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*RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+ *RESOLVED*Senjitsu aka Jason Covener scams everyone in WSOP house for k+

11-12-2010 , 06:58 PM
How is this contract effected when you told me you 'didn't want me living there' after I first learned about the eviction and confronted you?

Granted you did say 5 min later I could continue to live there
This was not an environment which I would want to live in, so I left.
11-12-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by shamrock20
How is this contract affected when you told me you 'didn't want me living there' after I first learned about the eviction and confronted you?
Granted you did say 5 min later I could continue to live there

The best i can recall about the conversation is that when we talked, you said something to the effect of

Yeah... we had words. I believe you said something like "I don't if were still going to be living here a month from now" and i responded "I think we ought to make this your last month and just consider this 30 days notice as of now" I dont believe i said anything to the effect (note the correct usage of the word) that you had to be out immediately. And i dont think you were ever under the impression that you were getting kicked out immediately.

And yeah, i regret saying that. I don't think i did tell you differently that day. I intended to the next day, but by the next time i saw you you were packing your stuff into a moving van. That said, me asking you to leave at the end of the month doesnt mean you get to leave right then and get a refund for the previous months rent. Do you really believe that is the effect of me saying this -- that you get a refund on all the rent you ever paid?

IDK though, maybe the guy that flies into a rage when the starbucks cashier is too slow ringing up his purchase isnt necessarily the guy whose in-the-heat-of-the-moment utterances you ought to really take to heart.

This was not an environment which I would want to live in, so I left.
I thought you said you left because you thought we were being evicted. Pretty much torpedoed your own argument there.

Last edited by senjits-two; 11-12-2010 at 08:28 PM.
11-12-2010 , 10:15 PM
You know, I thought about the whole sham/xaston situation while i was out walking the dog, and realized that i let myself get way off topic.

So let me get back on --

1. Shamrock posted that I had scammed him out of 1K earlier itt. Xaston posted that I owed him money.

2. Both of them posted this without ever contacting me _ONE SINGLE TIME_ in the 2 months (for sham) or the 6 months (for xas) saying they felt that they were owed money.

3. Both of them posted for one reason only -- to accuse me in public and lend weight to the acusations itt (many of which, as we have seen, just arent true and needed the propping up), and both of them hid the fact that they had not had any contact with me.

The fact is, if they had posted those accusations under those circumstances in any other thread, they would have been roundly and rightly condemned as imbeciles and douche cannons by every experienced and knowledgable poster -- regardless of the legitimacy of the debt owed. And pretty much everyone reading this knows it.

they got away with it for two reasons -- there was so much other stuff going on itt and the mods seem to have set "special" rules for what kind of evidence one needs to make that sort of accusation.

So yeah, i still think theyre wrong about owing me money, but even if theyre right their posts were sleazy and misleading.
11-13-2010 , 03:58 AM
I got this AIM from hoop this evening

(11:25:48 PM) hoopystyles what sup
(11:26:11 PM) hoopystyles i dont feel like revisting the issue is why i havent posted
(11:45:49 PM) Sigma 6 Trillion Interesting way to put it
which seemed kind of odd, because its almost exactly the same wording that sham used in his email to me.

Originally Posted by senjits-two
I don't want to revisit this issue. Please don't contact me.
i guess maybe hoop just read matts email in that post and decided to use similar wording....

except hoops profile shows he hasnt been logged on for over a month

Do i get tin-foil hat pics in response if i say it seems like a bunch of ppl got their story straight?

Note also that this is the same guy that posted a while back about how his conscience couldn't abide a coverup
11-13-2010 , 05:35 AM
I actually read what sham said the other day and thought it was gold. Why not reuse it :P.Last time i checked its super easy to just observe 2+2 while you're not logged in. I hardly ever post so i don't log in. What do you want???????????? You sure love to use the word hoop a lot .
11-13-2010 , 12:34 PM
i really hate to agree with JayLV but he is right, you are very lucky you arent dealing with someone who actually cares about their money, basically you F--cked up , you ended up in jail and owe people money, you are completely shifting the focus of this by telling everyone what " They" did wrong . Quit posting and dragging this on. Just pay whats owed and STFU. its pretty damn simple
11-13-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by got the nutz
i really hate to agree with JayLV but he is right, you are very lucky you arent dealing with someone who actually cares about their money, basically you F--cked up , you ended up in jail and owe people money, you are completely shifting the focus of this by telling everyone what " They" did wrong . Quit posting and dragging this on. Just pay whats owed and STFU. its pretty damn simple
Who do you think i owe money and why? And how much? As far as I'm concerned everyone who is owed money has been paid with the exception of liveforever.

