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SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account

09-03-2008 , 06:20 AM
"Poker or World of Warcraft? Poker or World of Warcraft?"

After months of asking myself this question, I've decided I truly want to get serious about poker. Over the past five years, I have played poker in home games, brick and mortars, and online, but only with an "its all for kicks" attitude. What this decision means for me is that my beloved World of Warcraft days have come to an end.

What I am presenting and attempting to sell on the Two Plus Two Marketplace is an incredibly nice World of Warcraft account, comprised of five characters. This account has taken a total of 237.5 days of playtime to make it what it is today. Without hesitation I can say that this account will not disappoint, and will very likely exceed the buyers expectations. It is something that I have put a tremendous amount of time, thought, and energy into building. I hope to attack the game of poker with this much dedication and gusto!

This account was created in April of 2006. It is currently active. I am the only person to have ever had knowledge of the account name and password. No character has ever been transferred or renamed. The account has never been banned.


Jimad - (70) Human female Warlock ARMORY ~
This is my primary, or "main" character. She is exceptionally well geared for PvE raiding of end-game content (Black Temple and Sunwell Plateau). This character can produce a sustained 2,400dps on the Brutallus encounter in Sunwell Plateau, which is without question the damage-output benchmark in WoW. According to estimations made on the WoW forums, less than 1% of all World of Warcraft players are able to obtain the quality of PvE gear she possess.
She is also very, very well geared for the PvP aspect of the game.
Key PvE Statistics :
- 10,400 hit points; 1,332 shadow damage; 20.82% critical strike; 148 haste rating
Key PvP Statistics :
- 13,000 hit points; 1,194 spell damage; 484 resilience
Character highlights :
- Titled "Hand of A'dal" (PvE) and "Challenger" (PvP)
- 6/8 Tier6 "of the Malefic" armor set (PvE)
- 3/5 Brutal, 1/5 Vengeful, 1/5 Merciless "Gladiator’s" armor set (PvP)
- 5/5 "Guardian’s" armor set (PvP)
- Full fire and shadow resist armor sets (used to tank Leotheras the Blind and Illidan Stormrage)
- 375 Enchanting; 375 Tailoring
- (2) Epic flying mounts
- Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber epic land mount (very rare)

Damij - (70) Human male Warrior ARMORY ~
This was my original character. He is now used almost exclusively for PvP game play. In the hands of a competent player, this warrior can dominate battlegrounds. While he does have some PvE tanking gear, it is nothing to get excited about, mainly Karazhan and craftable epics.
Key PvP Statistics :
- 12,200 hit points; 1,688 attack power; 35.36% critical strike; 359-381 resilience
Character Highlights :
- Titled "Sergeant"
- 1/5 Brutal, 1/5 Vengeful, 3/5 Merciless "Gladiator’s" armor set (PvP)
- 4/5 "Guardian’s" armor set (PvP)
- Stormherald (Tier 3 Blacksmithing-craftable 2H mace) with Executioner enchant
- 375 Blacksmithing; 375 Engineering
- Tanking armor set that puts this character at 15,500 hit points, and well over the 490 defense cap
- Epic flying mount
- (3) Epic land mounts

Belagia - (70) Night Elf female Druid ARMORY ~
One night while at the Belagio, Belagia was born. This character is also used almost exclusively for PvP game play. She is Restoration spec, and an absolute beast to take down in both battlegrounds and arena.
Key PvP Statistics :
- 10,500 hit points; 1,771 healing (+40 with ring enchants), 439 resilience
Character Highlights :
- 2/5 Brutal, 3/5 Merciless "Gladiator’s" armor set (PvP)
- 5/5 "Guardian’s" armor set (PvP)
- 375 Alchemy (transmute spec), 360 Enchanting
- Has made all elixir and flask discoveries
- Epic flying form
- (1) Epic flying mount

- Epic land mount

Nineoneone - (49) Gnome female Rogue ARMORY ~
This character is a twink. Her armory speaks for itself. Best gear, weapons, and enchants available. Built to dominate the 40-49 bracket.

