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hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03)

03-03-2015 , 01:57 AM
Rail for the following package on Tuesday 2015/03/03:
15:00 | $ 5.50 | BIG 5.50 / 20K Gtd.
15:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A (=$15.50 total) / 5K Gtd.
16:15 | $ 5.50 | 1000 Cap. / 2K Gtd.
16:25 | $11.00 | Phase1 / 75K Gtd.
16:30 | $ 2.20 | Rebuy (=$6.20 total) / 6K Gtd.
16:45 | $21.00 | SKO / 15K Gtd.
17:00 | $ 8.80 | BIG 8.80 / 30K Gtd.
17:15 | $11.00 | BIG 109 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 4 Seats Gtd.
18:00 | $22.00 | BIG 22 / 50K Gtd.
18:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.
18:15 | $ 8.80 | 500 Cap. / 3K Gtd.
18:30 | $11.00 | HOT 11 (Turbo) / 35K Gtd.
19:00 | $ 5.50 | 3K Gtd.
19:00 | $22.00 | 10K Gtd.
19:15 | $ 5.50 | BIG 55 Sat. (Turbo, Deep) / 5 Seats Gtd.
20:00 | $ 3.30 | PSKO / 10K Gtd.
20:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.
20:00 | $11.00 | BIG 11 / 65K Gtd.
20:30 | $ 5.50 | 1R1A (=$10.50 total) / 5K Gtd.
21:00 | $55.00 | BIG 55 / 90K Gtd.

+ 4 x 2.50$ 180m (Turbo) SNGs in the beginning of the pack.

(All times CET)

Link to original package:

70% Mintberry C.
10% K_2
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 09:59 AM
Starting right now w/ Big 5.50, 5.50 2R1A and if possible 4 x 2.50 Satties (I will only play 4 of these today, so each one you see me play is part of the pack).

GL us!
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 11:25 AM
#1 2.50$ 180m: Busted. Lost some pots earlier, then shoved short A6 < AJ < 66.

#2 2.50$ 180m: 13th for 3.89

#3 2.50$ 180m: Busted. Ran KK < AA once again.

#4 2.50$ 180m: Busted. JJ < AK. 8BB short.

15:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A: Had a good start, then lost 2/3 of my stack w/ KK < QJ. On first bullet still, so just add-on. Refund $ 5.00.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 11:37 AM
15:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A: Busted. That was quick. AK < QT for a full house. Refund $ 5.00.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 11:53 AM
15:00 | $ 5.50 | BIG 5.50: Busted. A9 < 77 short.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 02:06 PM
16:25 | $11.00 | Phase1: Busted. ATs < QJ short.

16:45 | $21.00 | SKO: Busted. QQ < KK.

17:15 | $11.00 | BIG 109 Sat.: Busted. AJ < AQ.

18:30 | $11.00 | HOT 11: Busted. AQ < AT.

17:00 | $ 8.80 | BIG 8.80: Busted. A9 < AJ, Button vs. Blind, semi-short.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 05:00 PM
18:00 | $22.00 | BIG 22: Busted. 99 < AQ.

18:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.: Busted. Lost 999 < QJ for a straight earlier. Busted w/ A6 < 99 3BB short.

18:15 | $ 8.80 | 500 Cap.: Busted. A8 < 99 short.

16:30 | $ 2.20 | Rebuy: Damn. Busted at the stone bubble 201st place (198 paid). So carddead almost blinded out.

19:00 | $22.00 | 10K Gtd.: KT < AQ short.

19:15 | $ 5.50 | BIG 55 Sat.: Busted. 99 < JJ.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 05:01 PM
But good news as well:

16:15 | $ 5.50 | 1000 Cap.: 5th for $ 155.66

Silently I made it to the FT, but found myself very spotdead, busted KJ very short.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 05:17 PM
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 07:57 PM
Busted the BIG 55 semi-deep A8s < QJ short.

Session today was quite good. Thanks for your investment!

#2 2.50$ 180m: 13th for 3.89
15:15 | $ 5.50 | 2R1A: Refund $ 5.00.
16:15 | $ 5.50 | 1000 Cap.: 5th for $ 155.66
20:00 | $ 3.30 | 2K Gtd.: 112th for $ 6.16
20:00 | $11.00 | BIG 11: 882nd for $ 17.34
21:00 | $55.00 | BIG 55: 135th for $ 137.97

Total: $ 326.02 ~ $327.00

Sending now.

I would like to play the 9M Sunday Million urgently, if anyone is interested in a piece, lmk.

GL to you, Cheers

hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 07:59 PM
All funds sent.
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
03-03-2015 , 10:37 PM
Defo interested in a piece of the 9M Gtd!

Gg's today mate
hapunkt - Tuesday Rail (Mar 03) Quote
