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*RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+ *RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+

06-08-2010 , 04:20 AM
Ya this sucks. I am one of the five guys that was living in the house when Jason was carried away in handcuffs last week and we found out the rent was a month behind and we were getting kicked out in 5 days (we moved out today). Four of us were lucky enough to find a new house last minute and moved in today. There were more people then just us promised rooms in the house that he also scammed and over the last week people kept showing up expecting rooms while he sat in jail. I am not sure what he was planning on doing as he promised everyone a room and at least 4 people showed up expecting that over the last week. It almost seems like he knew he was going to get arrested or called the cops on himself. The landlord who I have talked to multiple times now and set us up with our new house claims he did not call the cops. Also myself and the guys in the new house didn't call. So kind of weird fact there.

Of course, it is our fault for trusting this guy but he had been there since Jan. with no problems and one of the five guys who was in the house with me when the **** hit the fan had been with him since Jan. and said everything was going fine. Plus all this 2p2 credibility in the marketplace. Really came out of no where. Oh well, live and learn. Of course we are going to try and get our money back, but at this point it seems highly unlikely and I don't think the guy is getting out of jail for a long time for the felony warrant he had out for his arrest. We will be calling the public defenders office here in Vegas tomorrow to see what he was charged with and sentenced to as his arraignment was today 6/7 at 9am.

If anyone scammed wants to get in contact me about possible recourse or anything else feel free to shoot me a PM.

06-08-2010 , 04:20 AM
I like how he lies about his age in the emails with OP.
06-08-2010 , 08:18 AM
Wow I almost rented a house from him; he gave me some vegas advice and stuff, seemed like a stand up guy, added him on FB and stuff

Posted a link to this thread in his facebook profile; there are still people talking on his wall about getting rooms and stuff; hopefully no one else gets scammed.

I'll dig through my PMs and see if I can find anything useful
06-08-2010 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by senjitsu
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Originally Posted by senjitsu

you lookin for 2 ppl or just one. We just had a room open up in my house for WSOP time but theres just the one room not two (though we have an extra bed and its big enough to share if youre into that. personally not my thing but some ppl dont mind i guess.)

the room is 1k/month.... theres pics in my ad on marketplace.
I'll take a look but at this stage we're still looking into a condo for four of us, i'll keep it in mind if everything else falls apart plan wise before the WSOP and the room is still available. Don't hold it for me though since i'm still looking elsewhere.

Thanks for the offer though
thats cool trtied these guys yet

theyre kind of pricey, and theyre total dicks about the deposits, but they have some kind of sick places.
He also recommends a few other agents and stuff i'll go check through my PMs
06-08-2010 , 08:26 AM
More random stuff from my PM inbox

Originally Posted by senjitsu
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Originally Posted by senjitsu
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Hey, have u got any good contacts for getting a probably 4-6br house for June in Vegas (rent not buy). Somewhere between decent and balla would work nicely (not extremely expensive, but we're not poor either, we want a pool, decent house etc.)


hey oliver -- guy im going through for the new place is really cool tony wilham his website is ... if you end up renting from him tell him i refered you cant hurt to have karma points with the landlord.
Thanks for that ill let you know if I do
btw if you or anyone in the house youre setting up is/wants to come up early like for the wsopc or the wynn classic, we have one room open in my house mar-may or any part thereof.
No idea what if anything Tony Wilham has to with this but i'd imagine renting from him wouldn't be wise if Jason Covener specifically recommended him to me
06-08-2010 , 08:27 AM
Senjitsu originally PMed me out of the blue in response to the sigrid marmann thread (my realtor from last year who tried to steal our deposits/bounced cheques etc) saying that if I needed someone to serve her with a summons or whatever he could do it.

This led to random messages back and forth and eventually his offer for a room for the WSOP

fortunately I ended up renting through someone else

Hope some of this helps whoever's looking into this.
06-08-2010 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
More random stuff from my PM inbox

