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GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail

01-27-2020 , 10:38 AM
Package Title:
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open Guaranteed Events

Event Schedule:
Wed, 2/5 or Thu, 2/6 Event 1 $400 BI 500K GTD

Sun, 2/9 Event 2 $400 BI 50K GTD (1 Bullet)

Wed, 2/12 or Thu, 2/13 Event 8 $400 BI 100K GTD (2 Bullets)

Sun, 2/15 Event 9 $400 BI 100K GTD (2 Bullets)

Marketplace Link:

Enszi 10
Gr8fulmouse 5
ACDawg712 3
Brklynjib 10
Werd0318 5
Kim6JJ 7
GolfPro 60
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-04-2020 , 10:37 AM
First event starts tomorrow at 5PM.

My plan is to make Day 2 from the first flight. Will try again on Friday if the first flight doesn’t go well.

Follow my action on twitter @GolfPokerPro. Will provide a synopsis after the event.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-06-2020 , 12:40 AM

Didn’t get any traction with Bullet1. AQ, AJ and pocket pairs (7’s, 8’s and 9’s) all in vain.

Open 8’s and get called at two places then a reraise and shove. Folded 8’s to see AJos vs KQos. K on the flop.

Down to 6100, call a raise of 1500 with Q10s.
F:Q22. I shove and get snapped by Q’s.

Bullet 2:

Ran very well early and built a nice stack of 90K.

Slowly grinded down to 34K.

After blinds left with 29.2 and shove over a raise of 6500 with Q’s and lose a race to AKos.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-06-2020 , 09:50 AM
On Bullet 1 yesterday there were two super aggressive guys that joined the table and changed the complexion of the game.

In L2, there was a raise to 800, 3 callers to our BB. We put in the extra 600 with 34c.
F:AdKc5c. Raiser fires 2200, two callers.
T: 8h Raiser fires 5K and gets called and we fold.
R: 2h Raiser checks and folds for a shove. Lost 3K here.

In the same level:
Call a raise 800 in a 3 way pot with 78d
F:6710 1d call a cbet 1800 and still 3 callers
T: Kd V bets 3400 and I call, we are headsup
R:3 check, check and turns over 8’s. Lost 6K here.

Open with AQos and get a J high flop. Make a cbet and get called. Check fold on a blank turn and a big bet.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-08-2020 , 08:24 AM

Got us closer to Day 2. Finished in the money, but, busted two away from bag-n-tag.

Flight 3 chip leader called us on BB with K9 to our AJ. Flop a J but V turned a K. The pot would have put us around 185K.

Was too tired after playing all day to try Flight#4.

Will not be using Bullet#4.

Next event, Event#2 on Sunday, Feb 9th at Noon.

Please follow @GolfPokerPro on twitter for more details.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-10-2020 , 11:15 AM
Winter PPO Event#2 Update

Chip progression and detail for the investors that didn’t follow me on twitter.

Starting Stack:25K

EOL2: 22.2K from SS 25K, 95 and counting. You win some and you lose some. Win with K8os on the first hand. Couldn’t make it on hand2 with A10os F:JQ8 T:A and Blank River.

EOL3: 32.9K, 137.

L4: Everyone folds to us in SB, look down to find K’s. Ask the lady in BB, do you want to chop? She smiles and says we can’t.

Raise to 1500, she snap calls.
F:67K, check check
T:8 Fire 3K, she tank folds and shows 2’s.
2 on the turn would have been an awesome card.

EOL4: 27.3K, AQos was not good in a 5 way pot. I was the initial raiser. Board:J53KK.

EOL5: 28.2K, 168.

L6: Took out the nice lady to my left (the one with 2’s before), A6>JQos. Flop two pair.

EOL6:39.1K, 181.

EOL7: 14.5K, 187.
Two suited A hands that didn’t work after opening. One hand with a nut flush draw. One hand with a pair of A’s, but, ran with a diamond draw instead of hearts. Lost 10K in each of them.

L8: Double up alert. Limp with 45c. 5 way. F:KJ3 2c Bet 2K, call (heads up)
T:2c we are AI, he snaps with K2os.

L8: Damn lose to a terrible call. Button limps, SB completes, we are on BB with J’s and shove for 30K, button ships it with A10s with a stack of 28K and gets a dream flop of F:346s. Wow!

