$265 KO - $265 - busted
$55 10k - $55 - busted
The Hot 33 - $33 - cashed for ($58.60)
54 KO - $54 - busted
82 hyp 15k - $82 - busted
$33c - $63 - busted
82 hyp 14k - $82 - busted
The Big 22 - $22 - busted
100r - $409 - in for 309 - ($120.09) - busted
27t KO - $27 - ($10) - cashed for ($35.30)
The hot 11 - $11 - cashed for ($23.29)
54t KO - $54 - busted
$22 12k - $22 - busted
The Big 109 - $109 - cashed for ($178.86)
25 6m hyp - $25 - busted
55t 2x - $105 - in for 105 - busted
The hot 16.50 - $16.50 - busted
44t - $44 - busted
The Big 11 - $11 - cashed for ($19.75)
$22 1r 1a - $42 - busted
51 hyp - $51 - cashed for ($224.40)
Hot 75 - $75 - busted
215t - $215 - busted
The Big $55 - $55 - busted
27t ko 20k - $27 - ($10) - busted
The Hot $55- $55 - busted
$11r - $31 - busted
The Big $162 - $162 - busted
WCOOP Event #7 1k - $1050 -
27t KO - $27 - ($10) - busted
$109t 30k - $109 - busted
215t - $215 - busted
The hot 44 - $44 - busted
75 7k guar - $75 - busted
The Benji - $109 - busted
Two for Tues - $215 - busted
total cashes/refunds: $690
broken_jia - 4% ($27.60)
onetime08 - 2% ($13.80)
deucesofclub - 1% ($6.90)
BrownyDalton - 2% ($13.80)
PPlaya - 1% ($6.90)
Luckyb555 - 1% ($6.90)
daChimp - 1% ($6.90)
rook3poker - 2% ($13.80)
Itradepoker - 5% ($34.50)
UsainBolt969 - 3.5% ($24.12)
DONKEY - 1% ($6.90)
Mintewek - 5% ($34.50)
samesame - 2% ($13.80)
hu4rllz - 2% ($5.68)
Tourbound68 - 2.5% ($17.25)
deke - 6% ($41.40)
Giffordian -5% ($34.50)
onlyraiseaa - 2% ($13.80)
dumb day... got a big package for tomorrow so if anyone wants to roll over just post in this thread:
going to sleep now.. ill wait to see who wants to r/o and ship back in the am
thanks guys