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wednesday action - rail wednesday action - rail

12-16-2015 , 08:14 PM

package a = 234.2 x 1.1315 = 265

4.4, 8k
10.2 - 2.2rebuy, 4k
11 8k
big 8.8 30k
20.5 - 5.5 2r1a
14.2 - 2.2r 2x turbo
8.8 omania
2.7 turbo, 10k
8.8 4k
5.4 10k
28.4 = 14.2 x 2 - 2.2r 3xturbo nlo8 x 2
hot 11
4.4 psko 18k
11 6k
3.3 psko 12.5k
7.1 - 1r 35k
18.3 - 3r 8k
15.5 - 5.5 1r1a 6k
2.7 10k
5.5 8kturbo
21.3 - 3.3 2x turbo

package b = 84.8 x 1.065 = 90.3

24.8 - 8.8 1r1a
33 - 11 1r1a
13.5 15k

package c = 54 x 1.04 = 56.16

27 horse
27 8game

package d = 98.8 x 1.02 = 100.78

8.8 6max turbo
11 phase 1 turbo
5.1 hyper x 2
big 22
hot 16.5
30.3 - 10.2 hu x 3

15 speck champ
10 mfae
30 detoxxinz
10 xcrx
2 donkey08811

40 nopointbluffing
5 xcrx
10 mfae
10 speck champ
2 donkey08811

2 donkey08811
10 xcrx
10 mfae
10 speck champ

2 donkey08811
5 xcrx
30 detoxxinz
10 speck champ
wednesday action - rail Quote
12-16-2015 , 08:33 PM
couple of final tables and a final two tables

package a = 557.59

total cashes = 534.59
3.44 - 2.7 ko
15.85 - 8.8, 4k
515.3 - 3r 2x turbo

bounties - 1.5
1.5 - 2.7 ko

total from rebuy refunds = 19 x 1.1315 = 21.5
3 - 3r 8k
6 - 2.2 nlo8
4 - 2.2r 4k
6 - 2.2r 2x turbo

package b = 156.77

total cashes = 149.27
118.8 - 8 1r1a
30.47 - 13.5 ko

bounties = 7.5
7.5 - 13.5 ko

package c = 27 x 1.04 = 28.08

total from skipped
27 8game

package d = 276.89

total cashes = 181
181 - 10.5hu

35 - 10.5 hu

total from skipped = 59.7 x 1.02 = 60.89
11 - 11 phase turbo
22 - big 22
16.5 - hot 16.5
10.2 - 10.2 hu
wednesday action - rail Quote