No idea what if anything Tony Wilham has to with this but i'd imagine renting from him wouldn't be wise if Jason Covener specifically recommended him to me
Tony really had nothing to do with this besides being the landlord, he was an awesome one at that(rented from him for ~ 1 year). He was trying to get Jason out ASAP when I last spoke to him in April so he could fill the property with someone who would actually pay rent during WSOP.
06-08-2010 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by shamrock20
He was trying to get Jason out ASAP when I last spoke to him in April so he could fill the property with someone who would actually pay rent during WSOP.
so people knew Jason wouldnt have been in the house for the wsop 2 months ago and his thread managed to stay running?
06-08-2010 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by shamrock20
Tony really had nothing to do with this besides being the landlord, he was an awesome one at that(rented from him for ~ 1 year). He was trying to get Jason out ASAP when I last spoke to him in April so he could fill the property with someone who would actually pay rent during WSOP.
+1...there should be absoultey no worries in renting from Tony....very standup fact my inlaws currently rent from him.
06-08-2010 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Live Forever
so people knew Jason wouldnt have been in the house for the wsop 2 months ago and his thread managed to stay running?
I was in contact with Tony once in which he stated that Jason can make the eviction go away if he is payed what is owed. Jason kept using the line of its taken care of etc. The 2nd eviction notice prompted me to move out- as stated in post 12, 2 weeks later Jason was showing the house still and one of the roommates returned to the residence leading me to believe he payed. I had no evidence to present to mods that his thread should have been locked.
06-09-2010 , 10:12 AM
Most of the other guys who were living in the house and got evicted moved to another house from the same landlord. I found a new place that I'm moving into Friday.

Last edited by gtpitch; 06-09-2010 at 02:07 PM. Reason: .
06-10-2010 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by gokings1
I was scammed in this house too. Same story as others. Im just mostly a recreational grinder and that money was about 10% of my bankroll. Im looking for a place for the next month or so. This was my first summer vegas house and I don't want to have to go back home early. I don't need a lot of space, I'll be out most of the time. If anyone has a couch or room on short notice, please PM me.
ive often thought about trying to get a good deal on the same type of house--but considering id wanted to pay by the week and not over $150-175 a week, id not gotten scammed too much. i never considered renting from him, but i did think about doing a trade with him once a long time back if i remember right but never did. my bankroll at $3500 is way too low to take risks--i wont even put out $100 on a hooker or $210 on a tourney--or $50 to get a cell phone til i build it up--had i lost money on a scam like this u think 10% is bad id been more like 33%
06-11-2010 , 02:07 AM
has anyone that has been scammed contacted the police or taking action on getting their money back?

what are the reasons for this being difficult?
06-11-2010 , 03:27 AM
wow I was 30 seconds from sending this guy 2500 dollars to stay in the house this summer. Thank god my dad talked some sense into me. Strange Scammer though. I offered to send him 500 to reserve my spot (with the rest coming when I arrived) and he declined saying he would only do the deal if I sent him 2500 up front
06-12-2010 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Live Forever
has anyone that has been scammed contacted the police or taking action on getting their money back?

what are the reasons for this being difficult?
I haven't gotten the chance yet. Been too busy grinding poker. Very interested in pressing charges but I feel like I don't have enough solid evidence on my own. I hope people that actually gave him cash in person, or that had some kind of written or oral contract that can be proven are pressing charges.
06-12-2010 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by donkey_king
I haven't gotten the chance yet. Been too busy grinding poker. Very interested in pressing charges but I feel like I don't have enough solid evidence on my own. I hope people that actually gave him cash in person, or that had some kind of written or oral contract that can be proven are pressing charges.
i have facebook messages confirming that he has recieved my money on pokerstars and what the money is for. im in the uk but im still like 90% sure ill come to vegas after the wsop. would waiting a month harm the case?
06-13-2010 , 11:37 AM
im not sure what statues of limitations in las vegas is but in new york i think its 3 years so u probably have atleast 2 years . so its not too late
06-13-2010 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by rtk
im not sure what statues of limitations in las vegas is but in new york i think its 3 years so u probably have atleast 2 years . so its not too late
Yea, fraud is 3 years in LV while oral contracts (which this seems to fall under the category of) is 4 years. So yeah, a month or a few weeks definitely isn't even close Live Forever.
06-14-2010 , 07:17 AM
so what happened with those guys that were going down to the court the day he was supposed to appear? nothing I'm guessing?
06-14-2010 , 02:20 PM
By virtue of his plea and by Order of this Court, DEFENDANT COVENER ADJUDGED GUILTY of POSSESSION OR SALE OF DOCUMENTS OR PERSONAL IDENTIFYING INFORMATION TO ESTABLISH FALSE STATUS OR IDENTITY (F). Statements by Mr. Carroll, Defendant and Mr. Feliciano. COURT ORDERED, in addition to the $25 Administrative Assessment fee and $150 DNA Analysis fee including testing to determine genetic markers, DEFENDANT SENTENCED to the Nevada Department of Corrections for a MAXIMUM term of FORTY-EIGHT (48) MONTHS with a MINIMUM parole eligibility of FOURTEEN (14) MONTHS and PAY A $1,000 FINE; SUSPENDED; placed on PROBATION for an indeterminate period not to exceed FIVE (5) YEARS. CONDITIONS:
1. Search clause.
2. Pay a $1,000 fine.
3. Be amenable to mental health counseling as deemed appropriate by
Parole and Probation and take any medications if prescribed.
4. Complete 16 hours of community service work EACH MONTH of probation.
5. Maintain full time employment.
6. Submit to genetic markers testing and pay a $150 fee to the Clerk of
the Court.