EOL8: We are out. A8h AI UTG for $1900.
MP and Button call. F:Q108 2s, T:Ks R:As
V1 shows A6os, V2: 4’s with a 4s and wins the pot.

Not sure what I can say about the disappointing result of Event2. We want the bad players to make those kind of calls with their tournament life on the line. At the same time we don’t want them to hit their dream flops.

V limps on the button for 1K with 27K behind and don’t mind shoving it when put all-in. For that kind of bad play gets rewarded by poker gods with a dream flop.

Next event is on Wednesday, Event#8 100K GTD. Hope to run well and be on the right side of the variance.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-12-2020 , 01:34 AM
Played the seniors event (as I am barely entering the age group). This event is not a part of this package. Just wanted to vent out my frustration.

Made in the money with 324K. Final two tables.

At 5/10/10 blinds open with KQs for 35K.

LP goes AI for 84K. Made the call. He shows 9’s to our KQs.

F:Q34 T:9 R:8 we pay him off.

In a SB vs BB battle, raise to 35K, BB was short with 38K. He shoves and we call the additional 3K.

SB:4’s BB:6’s we pay him off

After a few rounds down to 79K after posting blinds (6/12/12). There was an open from the 9’s guy to 24K, I look down at Q’s and ship it.

He tanks as he had only 85K total. Makes the call with... wait for it... 89d.
Board: 886, 7, 10

How are these people making it to final two tables? How do they run so pure!

More important question “Why do I constantly lose with Q’s?”

We are top 3/4 stacks in final 18, we get knocked out in 12th.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-12-2020 , 06:35 PM
Planning to fire one more bullet for Event 8. There is one leftover from Event 1.

Let me know if you guys want it. Otherwise will fire one on my own.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-13-2020 , 12:17 PM
Winter PPO Event#8 Update

In L3, open with KJos to 1K, SB fumbles and puts in 300, dealer tells him there was a raise and he is not happy to call 1K or give up 300. 1 caller.

I look at the guy who folded and annouce 22K by mistake while throwing 2200.

The table goes crazy and we had to put 22K. V tanks and folds. That was close!

The guy left to me is an aggressive idiot, his stack keeps swinging up and down from 100K to 30K to 150K.

He apparently folded K10os and keeps telling half my stack would have been his if he dared to put the 1K call. He will come into picture later.

EOL3:38100, SS 40K, 106 entries.

EOL4: 42.3K, 122. First Break!

L5: Won a nice pot with J4c. Three way pot. F:JJ2 2s. Raiser bets 2K, 1 caller, I bump it to 7K. Raiser folds, V2 calls.

T:8s check check

R:4s Bet 10J and get called by Q10s.

EOL5: 58.5K, 128.

EOL6: 51.6K, 133.

EOL7: 48.9K, 136.

L8: Down to 10.4K, after K’s<A4s, aggresive idiot couldn’t find a fold with A4c.

I limp with K’s, he makes his customary raise of 2K, we pick one caller, I make it 7, both call.
F:AJ9 I fire a CBet, idiot calls.
T:6 we both check
R:9 he fires 12K his range is JX to a random 9 or a bluff. I call and he shows me A4c.

EOL8: 5300, 142. Second Break. Might reenter if this doesn’t work out

L9: Out. AI over a raise of 5200 for 6400 with 10’s. Raiser makes the crying call with A8os. F:KQ3h. He did’t have any hearts and we had the 10h. T:6 R:Ad


EOL9: 46K, 146. Registration open till End of Level 11.

EOL10: 64.4K, 147.

L11: 34:4K, 22 mins left, KJos didn’t make anything versus 34os on a 10Q8Q3 board. He sheepishly shows 34os. Lose 22K on that pot.

34os opened the pot for a raise 6K, bets 9 on the flop, 7 on turn and checks river.

L11: A3s<A5h for 26K. F: A54 with 1s. I opened with a three bet on the button and get called by blinds.SB called with A5h.

Down to 5500.

EOL11: Out on the last hand on Bullet 2, Q7c < A’s for 5500. 4 way pot, win here would have put us at half the starting stack.

Flop the Q and no more help.

Last edited by GolfPro; 02-13-2020 at 12:23 PM.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-13-2020 , 12:27 PM
Bullet #3

Didn’t plan for a third one for this event, but, when I saw there might be an overlay sent the message out about the third bullet.

