15-2014 , 11:53 PM
Hey sorry I have to unreserved. Good luck though.
10-16-2014 , 01:31 AM
Hey, no problem, thanks for the interest.

55% available at the revised figures.
10-16-2014 , 06:48 PM
Any proof of good roi? Didnt think so.

Well I am glad to see your attempted scam has failed and you are now forced to offer a package with no mu. Even without the rip off mu though, please can you explain to me how a fish like you who is down 11k with an abi of 11$ on stars, (3,505 -$3.18 $11.71 -11% -$11,150 57 -25.4%) and has 0 proof he is winning live is going to be any value whatsoever, even without mu?

I have seen this guy on stars and he is a big donk and I wouldn't touch this joke package in a million years and neither should anyone else.
Nice try though, muppet.
10-17-2014 , 01:14 AM
Hi, thanks for your pleasant and well mannered post, much appreciated.

Yes my stats are poor online but please see my previous cash package as an example of me doing well live. Yes I don't play a lot of mtts live and I have no record of any big scores. I got mislead by other people when originally posting regarding the MU, which I addressed very soon afterwards.

In terms of calling me a scammer and a 'muppet' please find proof of this and tell me what gives you the impression that I am here to scam? Have a look at my last online package and I am sure the investors will vouch that I am honest and true to my word. I wouldn't be giving money out of my own pocket if this was not the case.

Anyway, I think you are just here to troll me, just because I posted in your thread when you were posting false stats.

Here is the link if anyone is interested -

Good luck at the tables.
10-17-2014 , 08:48 AM
The evidence shows you are clearly a donk, losing player in the long run. One package does not prove otherwise, lol. You got mislead? I would have thought after having sold ''1000'$ of packages'' you would have some idea how this thing works. You have awful stats that show you can't even beat mtts with an abi of 11$ online and by your own admission you don't play many live mtts, it is absolutely laughable you think you are any value whatsoever in this mtt, and that's without charging (ridiculous) mu!

Why do I think you are here to scam? Well beyond the fact you have sold a ton of packages and then try to claim ignorance when you are called out on charging joke mu. There is also this gem of a thread:

You spell and write remarkably lucidly in the op of that thread for a person who claims to have been ''very very very drunk''. You tried to see if you could rip people off, they saw right though it, and you made up some bs excuse and now you have repeated your actions here and once again have been exposed. I think this post nicely sums up that thread:

Did Gif also coach you on selling packages I wonder.

Nice try trying to deflect the heat onto me with more lies. I will happily prop you any money that you like that my stats are not false.

Seems like others agree that this package is a joke as it is not selling. Probably time for you to start groveling to get the thread closed just like you did last time. Maybe you will find better succes putting your rip off, derisory package on Twitter like your pal Gif? Muppet.

Last edited by PainOfSalvation; 10-17-2014 at 08:58 AM.
10-18-2014 , 02:38 AM
A guy who sells 85% at 1.2 with false stats comes in and berates someone selling for a tournament at no markup...hmm...I'll take 20% if you decide to play mate
10-18-2014 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by Giffordonian
A guy who sells 85% at 1.2 with false stats comes in and berates someone selling for a tournament at no markup...hmm...I'll take 20% if you decide to play mate
Lololol. No surprise to see ops coach and fellow scammer scumbag is here to defend ops disgraceful behaviour. See here for all you need to know about what kind of a scumbag Gif is:

You have 0 evidence my stats are false and as I said I will be happy to prop that my stats are not false. Talk all the smack about me you want, it still doesnt change the fact that you and your buddy are still immoral scammers who have been caught out. I see you have nothing to say in your friends defence, which is not surprising as you both obv dont have a leg to stand on here.

I think it is very scummy (not surprising at all given your history) and misleading for a guy with a close relationship with the op to come in, as a shill, to try to give the false impression this package is anything but a total and utter rip off.

Maybe you and op should spend less time on trying to scam the marketplace and more time on coaching, because clearly op's stats show you're not getting results. #gifcoaching.

Last edited by PainOfSalvation; 10-18-2014 at 08:03 AM.
10-18-2014 , 08:02 AM
POS you are and idiot, how can you troll a 0% mu pack and yes you posted after he lowered to 0%.
You are obv here to try mess up op's pack because he posted in your thread which was one of the worst i've seen sold in a long time.
Your ss is blocked but 1.2 for hots and ko's where you keep the ko's lmao gtfo and troll elsewhere. there are plenty of others in the mp selling worse packs at a crazy mu.
And as for Giff like many other hs regs they don't sell for the SM and he had not for a few weeks, maybe the buyers should be aware of everything that in black and white in front of them in the sale thread before they buy and not just presume.
10-18-2014 , 08:04 AM
Sold all privately.

Not going to respond to this petty and immature behavior. Have a great weekend and congrats to the MP on having chunks of Scott and Jack out in Australia.