Defendant was advised that probation is a one time offer in this Dept., if he does not follow the conditions listed above, he will be revoked and sent to prison. BOND, if any, EXONERATED.

Last edited by txpstwx; 06-14-2010 at 02:30 PM. Reason: link doesn't work
06-14-2010 , 02:44 PM
Thanks for posting this ^ txpstwx
06-14-2010 , 07:57 PM
This came via email to 2+2 today. While I'm reluctant to do anything to "help" a scammer, the benefits of this clearly outweigh the negatives IMO:

MH or Bobo, i would appriciate it if you would post this in the marketplace thread about me and the tranquil seas house (this is senjitsu btw). I feel that its pretty one sided, that a lot of background got left out and that it was assumed from the absolute get-go that i was out to scam everyone. Also posting this will help everyone get in touch with me to get their money back (i dont have my computer and literally all my contacts are on there)
I wanted to clear the air regarding this rental house, what happened, what did not happen, why there was such chaos and how everyone is going to get paid any outstanding security deposit or rent money that they are owed. I want to stress that this was never intended to be a scam, it never was a scam, and rent/SD was never collected from anyone absent the intention of them living there.

I moved into the house in january, and took over the lease in march. In retrospect, it was a mistake, both because im just not organized enough to manage a house that big and be the lease "goto guy" and because it was a far bigger financial committment that I expected it would be, esp with regard to utilities (which ended up in the 2K/mo range) and unoccupied rooms (which i was covering myself). All told, i ended up with about 2.5x the financial committment i was originally bargaining for.

This,added to another hiccup in my personal finances caused me to be late with rent in april. It was mid may before i was finally able to get current with the rent and late fees. Needless to say, this strained the relationship between the landlord and I quite a bit but my hope was now that he had all the outstanding money and late fees that things would normalize.

However, there were additional non-financial problems in mid-late may regarding my relationship with a couple of the roommates. The last straw, at least for me came on the sunday prior to memorial day. It was a confrontation which i learned two of the other residents of the house planned out in advance. One of them ended up advancing on me screaming. At the time (though the roommate in question denied it later) i felt that physical confrontation was iminent. Regardless of wether it was likely to have ended in physical confrontation, that is not the sort of environment i am willing to live in, especially at the price i was paying. I told him i expected him to leave the next day. He told me he wanted me out of the house.

I honestly had no idea what i was going to do about the situation. The next day, the rent was due, and i told the landlord that i would not have it until very late that night, or he could pick it up the following morning. He was kind of pissed about this because of the earlier situation and kind of concerned that i was financially over my head with the house and approcached me and basically said he wanted me to sign a paper to terminate the lease so he could rent it out to some other clients of his during the wsop.

I told him that i agreed. tbh, i wanted out because of both the financial issues, the conflict i described above and because the new roommates who moved into the house generally had a much lower standard of clenliness than i was comfortable with. However, i told him i couldnt do it even if i wanted to as there were others in the house who wanted to stay there and would not be able to if i took myself off the lease.

He told me that if i signed the paper, we could stay until the seventh, and that he had another comparable (but smaller) house empty and single rooms available in a few other house and that he would provide rooms through the series to anyone who wanted to switch. I was given to understand that we would not have to pay rent for june, as that would come out of our deposit and the rest of the deposit could go toward the rooms in the new houses. At this point, i felt that this solution was the most viable and preferable thing for everyone involved. I signed the paper and planned to tell everyone that night if i could catch them or the next morning if i couldnt.

Had this gone as planned, everyone would have suffered a mild inconvienience and we all would have been much happier, imo, for the rest of the series.

Unfortunately it did not go as planned. In early may, i had written the date and time of a court date (long story, but unrelated to this mess) down incorrectly thinking it was in mid july rather than mid may. I missed court and the judge issued a warrant for my arrest. The police showed up about the warrant at the exact worst time possible -- like 30 minutes after i signed the paper terminating the lease and before i could tell anyone about it or make sure proper arrangements were made so that everyone would have rooms and not be out money. The warrant was easy to take care of, but since it was a failure to appear i had to sit in jail without bail until i could get heard by the judge (for over a week).

