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03-04-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by el-producto
You're right I only sent you $100 on FT it was over a month ago and I misremembered.

However on arrival I gave you $1400 cash for the first months rent and the deposit. You never seem to mention this amount in your response and only imply that I paid you $750. Are you denying the fact that a total of $1500 was given to you within the first day I got there?

I'm not looking to "freeroll" you I'm trying to get the $750 deposit back
"misremembered" - heh

I clearly stated that I was paid $100 for deposit, $750 for rent, and $50 for letting your friends stay.

I probably should have requested more. Now I wish I had.

Before I was paid anything, I clearly stated that all deposits would be paid back within 30 days of departure. Which is standard.

I agreed to return your deposit. But you wanted it the same day you left. Now every time you ask for it, you want more and more. Now you want $750 back. Next it will be the whole $900 (rent + deposit + friends' $50)

So, I am more or less done with this. As I said, I bent over backwards to be accommodating, and now I am being scammed in return. My reputation is essentially being held ransom for $750.

You have already been caught lying and I really don't feel like dignifying your claims with more arguments.

As far as I am concerned, you still owe me $150 for the utilities which I have already written off as a loss.

Sorry you didn't have a good time in Tahoe. Good luck at your next house.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:45 PM
This thread is becoming a mess. OP why are you upset exactly? El producto claims to have paid you 1500 which is more than enough? Is this true?
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
This thread is becoming a mess. OP why are you upset exactly? El producto claims to have paid you 1500 which is more than enough? Is this true?
No, I received a total of $900 from him.

$100 was on full tilt for his security deposit (since it was only for one month, I gave him the discount. I had initially requested first + last + security from everyone).

When he arrived he paid the month's rent, which was $750, cash.

A few days after that his friends came, and he asked me how much it would cost to let them stay here. I said $50 would be fine. Just something to make it worth the mess and all, and it was a good deal for them. Instead of having them pay for hotel rooms.

No, I'm not really mad. I am irritated that he wants his rent back and is claiming it's a security deposit. I concur that he wasn't here for the full month, but that was his decision. I'm not just going to give all of his money back because he didn't have a good time.

And the fact that he came here and posted itt about it is pretty juvenile, esp when you consider how nice I was to him concerning the deposit, his friends, and picking up after him and showing him around while he was here.

I really don't get what is wrong with people. The kid avoided the topic of utilities while he was here. And I never really pressed the issue. When he left and asked for his deposit, I nicely said that I would get it to him asap (within the 30 days that I had promised) and I told him not to worry about the utilities. Not because he didn't deserve to pay them (he should have paid about 75% of all of them) but because I wanted to be nice and didn't want a bunch of drama.

But alas, here we are.

not even mad

EDIT: Does anyone even believe he would have agreed to move in if I had asked for $1500 for one month? Let's be real.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:07 PM
Im not disagreeing with you at all OP. Just trying to get facts straight so this can get cleared up asap.

El producto OP says you didnt give him a total of 1500$. Response to that?
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by 4G24BM

This is fairly amusing. And if I couldn't prove he was lying, I would be pretty pissed.

First of all, he gave me $100 for a deposit which I allowed him to pay on full tilt. The above Screen Shot of my past transactions shows this.

You're right only $100 was for the initial deposit not $200 like I said earlier

I told him he could pay the $750 for the room when he arrived, which he did.

Initially I was looking for first + last + security deposit (equal to one month rent). But he told me from the beginning that he only wanted to stay for one month. So, I obviously wasn't going to charge him for all of that if he was only going to be here for four weeks.
So you're saying I only paid you $750? I remember paying exactly $1500 $1400 in cash and $100 on FT. You stated that the deposit was just so long as nothing was broken in the house and it would be returned to me

He told me he would be here on the first of February. (He was late. I never told him I was going to pro-rate anything as I was a little irritated with being jerked around)

I've never asked for anything to be pro-rated this is about getting my deposit back.

Before he arrived I let the landlord know that I would be filling the rooms and that I would be giving him the rent for all the new roommates.

Going into the month of February, I had many people claiming that they would like to move in. So, I assumed all rooms would be filled. At the last minute everyone else backed out, including several posters in this thread. One of which I left negative feedback for in the marketplace thread.

(this left me short + late for Feb rent)

So back to el-producto (Casey).

He paid me the $750, and at the time, I was even going to allow him to stay 2 weeks into March as long as the other rooms were filled, and no one else wanted to move into the master bedroom in March.

I spoke to my landlord before all of this, as I previously said. I told him that I needed to fill the other rooms because A) it was kind of a waste of money to pay for a 4BR house by myself and B) I recently had a large amount of money lost due to identity theft on one of my bank accounts. (I have screen shots of the fraud alerts from 3 different banks).

