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AGKB Saturday AGKB Saturday

02-28-2015 , 12:31 PM


$82 6m hyp - $82
The Big 22 - $22
100r - $409
$82 6m hyp - $82
54t KO - $54
The Big 109 - $109
$320 Saturday Super-KO - $320
$22 $10k - $22
$55t Re-Entry $12.5k - $55
$215 Weekly 6-Max - $215
13:15 25 hyp 12.5k - $25
44t $16k - $44
$22 1r 1a - $62
14:30 51 hyp $12k - $51
The Hot 75 - $75
$215t 25k - $215
The Big $55 - $55
The Hot $55 - $55
$11r AH - $61
$11r - $41
The Big $162 - $162
$55t Ante Up - $55
16:15 25 hyp $15k - $25
55 10k - $55
$215 Weekly Turbo - $215
$109t 30k - $109
$55 6m turbo - $55
17:45 25 hyp $15k - $25
The Hot 44 - $44
18:30 $51 hyp $10k - $51
Saturday Speedway - $33


The Benjamin - $100
SuperStack - $50
Mount Rushmore - $100
Saturday 6-Max - $100
Trex - $100
Turbo Fiddy - $50
Turbo Hundo - $100


Tw1stedLog1c - 5%
samesame - 3%
bra_val_fool - 2%
DonK KijotE - 1.5%
DONKEY08811 - 1.5%
MikeMcD - 1%
valtsu - 1%
Fisher429 - 1%
Du3cesWild pp - 1%
UncleSkeeter - 1%
tomahawk3333 - 1%
Tim_kremer - 1%
Raymond1976 - 1%
CFalls - 1%

adding 54 ko and 33c to pack

Last edited by Aguskb; 02-28-2015 at 12:40 PM.
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 01:11 PM
itm 82 hyp - 34/40

gg 35th
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 03:37 PM
itm 54t ko - 29/70

K7s>K8 bvb - 12/45

gg 24th

Last edited by Aguskb; 02-28-2015 at 04:04 PM.
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 04:12 PM
also so no one is teased, unfortunately this b75 is not in the pack as it started ~2 hours before our first tourney started
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 04:30 PM
gl in it bud!
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 04:57 PM
its not on the package so nobody think it is in i think
GL anyway tid
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by CFalls
gl in it bud!


Originally Posted by zetterberg
its not on the package so nobody think it is in i think
GL anyway tid

youd be surprised , ty!

15/45 lets go

itm 215t - 6/36

Last edited by Aguskb; 02-28-2015 at 05:27 PM.
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 05:45 PM
busto 18th ****
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 06:57 PM
gg trex KQ vs 64ss on like a Q73ss flop

real nice pot in b162 tho

AQ<A8 and 89s in turob hundo, river 8 pukeeez

this was sexy tho

lol then A10<A7o to get back into it in turb hundo gg

Last edited by Aguskb; 02-28-2015 at 07:24 PM.
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 07:40 PM
jam a10 for 9.5bbs lose to QQ ~30 from $ in 109t

22>KJs to stay alive in weekly turbo

AQ>99 weeeee - 15/120

**** me A8s<AJ co vs aggro 3bing sb to bust b162 30ish from $

running out of day savers.... weekly turbo, h44 and 51 hyp left

forgot speedway so that too more #hope

Last edited by Aguskb; 02-28-2015 at 08:01 PM.
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 08:14 PM
insanely long bubble in weekly turbo, people gonna drop like flies

itm weekly turb - 23/78

card dead for a while and A2 cant beat KJs and 88 for triple up gg 36th ugh

h44 and speedway left

just speedway #onetime?

Last edited by Aguskb; 02-28-2015 at 08:42 PM.
AGKB Saturday Quote
02-28-2015 , 09:07 PM


$82 6m hyp - $82 - cashed for ($132.17)
The Big 22 - $22 - busted
100r - $409 - busted
$82 6m hyp - $82 - busted
54t KO - $54 - ($20) cashed for ($138.72)
The Big 109 - $109 - busted
$320 Saturday Super-KO - $320 - busted
$22 $10k - $22 - busted
$55t Re-Entry $12.5k - $55 - busted
$215 Weekly 6-Max - $215 -
13:15 25 hyp 12.5k - $25 - busted
44t $16k - $44 - busted
$22 1r 1a - $62 - busted
14:30 51 hyp $12k - $51 - busted
The Hot 75 - $75 - busted
$215t 25k - $215 - cashed for ($523.60)
The Big $55 - $55 - busted
The Hot $55 - $55 - busted
$11r AH - $61 - busted
$11r - $41 - (-$11.48) busted
The Big $162 - $162 -
$55t Ante Up - $55 - busted
16:15 25 hyp $15k - $25 - busted
55 10k - $55 - busted
$215 Weekly Turbo - $215 - cashed for ($475.20)
$109t 30k - $109 - busted
$55 6m turbo - $55 - busted
17:45 25 hyp $15k - $25 - busted
The Hot 44 - $44 - busted
18:30 $51 hyp $10k - $51 - busted
Saturday Speedway - $33 - busted
54 ko - (-$62.02) busted
33c - (-$106.80) busted


The Benjamin - $100 - busted
SuperStack - $50 - busted
Mount Rushmore - $100 - busted
Saturday 6-Max - $100 - busted
Trex - $100 - busted
Turbo Fiddy - $50 - busted
Turbo Hundo - $100 - busted

Total cashes/refunds: $1109

Tw1stedLog1c - 5% ($55.45)
samesame - 3% ($33.27)
bra_val_fool - 2% ($22.18)
DonK KijotE - 1.5% ($16.64)
DONKEY08811 - 1.5% ($16.64)
MikeMcD - 1% ($11.09)
valtsu - 1% ($11.09)
Fisher429 - 1% ($11.09)
Du3cesWild pp - 1% ($11.09)
UncleSkeeter - 1% ($11.09)
tomahawk3333 - 1% ($11.09)
Tim_kremer - 1% ($11.09)
Raymond1976 - 1% ($11.09)
CFalls - 1% ($11.09)
AGKB Saturday Quote