I guess youre saying i owe xaston and sham free rent for march and april because i went to jail in june? Or that im somehow being disingenuous by focusing on "what they did wrong" by keeping the money from the security deposit that they lost by smashing furniture and televisions and leaving a 40-yard-dumpster full of trash to be cleaned up.

Last edited by senjits-two; 11-13-2010 at 02:29 PM.
11-13-2010 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
I guess youre saying i owe xaston and sham free rent for march and april because i went to jail in june? Or that im somehow being disingenuous by focusing on "what they did wrong" by keeping the money from the security deposit that they lost by smashing furniture and televisions and leaving a 40-yard-dumpster full of trash to be cleaned up.
11-13-2010 , 08:55 PM
he fu-------king ass----- why are you still on the forums here. Go play with your friends in prison. We dont want you here comprende ?
11-14-2010 , 03:33 AM
[ ] Jason the bad guy ITT
11-14-2010 , 05:41 AM
Originally Posted by MasterWolf
[ ] Jason the bad guy ITT
Assuming its not sarcasm, thanks for the support.

Originally Posted by swimat
he fu-------king ass----- why are you still on the forums here. Go play with your friends in prison. We dont want you here comprende ?
Typical of the thread. A whole lot of mean spirited, low class invective and no substance at all to back it up. And of course a healthy does of second grade level writing.

just think, if the OP and others hadnt told so many lies in the first place, i wouldnt have felt the need make a new account to set the record straight.

I wouldnt get too bent out of shape about it though, i doubt this account is long for the world.
11-16-2010 , 12:05 PM
Senjitsu not banned but thread died out... Interesting.
11-16-2010 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by got the nutz
i really hate to agree with JayLV but he is right, you are very lucky you arent dealing with someone who actually cares about their money, basically you F--cked up , you ended up in jail and owe people money, you are completely shifting the focus of this by telling everyone what " They" did wrong . Quit posting and dragging this on. Just pay whats owed and STFU. its pretty damn simple
Originally Posted by senjits-two
Who do you think i owe money and why? And how much? As far as I'm concerned everyone who is owed money has been paid with the exception of liveforever.
Note that i still havent been given a breakdown of what i supposedly owe xaston.

Originally Posted by lostnorcalkid
Senjitsu not banned but thread died out... Interesting.
Interesting, but no real mystery. I havent been posting because ive only been at the computer pretty infrequently.

PPl like OP, hoop and others who have been making accusations in this thread are waiting for this account to get banned (which i dont imagine is very far in the future) to defend themselves -- with more lies. Of course, this is only a viable option if I am not able to contradict them. There's already a party-line, they "dont want to revisit the issue" I guess if i had done nothing but lie for months and had gotten away with it because the person who i was lying about it wasnt around to respond, I wouldnt want to revisit the issue either.
11-16-2010 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by hoopaloopa
I actually read what sham said the other day and thought it was gold. Why not reuse it :P.Last time i checked its super easy to just observe 2+2 while you're not logged in. I hardly ever post so i don't log in. What do you want????????????
SO i assume since you have been around looking at the thread. DO you confirm that those AIM conversations are accurate transcriptions?

You sure love to use the word hoop a lot .
it rhymes with poop

and dupe

Last edited by senjits-two; 11-16-2010 at 04:02 PM. Reason: CWIDT?
11-16-2010 , 11:09 PM
ok can a mod take his pics/info down so i can get refunded??
11-17-2010 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by Live Forever
ok can a mod take his pics/info down so i can get refunded??
Is that all this is about?
11-17-2010 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
Is that all this is about?

the situation with the other guys is still to be resolved but his pics not being ITT will make no difference
11-17-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by gtpitch
Is that all this is about?
No, its what the issue with l1ve forever is about. L1ve Forever is the only person to whom i owe a legitimate debt that has not been paid.