Sure show the proof

I paid for first + last + security deposit when I moved in. So, I asked the landlord if there was any way I could terminate my lease early if no one moved in. He said that would be alright, and that I should try to fill the rooms first though, in order to make it easier to pay the rent.

After everyone backed out, and Casey said he would be leaving in March, I told my landlord that I would be leaving. I believe his wife gave him a hard time about being so lenient on the lease, and when they came to show it, his wife was extremely obnoxious about it. Even though her husband and I always had a good relationship.

Because I had already paid for my last month rent, it was agreed that I would be moving out by April 1st.

When everyone backed out before February, I was only able to pay half of February's rent. (I had been trying to fill the rooms since Christmas time, because I knew I wouldn't be able to continue paying the full rent on my own, until my banking was straightened out.)

When Dfa2001 managed to get my BOA accounts locked up as well, I was put in an even more difficult position.

So, the landlord let me know at the last minute that he had a potential future tenant for April 1st, and wanted to show the rooms immediately. So, I woke Casey up and let him know. What was said by my landlord's wife, I don't know. She is kind of a bitch, and I am sure she had an attitude.

I talked with your landlord, mainly the husband, it was pretty clear to me that you were getting evicted. He had said that you were late a couple months on utilities and hadn't paid this months rent yet."evicted" was definitely the word being thrown around

So anyway, I let Casey know, and told him not to sweat it because it didn't really effect him in any way, since he was already planning on leaving in March anyway, and I had already paid for half of February, and all of March, and they were using a portion of my security deposit to pay for the second half of February.

So anyway, that was that.

So then Casey tells me he is leaving, and he wants all of his money back. I was like "Um..... OK". I didn't want to cause a ton of problems, even though I thought it was absurd. And I let him know that I would try to at least return his security deposit, since I could understand if the situation seemed a little odd and therefore made him uncomfortable. Despite it not effecting him in any way.

Once again I never asked for all of my money back. I did stay at the house for 2 weeks. So it would be ridiculous to ask for all of it back. What i'm asking for is the deposit of $750 back. Was anything broken in the house? Is there any reason you have to keep it?

But now that he is trying to pull this, I would like to make some other things clear.

First of all, he is a complete slob. I spent a large portion of each day picking up after him. While he was here, he did not wash a single dish, despite there being a dish washer right next to the sink. He wouldn't so much as rinse a dish off. He would just leave dishes all over the counters. Bags of trash by the door. Food wrappers and leftovers all over the place. It was absurd.

Second of all (and I believe this is the real reason why he left), he complained about the temp from Day 1. This is freaking South Lake Tahoe, in February. There's snow. It gets cold sometimes. I have no idea if he believed it would be the same temp as Vegas or what. Maybe he doesn't know about I normally keep the temp in the house at 68-70 degrees. But that wasn't warm enough for him. This is a very large 4BR house, and he decided that he wanted the heat to be 75-80 at all times, and not only that.... but he would turn the thermostat up to 75-80 AND have the gas fireplace running at full blast. I asked him nicely not to leave the fireplace on all night (since no one was even in that room). But every night I would either come home or come downstairs at 4 am, and sure enough, heat is all the way up and fireplace is blazing.

Don't even think this is worth responding too, other than wow

Perhaps he doesn't know what gas prices are like these days?

This brings me to my final point.... utilities.

The Gas for the time he was here was almost TWICE as much as any month while I was here alone. My highest bill before he was here was ~$115. February was warmer (on avg) than January, and the bill was still $220.

On top of that, there is a $79 bill for water + sewer.

Refuse collection is $25/mo

Electric is ~$100/mo (again, higher when he was here since he also left every light on at all times, where as I am diligent about keeping all lights off).

Cable + Internet = ~$100/mo

Splitting the utilities would have resulted in a $250 bill for EACH of us.

But because I felt bad that he had to deal with my landlord's wife (for 2 minutes), I told him not to worry about the utilities if he wanted to leave early.

But now that he has pulled this ****, I am going to use his $100 (NOT $200 as he lied about above) towards the utilities bills that I received for the time he was here.

He didn't have to leave. He didn't have to show up late. He had a master bedroom with his own bathroom. I even supplied him with brand new pillows and towels.

So for $850 total, he got a sick place to stay for 1 month in South Lake Tahoe, with all utilities included. House and bedroom completely furnished. He even had a maid to take care of him for the month. (me)

Casey is 21 years old, and while I can't really blame him for being a slob at his age, I think he needs to work on some things personally and socially.

I have never once screwed anyone out of any money. Ever. In my life. There were some fairly prominent people in the poker community that came to me looking to rent a room. Had they followed through, we wouldn't be having this discussion right now. But what do we think I was going to do, **** DeucesCracked instructors out of money and try to get away with it? I mean, everyone has my name, number, facebook, address, skype, AIM etc etc.