Quas - (29) Night Elf male Rogue ARMORY --
This character is also a twink. He was once cutting edge, but the release of a few new and superior quest items as the game evolved means he isn't the monster in the 20-29 battleground bracket that he once was. Quas is still a very strong character, capable of insane killing action. This character carries the title of "Sergeant", the highest attainable in the 20-29 bracket.

At the time of this listing, this account has a total of 5,230 gold. There is also an estimated 3,000 gold worth of saleable (auction house) items in the character's banks. That is a considerable amount of gold.

I am open to reasonable (or interesting!) offers. My intention is for the sale of this account to provide me with a nice, comfortable starting bankroll. I am also willing to do whatever a prospective buyer deems necessary to reassure him or her that this is a legitimate offer.

My preferred method of payment would be a Pokerstars transfer. I have been playing on this website for years now (under the same screen name as I have here - late brAKer), and would prefer to stay. I have had multiple T$ transfers. Please forgive me if the timeframe and numerical accuracy of these transactions escapes me. It was quite some time ago.

I have also been a member of the Two Plus Two Forums since 04/03/2006.

Do not hesitate with any question or request you may have, whether through the forums or via PM. I'll be happy to respond in a timely manner.

Thanks for reading!

Last edited by late brAKer; 09-03-2008 at 06:24 AM. Reason: Typo
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-03-2008 , 07:19 AM
Its a very nice account, Goodluck with selling.
Too bad its not a euro account.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-03-2008 , 06:07 PM
Sheesh, after all that work (on the account and the post), I hope you get a buyer. It does look like a nice account too.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-04-2008 , 12:40 AM
this account is worth at least 2k. probably way more then that.

Last edited by dlk9s; 09-04-2008 at 11:37 PM. Reason: For reference, this post was made after a series of lowball, joke offers.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-04-2008 , 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by mburke05
this account is worth at least 2k. probably way more then that.
Problem with this is, that any poker player being able to donate 2k from there bankroll isnt going to be playing WOW religiously because they would be interested in making money and not making there digital character as L33t as it can B3.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-04-2008 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by mburke05
this account is worth at least 2k. probably way more then that.
Indeed, good sir.
Before account selling/trading on eBay was essentially outlawed, this account would have brought home $2,500-3,000 at auction.

Having said that, I had no expectation of selling (or recieving offers for) this account for anywhere near that kind of money, as this is after all, a forum for poker players and not MMORPG players.

Originally Posted by NemoInDeniaL
Problem with this is, that any poker player being able to donate 2k from there bankroll isnt going to be playing WOW religiously because they would be interested in making money and not making there digital character as L33t as it can B3.
I would say that there is some truth to this, but consider a different position. I do personally know two people (and know of a few more) that play poker as either a primary profession, or for a secondary source of income, who spend their free time playing World of Warcraft. This was the type of person I was hoping to connect with on the Two Plus Two forums.

With this particular account, the potential buyer wouldn't have to be "playing WOW religiously" to make "there digital character as L33t as it can B3". The characters are very close to "as L33t as they can B3" already. An individual can purchase this account, jump right into the game and melt faces without investing the massive amount of time it would normally take to play at this level. That is the advantage of something like what I'm selling, in my eyes.

I had never even considered using the Two Plus Two Marketplace as a venue to sell my account until I saw another individual list his account here. Upon seeing that, I just said to myself "Hrm, ya never know ... stranger things have happened."

The account is still available, and I'm open to a wide range of offers or proposals.

Thanks again! Time to resume cutting my teeth on the 1/2c NL tables at Stars

Last edited by late brAKer; 09-04-2008 at 03:33 AM. Reason: Typo
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-04-2008 , 11:48 AM
Isnt it against Blizzard policy to sell your accounts? And Isnt it possible to get the account back after having it sold with a simple email to blizzard?
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-04-2008 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Fetzi
Isnt it against Blizzard policy to sell your accounts?
Technically, but not enforced. In the professional scene account sharing is a super common and even a necessary practice.

Originally Posted by Fetzi
And Isnt it possible to get the account back after having it sold with a simple email to blizzard?
Yes and no. If you transfer a character to a fresh account for the new owner then they receive all "rights" of the OO. Which means, the original seller doesn't have any power of the newer account. Downside is it costs about $80.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-04-2008 , 11:00 PM
Thanks for replying to the two questions Fetzi presented, bhanson. Your answers are just about spot on with what I would have said, you just did it with far fewer words than I could have. I did want to address Fetzi's second question, as it is a legitimate concern for a buyer.