I decided to hold the funds pending the removal of my information, including directions on how to harass my family. It was inappropriate ad initio. It remains inappropriate.

I could be asking for more -- like for the mods to make a notation on all the posts that have since been demonstrated to be patently false (for example, the allegations that i didnt pay rent, or the allegation that i rented the 6 rooms in the house to 10 different people). But that wouldn't be proper. If TPTB here at 2p2 want to make their marketplace forum a forum for lies and unfounded, sensationalist accusations, that's their business.
11-17-2010 , 06:03 AM
OK, I've been away the last couple of weeks, and have been catching up with work and home life the last couple of days; now I've finally gotten around to reading all of the recent posts.

Originally Posted by senjits-two
No, its what the issue with l1ve forever is about. L1ve Forever is the only person to whom i owe a legitimate debt that has not been paid.
OK, then pay him.

Originally Posted by senjits-two
I decided to hold the funds pending the removal of my information, including directions on how to harass my family. It was inappropriate ad initio. It remains inappropriate.
Awesome; hold his funds hostage with conditions he has no control over.

We don't negotiate with terrorists.

Originally Posted by senjits-two
I could be asking for more -- like for the mods to make a notation on all the posts that have since been demonstrated to be patently false (for example, the allegations that i didnt pay rent, or the allegation that i rented the 6 rooms in the house to 10 different people). But that wouldn't be proper.
Damn ****ing straight it wouldn't be proper, and it wouldn't happen.

Originally Posted by senjits-two
If TPTB here at 2p2 want to make their marketplace forum a forum for lies and unfounded, sensationalist accusations, that's their business.
Are you talking about your posts or those of others? Because there is no way for us to be certain which ones, if any, fit this description, and it's disappointing that you can't see this.

You posting replies to many of the accusations here puts the matter into some doubt. It certainly doesn't demonstrate that any claims are "patently false".

What aggravates me most is the attitude you've taken WRT your personal information. I can't speak for the other mods here, but I've received the same amount of direct contact requesting information removed as I have apologies for causing this giant *****torm in the first place - none. I find it pretty insulting that you assume that the only way you can get any inappropriate information here removed is by holding someone else's money hostage rather than contacting us.

So here's a thought for you - how about letting us know exactly what you have an issue with, and we'll discuss it in the mod forum. And pay back what you owe. The removal of personal information and repayment of money you owe have zero relationship to one another. If we agree that the personal information should be removed, we're not going to suddenly decide to leave it up once you've paid l1ve forever back, and I find any implication that we would quite offensive.
11-17-2010 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Awesome; hold his funds hostage with conditions he has no control over.
He's british -- their whole system of government is based on collective responsibility.
We don't negotiate with terrorists.
So far itt, 2p2ers have threatened physical violence against me and harassed my family. Sorry, but its not me thats employing the terrorist tactics. Its you (plural you not you personally).

Damn ****ing straight it wouldn't be proper, and it wouldn't happen.
Interesting... so youre saying even if and after the accusations are demonstrated to be false, you still support publishing them itt?

What aggravates me most is the attitude you've taken WRT your personal information. I can't speak for the other mods here, but I've received the same amount of direct contact requesting information removed as I have apologies for causing this giant *****torm in the first place - none.
this is untrue. Unless by "direct contact" you mean that you want me to email you personally. Obviously, I dont have your contact information. The following was in an email forwarded to you by mat skalansky, which you posted itt.
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
This came via email to 2+2 today.
MH or Bobo,
I am very sorry and totally mortified about this situation.

I find it pretty insulting that you assume that the only way you can get any inappropriate information here removed is by holding someone else's money hostage rather than contacting us.

here's a thought for you - how about letting us know exactly what you have an issue with, and we'll discuss it in the mod forum. And pay back what you owe. The removal of personal information and repayment of money you owe have zero relationship to one another.