Yes there were some fairly prominent people that came to you looking for a room. None of these people can vouch for you.

You keep stating "everyone has my name and #" and have said the same to me in text message. How in any way does this help me get my money back when i'm 600 miles away?

This was no scam, and there was no need for any of this to happen. I bent over backwards to accommodate him and even his friends. He had some friends coming to town to go skiing and I told him that all four of them were welcome to stay for the weekend for only $50. And after they left, I told Casey that they were welcome to come back any time, free of charge. The only reason that I even asked for the $50 was to cover any damages or anything like that if things got out of hand while they were all partying. And I am certain they weren't going to get another place in SLT for 4 people for $50.

They stayed one night, and no im pretty sure the $50 was because you're broke

If anyone else would like any further information, I would be more than happy to supply it.

But warning people not to do business with me in the future is completely absurd. Casey needs to grow up.

Seriously 4g24bme has posted some outrageous things in here. Once again I warn people not to do business with this guy.


el-producto moves in, gets a discount, decides it's too cold. Wants all of his money back, and posts retaliatory slander when he doesn't get his way immediately.

For the record, I don't really think Casey came here planning on running some scam. But I think he is severely over estimating what he is due in this situation. Just because he may regret coming here (whether that's warranted or not) doesn't mean that he gets to freeroll for a month in Tahoe.

Sorry this was so long. I just wanted to make everything perfectly clear.
For the record I don't thing you decided to try to run a scam either, But because of your bills piling up or whatever you didn't return my deposit to me and are now giving me the runaround.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:18 PM
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by J_V
How does a 100 NL grinder have such a sick house?
Because dumb(desperate) property owners will rent to people with no money and no income...
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:34 PM

Last edited by el-producto; 03-04-2011 at 05:38 PM. Reason: trying to get pic to work
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:39 PM

So you still claiming my deposit was only $100?
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 05:39 PM
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by el-producto
Sure show the proof.
Not once itt have I so much have bent the truth.

Here are the screen shots I took, because when I was late on my rent, I wanted my landlord to know why. At some point before xmas, all my accounts were drained.

I am not sure if it is a good idea, but I am not going to black out my full name the little account info that is being shown. I have nothing to hide and at this point, it can't get much worse.

Sigh. Deleted bank screenshots per request. Annoying that you thought this through beforehand evidenced by the above comments, posted it anyway, and now need us to clean it up. Do you see why this is a problem? - Le Gonso

Obviously I don't have $900,000 in cash laying around, nor do I own anything worth that much. So clearly there is something wrong with my accounts and I didn't just bounce checks.

What I find amusing is, you could have had your deposit back. As soon as all this **** was cleared up, you would have been the first person to receive money from me. But now that you pulled this ****, you will certainly not be seeing anything. This isn't out of spite. This is just the end of me being nicer than I had to be. You owe me money. Not the other way around. If I really cared about the money, I would scan all my bills and post them here and demand that you pay them or else I am going to warn everyone not to do business with you.

But I'm 27.

Originally Posted by bobby777
Because dumb(desperate) property owners will rent to people with no money and no income...

It cost me $8,600 plus application and credit check fees before I ever moved in. And in order for me to move in, I had to show my landlord that I had enough to cover the rent for months in advance because obviously I don't exactly have an employer he can contact.

Thanks for your input though.

Casey, if you want to continue this until one of us is essentially banned.... I don't see how you can win this. I don't know how you thought you were going to pull this off.

If you would have just been honest and said "before this thread is closed, I would like it known that 4G24BM owes me my $100 deposit back", it would have been juvenile but you would have had a shot at accomplishing something. Even though I don't feel like I even owe you that much. But I had said I would pay that much back. I am sure as you were writing that post you thought to yourself "Hmm, I could say $100, or I could say $200 and there would be no real difference." And before it was done it became $700. You got greedy. Now you get nothing.

So if you have some proof that I have been dishonest in any way, by all means, I would love to see it. I have backed up everything I have said. I am still here. I haven't been evicted. If I need to post pics of me holding a sign sitting in the living room, I'll do it. I have nothing to hide, and I have nothing to be dishonest about.

Yes, I am short on cash. No, it is not because I am a degen, or a drug addict or a bum. Somehow my personal info was stolen and my accounts were drained. No one has ever had a problem with me, in any way, before this. I have never stolen a dollar from anyone.

So if all you are going to say is "I paid $1500 for one month in Tahoe and now I want $750 of it back", you are out of your mind. You have done nothing to back anything you say up. I have done the exact opposite.

I really don't see this going anywhere. I don't think I will be responding to any more accusations that lack proof.