Since I did’t run that far don’t feel like charging you guys for the same. So, this one is on me.

Here’s the progression by Level.

1. 36.7 KQs didn’t work blind vs blind.

2. 22.2K, 79 blind vs blind, F: 789 2s. SB flops a straight, lose around 10K. AKos < 9’s F:A29 2d, T:8d R: 4s Lose 10K. Make a hand with 910d KQ3Qc

Double up with KJ on 10Q3 flop and lose AK on 10 high board!

3. 7400. 45 entries.

4. Double again A10c > J’s 23445 board. Lose JQ<10J F:789 lose 3K - 24.6K @ First Break

5. Out AQ<A10 AJ73s8h 2h flop and river the third heart.

Call a raise 2500 with AQos in a three way pot.
F:AJ7 2 hearts. Fire 5K when checked.
T:3s Shove AI and get called by A10h
R: 8h to take us out.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-13-2020 , 02:34 PM
We lost the Bullet#3 to the eventual Day 1 Chip Leader!
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-14-2020 , 10:23 AM
Hello All,

Just wanted to give a heads up on Event 9.

Instead of playing Day 1 on Saturday (2/15) and Day 2 on Sunday (2/16). I will be playing Day 1 today (14th).

Hope to find a bag today.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-14-2020 , 11:24 PM
Event 9 Update

68 entries total. 8 paid, 5 go to Day 2.

Made the money ($550), got knocked out as Day 2 bubble in 6th.

Ship the last 34K in SB with 69c get called by 79s.
Board: AA7107.

Good game us!
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-14-2020 , 11:41 PM
Will not be using the second bullet for Event 9.

Planning to play my Main Event tomorrow. If I do not bag then will try 50K on Sunday.

The following is the cash update:
Event 1: 3 Bullets Cash $550
Event 2: 1 Bullet Cash $0
Event 8: 2 Bullets Cash $0
Event 9: 1 Bullet Cash $550
Unused Bullets: 2

Tentative Plan:
Depending on the outcome of the Main Event, if free on Sunday, will fire 2 Bullets for the 50K Event on Sunday
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-15-2020 , 12:49 PM
Will try my level best to bag in the Main Event today.

In the case where things don’t go well and I bust early will fire the second bullet for Event 9. If an extra one is needed will update the rail.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-15-2020 , 04:48 PM
Entered Event 9 on the last hand before the break. End of Level 7.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-15-2020 , 07:44 PM
Bullet 2:

1. Didn’t go quite well. 8’s<10Jos F:10106.
2. AQd < KQc F:KK6 2d T:K

Took a re-entry (Bullet 3). We are currently at 38/152. 18 pay, 12 come back to Day 2.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-15-2020 , 10:13 PM
Event 9 Update

On bullet 3 made it to top 20. 18 pay and 12 bag for Day 2. Then this happened:

L15: We are out on the Money bubble in Event 9. I am not making this up, just freaking unbelievable.

Short stack is AI for 14K. MP calls 14. I call with JQos.
F:JQ8 MP bets 30K, I am AI for 120K.
MP tanks forever, I told him I am really strong. He calls with Q8os.

Out in 19th.

I don’t know what to say!

I even kept telling him I am really strong and he was behind.

Final Tally:

No more bullets left.

We have $1100 in cash. Would have added at least another $550, but, it wasn’t meant to be.

Will process the refunds soon.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-16-2020 , 05:20 PM

$1100 total money from this package.

Enszi 10 - $110
Gr8fulmouse 5 - $55
ACDawg712 3 - $33
Brklynjib 10 - $110
Werd0318 5 - $55
Kim6JJ 7 - $77

Sent out the money on Pay Pal today.

Thanks for the support I wish I ran better during Bubble Time!

Last edited by GolfPro; 02-16-2020 at 05:39 PM.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
02-18-2020 , 10:25 AM
The bad beats saga continues:

Played at my local card room, 228 players, we are down to 6.

Have around 220K at 20/30/30K blinds.

Limp with A’s with a hope of getting it in pre or on the flop.

SB and BB complete. Pot: 120K
F: 934 2s, SB leads 70 and I am AI 180. Takes his time and makes the call with 79os

Oh well! That didn’t work.

It is amazing how they reach there on the turn with no wait.
GolfPro's Potomac Winter Poker Open GTD Events Rail Quote