Fetzi asked : "And Isnt it possible to get the account back after having it sold with a simple email to blizzard?"
- Is it possible? Yes. Is it as easy as "a simple email to blizzard"? No, not at all.

I can't help but think of a car sales deal when I think of this question. If you sell me a car, there is nothing stopping you from taking it right back from me, using a spare key you kept. Actually, there are a few things I can think of that would prevent you from doing this : a concious, morals, and a belief in "The Golden Rule". I like to think I possess all three.

This account is still available. I have recieved two offers, but have yet to accept them.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-04-2008 , 11:33 PM

Please don't troll this thread with unreasonably low/joke offers.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-05-2008 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by dlk9s

Please don't troll this thread with unreasonably low/joke offers.
Thanks dlk. It was largely my fault by not giving any indication of what type of offer I was looking for in my original post. So .... here goes.
  • If it was my birthday, my lucky day, AND all the planets were aligned, someone would say "I'd like to pay you $1500 for your account". Not likely.
  • I wouldn't hesitate to accept an offer of $800.
  • If my rich uncle (no, I'm not kidding) doesn't make up his mind on buying the account by the end of this weekend, I'd probably take an offer of a few hundred less than the above.
  • At some point in the future, I'd really like to invest in a CardRunners membership, PokerTracker, and possibly private lessons. If these could be incorporated into an offer, my ears would be open.

There, I've shot my wad.

Last edited by late brAKer; 09-05-2008 at 07:50 AM. Reason: Typo
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-05-2008 , 08:30 AM
If I had the first idea of how to play this game, I'd be interested.

It does sound like a good offer though for whoever takes you up on it.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-05-2008 , 08:42 AM
As a former player of World of Warcraft Alpha/beta/release, I think that 2k is very cheap for an awesome account like that.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-05-2008 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Readmyballs
As a former player of World of Warcraft Alpha/beta/release, I think that 2k is very cheap for an awesome account like that.
And he's offering $800?
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-05-2008 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by hennnerz
And he's offering $800?
800$ is a fair price because the expansion is coming. it's extremely cheap considering the work that went into it and how nice the account is, but the expansion means of course that the gear will be outdated...

for 800 i would buy the account without hesitation if i wanted to play wow again. druid/warrior/lock is a great set of chars.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-05-2008 , 10:58 AM
sell on craigslist in a major city... new york, las vegas, miami, etc you will sell it quickly
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
09-05-2008 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by hennnerz
And he's offering $800?
I'm guessing this comment is bourne out of a "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is" mindset.

With eBay no longer being a sales arena for World of Warcraft accounts, its become very difficult to sell an account. So-called "account brokers" are about the only real venue left. They are essentially WoW-account-pawn-shops. Most of these websites have a very bad reputation in the community, as they are known to be either very slow on payouts, or outright thieves. Their websites also tend to carry malicious software (keyloggers) used to hack individual's accounts. I have no interest in taking that kind of risk. If an account broker is actually legitimate, they operate just like a B+M pawn shop. They will pay an individual a fraction of what the account will actually sell for on the open market, then list it on their website. There simply is no "Craig's List for WoW".

So, will someone pay an account broker 2k+ for an account like mine? Yes. Will an account broker pay 2k+ for my account? No. If they were a legitimate site, I would probably recieve $500-800. I'm not willing to take the risks associated with account brokers. Hope that clears things up for you.

As I've said before, I've made the decision to stop playing World of Warcraft, period. I've made the decision to fill much of that void with getting serious about poker, and trying to improve my game. At this point, one of two things can happen with my WoW account; A) I quit paying my monthly subscription fees and the account sits frozen; B) I sell the account for the best offer I recieve and use that money to work on my poker game. There really is no "Option C". That should also help to clear things up for you.

If for some reason you think you "smell a scam", I can promise you I would not devote this much time hoping to "pull one over" on the community I hope to become much more a part of. If I completely misinterpreted your comment, then I apologize.
SELLING : Extremely Nice WoW Account Quote