10-18-2014 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Thesh0rtstack
POS you are and idiot, how can you troll a 0% mu pack and yes you posted after he lowered to 0%.
You are obv here to try mess up op's pack because he posted in your thread which was one of the worst i've seen sold in a long time.
Your ss is blocked but 1.2 for hots and ko's where you keep the ko's lmao gtfo and troll elsewhere. there are plenty of others in the mp selling worse packs at a crazy mu.
And as for Giff like many other hs regs they don't sell for the SM and he had not for a few weeks, maybe the buyers should be aware of everything that in black and white in front of them in the sale thread before they buy and not just presume.
Even at 0% mu, given the op's terrible stats online, it is most likely -ev. I pointed that out. Op tried to rip the MP off with joke mu when it is very clear he knew better and got caught and then tried to come out with some bs excuses for it. He did this before in a previous thread he made. I pointed that out. As for me, I have said all I wanted to say on the package you are referring to in that thread. Whatever you may think about me, it doesnt change the fact that Gif aand 98harkw have been exposed as scumbags.

Originally Posted by 98harkw
Sold all privately.

Not going to respond to this petty and immature behavior. Have a great weekend and congrats to the MP on having chunks of Scott and Jack out in Australia.


Well that is very convenient for you. I feel sorry for the pretend people/shills who brought your rip off package. Gl.

Last edited by PainOfSalvation; 10-18-2014 at 08:33 AM.
10-18-2014 , 09:08 AM
Thanks for your opinion POS and have a great weekend. That's the beauty of the MP, freedom of speech. You have your opinion and others and myself have different ones.

I look forward to seeing you at the tables or in one of my threads soon.

Thanks guys and GL with investments and at the felt.


10-18-2014 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by PainOfSalvation
Even at 0% mu, given the op's terrible stats online, it is most likely -ev. I pointed that out. Op tried to rip the MP off with joke mu when it is very clear he knew better and got caught and then tried to come out with some bs excuses for it. He did this before in a previous thread he made. I pointed that out. As for me, I have said all I wanted to say on the package you are referring to in that thread. Whatever you may think about me, it doesnt change the fact that Gif aand 98harkw have been exposed as scumbags.

Well that is very convenient for you. I feel sorry for the pretend people/shills who brought your rip off package. Gl.
Don't bother trying to prove your stats are correct - not interested. You're clearly just a trolling, attention seeking, agenda driven, attack dog who is trying to do nothing other than cause trouble. Your consistently disparaging tone indicates that you are the kind of person who goes around seeking to undermine others - most probably to make up for your own shortcomings.
10-19-2014 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by Giffordonian
Don't bother trying to prove your stats are correct - not interested. You're clearly just a trolling, attention seeking, agenda driven, attack dog who is trying to do nothing other than cause trouble. Your consistently disparaging tone indicates that you are the kind of person who goes around seeking to undermine others - most probably to make up for your own shortcomings.
No surprise you are not interested in proof my stats are legit. You are not the kind of person to care about the truth. You are only interested in trying to spin things to make them look good for your own agenda like you have done in your scam threads. If you dont want proof my stats are not false, then I would appreciate it if you stop spreading lies you have 0 evidence for.

I saw you were scamming the marketplace and I, along with many others, called you out about it. After that you went away from the marketplace for a while and if you ever do return buyers will now be able to see the kind of scumbag you are and hopefully wont get ripped off by you again. Your buddy was also trying to scam the marketplace and I called him out aswell. I see it as doing the marketplace a favor. If my tone has been disparaging then it is justifiably so given how disgracefully you and 98 have acted.

You and 98 then attempted to jump on me with the only thing you could since you are both clearly in the wrong - ad hominem arguments. You keep trying to make this about me, but it is not the issue at hand. What does something I have done in the past have to do with this package being a scam? You have said absolutely nothing about why this package is anything but a derisory joke even without the mu. Not surprisingly, the market place has spoken and no one has touched this awful package.

Last edited by PainOfSalvation; 10-19-2014 at 07:24 AM.
10-19-2014 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by PainOfSalvation
No surprise you are not interested in proof my stats are legit. You are not the kind of person to care about the truth. You are only interested in trying to spin things to make them look good for your own agenda like you have done in your scam threads. If you dont want proof my stats are not false, then I would appreciate it if you stop spreading lies you have 0 evidence for.

I saw you were scamming the marketplace and I, along with many others, called you out about it. After that you went away from the marketplace for a while and if you ever do return buyers will now be able to see the kind of scumbag you are and hopefully wont get ripped off by you again. Your buddy was also trying to scam the marketplace and I called him out aswell. I see it as doing the marketplace a favor. If my tone has been disparaging then it is justifiably so given how disgracefully you and 98 have acted.

You and 98 then attempted to jump on me with the only thing you could since you are both clearly in the wrong - ad hominem arguments. You keep trying to make this about me, but it is not the issue at hand. What does something I have done in the past have to do with this package being a scam? You have said absolutely nothing about why this package is anything but a derisory joke even without the mu. Not surprisingly, the market place has spoken and no one has touched this awful package.
No idea about 98 apart from his "drunken" mistake once. He has cleared that up since and also made money on his cash game packs.

Giff on the other hand; basically everyone in the MP with what could be considered a brain saw his scamming antics eons ago.

Sadly it took another scam of a pack, where he coincidentally won 100k+, for the other MP users to work this out.
10-20-2014 , 06:18 AM
PM'd you 98, not sure if you've seen.
