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Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail

01-10-2013 , 04:23 AM

bb tomorrow at some point
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-10-2013 , 12:41 PM
will sit for a bit while cranking out a few emails but will be doing heavy grinding during evening today or late afternoon
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-10-2013 , 09:41 PM
no action earlier, starting again
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-11-2013 , 07:23 AM
What a roller coaster of a night. I started off my session stuck like 600 then pushed ahead about 1200 playing some limit ring and some heads up then I got in a match with a guy @ 4-8. Actually at the same time I was playing 4-8 I was playing a 10-20 HU , another 10-20 6 max and a 6-12 ring.

This guy was 3 betting and 4 betting every hand @ 4-8 and there were a few 20 BB back and forth in a short period of time. I was getting tired and this was @ 11 PM eastern and it is now almost 6 AM eastern. I didn't really feel like playing him anymore unless we moved up and we moved to 8-16. Same there back and forth and he asked me to go to 10-20. I said ok and closed all of my remaining games.

This guy 3 bet and 4 bet me every hand. Floated just about every flop and would often stick in 3 and 4 bets on the flop with bottom pair or even just pure air. I was fine with that. Guys like this can go on some huge runs but at the same time you can break them down quickly if you know what your doing.

I decided to use a strategy of capping a lot in position and I decided to lay back OOP and not 3 bet too much and get in as many bets on the flop with 2nd pair and I would wait to raise draws.

This worked fine. I beat him up for like 1,500 or so and then he made a huge run and won back 1100 of that. I was still tired and then I said let's play 15-30. He said ok. We move to 15-30 and I beat him for 1k, then another 1k, then he reloads for 600 and he must have won 20 out of 21 hands and most went to showdown. I think he even once made quad kings when I held AA for a huge pot.

We went back and forth for a while and then he went on a monster run and he got back to even. Now my adrenaline was flowing and I said let's play 30-60. I only had 2400 in this account but I thought this was a great opportunity. So away we go for some 30-60

Guy starts off on fire and continues this run but at this point in the match he stopped going animal preflop and on the flop. He started to play more of an ABC game if there is such a thing. He was just doing things I would expect most players to do. So he gets me under 1k and he is running well and I am getting steamed because I am running out of chips and I want to play!!!!

I open my skype and go up and down my list looking for players who play on this network and try and get anything floated to me. My buddy cody says he can send me 1k and I offer him 100c on the dollar then he sees he has reached his transfer limit for the week. ****KKKKKKKK , I am now down below 500. Babar doesn't have any funds there either!!!!!!! ****!!!!!!!!! And then my buddy Jay says sure I can send you 3k for a TDB deposit and I agree. I am now down under 100 HURRY HURRY PLEASE. I stall and let the clock run on every street and poof the 3k arrives!

Now this guy is just hitting everything but he started exploiting me a bit too. Earlier in the match he was very foldy in certain spots that I picked up on but now he started calling down with anything but even when he was peeling with 34 on like q72 he would hit a 3 and then win a showdown vs my aj etc. He was also relentlessly raising turn cards and he was doing well and had me down to about $800. Then I took some deep breaths and did some quick brainstorming and figured out exactly how he was exploiting me and I adjusted.

A lot of times in long matches with a guy you have an edge on and at one point were destroying they pick up on things and adjust in their own ways and it takes a while for you to pick up their patterns. Well I just figured out what this guy was doing to me and then it was off to the races!

We move back over 1k, then 2k, then 3k, then 4k then he starts tilting because what he was doing cannot work anymore because I put an end to it. Then 5k, 6k we get a reload! 7k, 8k and we finish the match with $8830 for a $3500 win. We must have played over 1000 hands and by far the most HU hands I have played in a long time.

JAY IS GOD for the loan and I told ya if I play on the desktop every day I will PWN

Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-11-2013 , 12:36 PM
Well done on the turn-around fella.
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-11-2013 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by He_Went_That_Way
Well done on the turn-around fella.
thanks buddy
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-12-2013 , 12:46 AM
back to work
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-12-2013 , 03:09 AM
prob lost 200 or so, taking a break, may take rest of day off and may take some time off this weekend
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-12-2013 , 05:33 PM
grinding +400 so far
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-12-2013 , 09:30 PM
took a break, sitting on $44,908 and starting another session
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-13-2013 , 04:40 AM

probably done for the night, might take tomorrow off, if I play I will post , my brain was fried yesterday from that marathon 6 hr hu session but I am felt great tonight and pwned

My patriots play tomorrow so I may take the day off. We will see , I will prob be grinding as usual though
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-13-2013 , 05:58 AM
played a bit more, roll is @ $47,691

Stake is over, I will figure shares out by monday at the latest and start payments this week, longer writeup coming in a few mins
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-13-2013 , 07:02 AM
First off I want to thank everyone who invested in me and bought pieces of my action. I have decided to end the stake for a couple reasons.

