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Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League -

01-03-2011 , 03:46 PM
  • We're three years running and starting our 13th season.
  • We have a 14-week, 30-game schedule of two $10 games a night.
  • We play Wednesday at 7pm and 10pm.
  • There is one Saturday game/party per quarter.
  • We play at the homes of members in the far SE Phoenix area (Gilbert/Chandler - South of the 202)
  • Hosts provide anywhere from light snacks to elaborate dinners.
  • We traditionally have had 15-20 players for most games, but attendance has been low, and we're looking for a few more players.
  • Players range from early-20's to retirement age. Includes husbands and wives, singles, engineers, laborers.
  • $2 from each $10 game is held for the finals where the top-16 play for about $1000 every quarter.
  • Contact me for more information.
The atmosphere is casual, and the quality of play varies from "still learning" to "pretty darned good." The format is fairly turbo, which allows for good players to win over the course of the season while allowing those players still learning to get wins in too.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
01-11-2011 , 05:29 PM
Just a quick bump that Week 2 of Season 13 is tomorrow. Still looking to bolster attendance.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
01-16-2011 , 02:07 PM
I just registered last night so I'm unable to PM you yet, but I'm local and am interested in your poker league. I also registered at the club website and sent an email to 'Admin' there (is that you?) requesting further information.

Thanks in advance!
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
01-19-2011 , 12:42 PM
You'll probably be seeing less of my donk-ass this season. I have astronomy class until 8:45 every M&W. I'll try to make as many 10pm games as I can, though.

Last edited by thesnuke; 01-19-2011 at 01:09 PM.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:20 AM
Bumping this because we're 14 games into the season and have had 12 unique winners -- so at what's functionally the half-way point, the season is wide open, and what should be near $1000 awaits people as a freeroll at the end of the season.

(Ok, well, it's $8+2 instead of $10, and the $2 is for the "freeroll.")
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
04-26-2011 , 06:05 PM

Season 14 starts tomorrow.

We're down 20% in attendance (but still regularly running two tables) from a year ago, so we're looking to bolster attendance. The finals still paid out over $800.

PM / Email / Reply for information.

Two weekly $10 games in the South Chandler / Gilbert area.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
04-27-2011 , 05:37 PM
Bumping this (gently) for the next few weeks on or before Wednesday nights while the new season is fresh.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
05-03-2011 , 02:39 PM
Week #2 of Season XIV is tomorrow. Everyone's still in the hunt for the finals...
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
05-09-2011 , 06:53 PM
Week #2 of Season XIV is Wednesday. 20 players in the standings so far, and nobody with more than one win.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
05-18-2011 , 04:59 AM
Week #4 of season XIV is tonight, in Gilbert.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
08-30-2011 , 08:26 PM

Season XV starts tomorrow night. Points have reset. Final season tournament for top finishers is generally around $1,000.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
09-15-2011 , 04:25 PM
Season XV is currently underway, and maximum attendance has been 16. Since the top-16 at the end of the season is a freeroll for close to $1,000 -- playing in this league should be avoided if you like money.

Next couple games will be in the Higley/Queen Creek area.
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
09-28-2011 , 06:33 PM
Mid-season bump.

Lots of free money on the table for the final-16, and only 13 people have points so far...
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
10-02-2011 , 02:13 AM
two $10 games each wednesday? sounds good... PM'd
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
04-02-2013 , 10:22 AM
This sounds like a lot of fun. Palimax, is this still running/open?
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
04-02-2013 , 04:17 PM
Yes. This game runs (most) every Wednesday. We're in season 19.

We broadcast it at Meetup to drive new players if you want information from there.

Or, most of the info (minus the addresses) are on the website.

[I'll be in New Orleans this week, but the game will fire as usual.]
Phoenix - East Valley - Low $ Tournament League - Quote