If we agree that the personal information should be removed, we're not going to suddenly decide to leave it up once you've paid l1ve forever back, and I find any implication that we would quite offensive.
I like you, and have always respected you as a mod. It was certainly not my intention to insult or offend you. I can only imagine what it must be like to have to read through this thread and find insulting and offensive posts.

However, in this case, the position at which you take umbrage is your own, not one that I fabricated for you. You have written exactly 26 words itt prior to your recent post. 19 of them were these "While I'm reluctant to do anything to "help" a scammer, the benefits of this clearly outweigh the negatives IMO:"

With all due respect, that statement established your position quite clearly. You consider me a scammer, and the only way i am going to get "help" is if the benefits outweigh the negatives. Indeed, by this logic, my major error was not making this ultimatum $6k ago when holding out would have tipped the scales more.

Your umbrage would be entirely justified if that post had read "I am reluctant to help a scammer, but it is categorically unfair to make public accusations against someone without affording them the opportunity to respond."

anyway, i have more in the way of response but i have somewhere to be this morning.

Last edited by senjits-two; 11-17-2010 at 07:50 AM.
11-17-2010 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
i have somewhere to be this morning.
The bank to send Live Forever his funds maybe?

It is pretty ridiculous that your withholding his money over something he has no control over. It's not like he has the power to remove your picture and identifying info.
11-17-2010 , 07:35 PM
I don't get what Jason wants out of this thread. You want an apology? You want the people of this community to think you're not such a bad guy?n You want to defend your good name?

Then why do you act like a pompous ass to everyone? This thread should be closed and Jason should pay the money back that he owes to whomever he sees fit.
11-17-2010 , 08:47 PM
I'm pretty sure this kid thinks that he has done nothing wrong at all !
11-18-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by senjits-two
Interesting... so youre saying even if and after the accusations are demonstrated to be false, you still support publishing them itt?
How have they been demonstrated to be false?

That's the problem; there's almost no way you can prove them to be false, just as they can't prove them to be correct. This sort of situation happens all the time in the Marketplace; it's pretty standard that we just let everything stand and let the posters decide for themselves.

Originally Posted by senjits-two
this is untrue. Unless by "direct contact" you mean that you want me to email you personally. Obviously, I dont have your contact information. The following was in an email forwarded to you by mat skalansky, which you posted itt.
You are correct, and I apologize for having forgotten about that. I hadn't been in this thread for a while, and didn't reread the whole thing, as apparently I should have.

Originally Posted by senjits-two
However, in this case, the position at which you take umbrage is your own, not one that I fabricated for you. You have written exactly 26 words itt prior to your recent post. 19 of them were these "While I'm reluctant to do anything to "help" a scammer, the benefits of this clearly outweigh the negatives IMO:"

With all due respect, that statement established your position quite clearly. You consider me a scammer, and the only way i am going to get "help" is if the benefits outweigh the negatives. Indeed, by this logic, my major error was not making this ultimatum $6k ago when holding out would have tipped the scales more.

Your umbrage would be entirely justified if that post had read "I am reluctant to help a scammer, but it is categorically unfair to make public accusations against someone without affording them the opportunity to respond."

anyway, i have more in the way of response but i have somewhere to be this morning.
I think you've read a little bit too much into my wording and assumed what my actions would be as a result. Keep in mind where we were at that point - that was the only response we'd had from you in a couple of weeks, and you were up against a whole lot of accusations.

Regardless, here's where I would suggest we go from here. I don't entirely disagree that there's some information ITT that could, and maybe should, go, but I'd like to get my fellow Marketplace mods' opinions on this, so I'll take it to the mod forum for discussion. But I'm not excited about the idea that you'll pay the money back if we take the info down. If you look at this from our perspective, I think you'll see what kind of bad precedent this would set. If I tell you something will be removed once the money is repaid, it will be removed.
11-18-2010 , 05:02 PM
Stumbled over to the market place for the first time in a while to see if there was any useless crap I could buy - and spent the next few hours reading this entire thread.

Moral of the story: Always put your agreements/contracts in writing.