I realize that this is my fault -- and that "hey i had a warrant for my arrest that i didnt know about" is no excuse, but it should be incredibly obvious that my plan wasnt to sign away our lease then get taken to jail... if i was really out to scam as everyone here seems to think i was i had a much easier option that would have pissed a lot less people off. I could have told the landlord to bugger himself, not paid the rent, and waited out the eviction, which would have taken us through the WSOP.

The only _ONLY_ reason i had to sign that paper was to make sure I could get out of my committment to the house and the other people in the house who wanted to do so would be able to get rooms.. Also of note, the very day this all went down, i bought 20% of one of the roommates in the 2500 td. A good investment and one i was happy to make -- but would this make sense if i was planning to screw everyone over that very day?

Is it a ****ty situation? Yes. My fault? yeah definitely. Poor management and incompetance on my part -- for sure. But it was never a scam, it was never my intention to scam and up until i spoke to ppl from the house when i got out i assumed everyone was in rooms and set, and that the proceeds from the deposit had covered that as per my discussion with the landlord.

As should be acutely obvious from my history on this forum, those individuals who still either have an outstanding deposit or paid rent for which they didnt recieve the room will be reimbursed as quickly as possible. I will be able to pay via bank wire, WF or BOFA xfer or cash in person. Right now, i have no records whatsoever, as my computer turned up missing left the house, so if you paid money and are owed it back, email me.... provided everyone does (and i expect they will), everyone should have what they are owed by midweek.

You can email me at sigmajin AT -- dont expect immdiate answers to your emails at least for the next day or two because i still dont have my computer back.

Or you can call me at 702-506-7894

these payments come With two caveats--

1.. The landlord has informed me that there were significant deductions made from the deposit for damage and cleaning While im not out to charge the people who were there when everyone had to leave for pre-existing conditions, my expectation is that at least some of this relates to how the house was left, and some damages that i know were done by specific roommates (a broken tv for example)

I have asked him to get back to me with an itemized list and he is getting back to me with that and pictures. The things related to how the house was left will be split 6 ways (between me and the 5 people who were at the house after i left). Damages that can be attributed to a single individual (the broken tv for instance) will be taken out of that individuals deposit. Things that were pre-existing, or generally wear and tear related im going to eat.

when i hear back from the LL about this i will share it with anyone who is interested.

2. Its come to my attention that the people in the new house have my computer. Initially they told me they had it. They also told the landlord they had it and another one of the roommates who moved out. When i demanded it back, however they changed their story, claiming they dont know where it is. Its pretty clear to me that this is a lie, that they took the computer out of tranquil seas without my permission. Obviously, something like stealing my personal property is covered by the security deposit. The value of the computer and monitor (approx $500 its a pos) and the value of the data stored on the computer (my approximation is $2K) will be deducted form their security deposits. However, if they want to turn over the computer to me, i would frankly rather have it than the money. Your choice guys.

I am very sorry and totally mortified about this situation. Anyone who reads my "main" forum LVL knows that my main concern has always been trying to help people coming to visit las vegas

also of note:

regarding the speculation about my accounts. While i understand some of the concerns noted here, they are entirely suppositious. The fact is that i have had dozens of successful trades over the past three years without any problems noted whatsoever. While im sure that many look down their nose at MAing and whatever else they think im doing the fact is i have never had a trade go bad -- and no just MAing does not make me a scammer.

regarding augie -- youre just jelous of my gingerdom.

regarding disses about my appearance -- you all wish you had this kind of sexy. Seriously though -- ugly jokes? pretty lame.

regarding the jake also being a jason and concern about ppl mixing us up -- you can start calling yourself "jason the less" if you wish like james son of alpheaus did during biblical times to distinguish himself from james the greater.

06-14-2010 , 10:53 PM
Could you explain why two of the roommates told me the house was overbooked and that there were not enough rooms for everyone? That was the final straw that made me post this thread.
Also if you are interested in making things right my sn's are
"donkey_k1ng" on full tilt and "ur_beataa" on poker stars. city is missoula
06-14-2010 , 11:03 PM
pretty sick plot twist imo

seemed like a good guy from what I've seen
06-15-2010 , 02:29 AM
FTA (Failure to Appear) does not get you sent to CCDC for a week unless you are a complete **** up. They would set bail when you get your charge sheet (15% to a bail bond place to get out in Clark County,) you would get a new court date and be released in about 24 hours. Even if you got arrested on Friday night, they would set a bond on you or you could wait to see the judge which would be at the latest the following Tuesday.