If you have one text message, or one skype convo, or one receipt or one voicemail or ANYTHING that says that I requested $750 as a security deposit, by all means, throw it up here. If you do, I'll admit defeat and my reputation will be in the gutter until you get every penny back.

If you can't, then cut the ****, man.

Last edited by Gonzirra; 03-07-2011 at 03:26 PM. Reason: removed screenshots
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 06:17 PM
What is your response to me asking for my security deposit back, and you saying you'll have the $750 for me asap?
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by el-producto

So you still claiming my deposit was only $100?
lol, I bet you have been working on that since I first called you out.


And how could I send "back" on FTP if you claim you paid me $200 (or is it $100 now?) on FTP and the rest in cash.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 06:46 PM
Please quit all the "i'm 27 and more mature bs" I have no idea what the format of that second picture is but its obvious to me that its faked.

I also find it hard to believe that all of your bank accounts were drained and the bank did absolutely nothing to get you your money back.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 06:54 PM
If anyone knows how to prove a screenshot from an iphone is real, or what other way there is to validate the text message he sent me let me know.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by el-producto
Please quit all the "i'm 27 and more mature bs" I have no idea what the format of that second picture is but its obvious to me that its faked.

I also find it hard to believe that all of your bank accounts were drained and the bank did absolutely nothing to get you your money back.
lol, so you are saying that it took you about 24 hours to produce that convo, and as soon as I read it, I post a "faked" convo seconds later....

It's google voice. I am sure plenty of people are familiar with it.

And yes, it sucks that my accounts were drained and the banks don't seem to be doing much about it. Right now the credit companies (transunion) are doing an investigation.

Disputed transactions are supposed to be put back within 10 days. But as you know, my account has been at -$800,000 since you were here, and that was 11 days ago.

If I faked every pic I posted itt, I would love to see someone else do something similar, and in a timely fashion.

I am sitting here in bed, on my netbook. I don't even have photoshop. Not that I am even capable of photoshopping well. But that's neither here, nor there.

It's pretty easy to fake iphone convos. There are entire sites dedicated to it.

gg casey

I'm done with this thread.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:19 PM
Yeah i've seen the sites dedicated to faking iphone convos, as far as I know none of them have timestamps or the name visible
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:24 PM
My roommate took a picture of my phone, i snapped a picture of his picture of my phone...

Its pretty hard to see but I still think you can make out the slant of the 7 i.e. its not a 1 like the faked convo that Mike posted
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by el-producto
My roommate took a picture of my phone, i snapped a picture of his picture of my phone...

Its pretty hard to see but I still think you can make out the slant of the 7 i.e. its not a 1 like the faked convo that Mike posted
Not saying its not real but that doesnt prove anything. You can easily change one of your friends names in your phone to the same as OP and then have the same convo between you and your friend as the one u had with OP.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:29 PM
Also I just realized I can forward text messages. If someone wants to be a guinea pig and pm me their number I can forward the message to you or the string of messages.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Not saying its not real but that doesnt prove anything. You can easily change one of your friends names in your phone to the same as OP and then have the same convo between you and your friend as the one u had with OP.

Alright heres another one. Again its hard to make out but i think can see the date of the text message (Feb 20th the day before i moved out) and the $750 amount. I dont know if you can fake dates like that.
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:49 PM
Well honestly in order for this to be solved you would have to delete the name so its just showing OPs phone number and then OP would have to say what his phone number is. Its pretty much the only real way to know so the numbers match up. I would do this for you and OP if you both agree to it. Then you would send me screenshots with it saying just the number and OP would give his cell number. Obviously I would have to call OP to verify hes giving me his actual number. Other than that I think you may be arguing back and forth alot
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 07:59 PM
Yeah im in

Last edited by el-producto; 03-04-2011 at 08:01 PM. Reason: the problem im seeing with this is that mike has mult cell phones and wont give the number that he called me with
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by el-producto
Yeah im in
it will still work if you give breakyaneck the number that you have that is connected to the text, and breakyaneck can call it and confirm with Mike via PM some trivia question to make sure it is him on the other line and also operating his 2p2 account. this way he cant just provide some random number from a burner or 2nd phone

edit: all that aside, i'm still not sure it wouldn't be possible to fake a text from a random number, such as the prank texting service that was discussed on one of the poker static podcasts a while back (you can send a text to someone and it will appear as if it is coming from a different # which the user can input)
**REOPENED** South Lake Tahoe Poker House Quote
03-04-2011 , 09:16 PM
this thread should also be an important lesson for everyone else looking to join a poker house; pay rent with checks and not cash! even site transfers are better than paying cash. this would probably all be sorted out by now if this precaution would have been taken...
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