1. I want to lock up a nice win for both me and everyone who backed me. If I told you before I ran this one when I started in November when it ended we would be + $22,691 I am sure everyone would be satisfied as would I be.

2. I am going to cut back my volume a bit over the next few weeks and take it easy and focus on my health and try and get back to a very strict routine for both nutrition and exercise and work on my website a little bit.

I ran one of these stakes last September through December and I think I won somewhere close to $20,000. Right after that I went back on my own and hit a downswing of epic proportions for the stakes I was playing (no surprise I am down $500 while typing this lol). I lost more than that $20,000 I won over 6 weeks and I then decided to sell pieces again. Every since then I have been nonstop grinding my ass off for the better part of the past year so it is time for a mini break

I get pretty fired up knowing I have a bunch guys behind me and it feels good to not only make money for myself but make money for you guys too. But it is time to step back on my own and see how things go.

I want to get everything squared up and what I need cashed out for both me and you guys and then I may run another stake starting February 1st or so. I have a little more being cashed out but I think I can pretty much square up with everyone this week.

I will figure out the share breakdown between now and Monday. Please shoot me a PM and let me know what method you payed and if you want that same method to cash out.

I can payout Intertops, BCP, Truepoker

Or BOA, Paypal if that's what you payed me with

or I can get euro guys whatever they payed with. I just need a lil time this week to find you chips or ewallet money where u need it to go.

Again thanks for investing!

Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-14-2013 , 02:39 PM
Prepping for my radio show now and then will figure out the shares etc. and will make post on how the process will be handled

Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-14-2013 , 10:01 PM
Ok so I have broke down the final shares just now. I am still waiting on a final wire and about $10,000 or so in checks but I should be able to pay most everyone off this week. At the very least you should all have a minimum of your initial buyin this go round back by Friday but probably sooner than that. Please confirm after I pay you in this thread as well.

And once again thanks for investing. It was a pleasure crushing people and making us all money

Guyra $24,519
MtlPokerking $2,544
Juicestain100- $63.61
Charham - $877.88
lrntofoldson - $438.94
GambleBotsChafedPenis- $734.11
Grenada - $120.86
AFFltChief1 $381.69
Hockey Guy $254.46
sitting out $366.42
Kongenafpop $526.73
Subhuman $175.57
Joebob- $438.94
kirklaja -$365.78

Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-14-2013 , 11:30 PM
Payment received. Thank you and good luck sir, I hope you hit a MASSIVE heater now on your own dime. glgl
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-14-2013 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by juicestain100
Payment received. Thank you and good luck sir, I hope you hit a MASSIVE heater now on your own dime. glgl
ty buddy
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-15-2013 , 12:43 PM
Once again no vested interest but couldn't help but follow this thread daily. Nice work crushing buddy. Keep it up.
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-15-2013 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by RMB
Once again no vested interest but couldn't help but follow this thread daily. Nice work crushing buddy. Keep it up.
Thanks buddy! I will try and keep crushing and I will continue to blog
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-16-2013 , 08:20 PM
Received partial payment as BOA has daily transfer limits. Will update the other 2/3rds when they come in.

Great work, my man.

Happy you're out on your own but bummed I don't have a daily sweat anymore. Keep blogging so we can live a little vicariously thru you.
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-16-2013 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
Received partial payment as BOA has daily transfer limits. Will update the other 2/3rds when they come in.

Great work, my man.

Happy you're out on your own but bummed I don't have a daily sweat anymore. Keep blogging so we can live a little vicariously thru you.
Thanks buddy! Will be blogging for sure!
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-18-2013 , 08:01 AM
received 2nd of 3 payments last night. thanks.
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-18-2013 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
received 2nd of 3 payments last night. thanks.
NP, other should come tonight
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-22-2013 , 08:47 AM
3rd payment received. Weekly BOA transfer limit reached. 99% received. waiting for new BOA week to start for the last small % payment.

Couldnt ask for a better stake holder. Super professional, always available, frequent daily updates and subsequent blogs.

Really cares about about keeping his investors in the loop at all times.

More trustworthy as anyone I've come across in poker. Would have no problem investing large sums again and again.

Oh, and a pretty good limit player to boot

Thanks again for letting me invest.
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
01-22-2013 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
3rd payment received. Weekly BOA transfer limit reached. 99% received. waiting for new BOA week to start for the last small % payment.

Couldnt ask for a better stake holder. Super professional, always available, frequent daily updates and subsequent blogs.

Really cares about about keeping his investors in the loop at all times.

More trustworthy as anyone I've come across in poker. Would have no problem investing large sums again and again.

Oh, and a pretty good limit player to boot

Thanks again for letting me invest.
Thanks buddy, really appreciate the kind words! rest of boa or paypal soon
Chinamaniac ,000 Merge/Revolution Rail Quote
