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I Caught My Scammer, He's now Busted by his Mommy! I Caught My Scammer, He's now Busted by his Mommy!

01-14-2009 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Parole Officer
I'm at work and can't access sharkscope graphs on here but earlier from home I looked up BigF29 on both Full Tilt and Pokerstars.

For hilarity-sake, could someone PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE post the scammer's sharkscope graphs on here?

I promise you it will be worth it. I can't believe this convicted felon is passing himself on as an ''up-and-coming'' poker pro.

(in return, I'll post some pics of a huge stash of weed I busted earlier this week at one of my client's house when I get off work)

Also, if this clown were in my jurisdiction I'd hook his lazy, lying ass up and re-book him for all the stunts he's tried to pull on the good people of this site.
He never co-operated and gave us the name of his ''buddy'' who ripped another user off. I have done this for 9 years and I'm pretty good at reading people. I'd bet my right testicle that this jackass has pulled this kind of thing off before.

And where are the parents in all this? He obviously lives at home and his mom tried to cover by telling
the OP he was only 18 when he's older than that. If I was his mom I would call the OP and arrange restitution myself.

Anyways, enough time spent writing this on the taxpayers' dime. Someone please post this no talent ass clown's sharkscope graphs please.

Ant the abuse keeps coming, what ever i don't see why people have to be so rude on the internet and act like internet tough guys, making new screen names to mock some about there past that there ashamed of.

Im going to the post office in a an hour to get Op his money so jerks like you shut there mouths, and to give the OP what he has asked for
01-14-2009 , 01:01 PM
The graphs please me greatly.
01-14-2009 , 01:04 PM
Doomswitched at both Pokerstars and Full Tilt IMO.
01-14-2009 , 01:23 PM
everyone is young and dumb and has done stupid things in there past
That's about as valid an excuse as "I was drunk so I'm not responsible for my actions."

me and the OP can handle this like grown ups
Yeah, because that's happened so far.

I'm starting to think this is one long, unfunny, level by the OP or both parties involved are just extremely stupid.
01-14-2009 , 02:16 PM
Money Sent to Op

After he confirms it and this is resolved MOD's please IP ban my account seeing is how everyone Has already flamed me to NO end
01-14-2009 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Dbellavia1
everyone Has already flamed me to NO end
And you deserved it you arrogant piece of shi*
01-14-2009 , 04:05 PM
Op will receive payment in 2-3 days
01-14-2009 , 04:25 PM
haha at Sportflick cards! Those things were awesome

01-14-2009 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Dbellavia1
i play at the hard rock alot maybe thats how you know me mostly 1/2 but 2/5 on the weekends all the time
where do u get the money?
01-14-2009 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dbellavia1
i play at the hard rock alot maybe thats how you know me mostly 1/2 but 2/5 on the weekends all the time
Originally Posted by RickAstleyFan
For those that have been asking.... no refund has been recieved in my mailbox as of today.

u really believed u would get it with his record:cra zy:
01-14-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance
Hmmm, pardon me for being a cynic, but I have a feeling villain is the kind of guy who excels at telling people what they want to hear ("gentleman and a scholar" lol). If you do get your money it will only be because you make calling the police a believable threat.

Would be nice if he proved me wrong.
the guy doesnt look to smart. i bet he didnt even write the apology.
01-14-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by bkkdude
where do u get the money?

i don't play all the time, and if its any of your damn business i play once and a great while when i do have money, birthday/Christmas ETC. None of your business don't you people have anything else better to do then look up **** about me?
01-14-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by bkkdude

u really believed u would get it with his record:cra zy:

this pretty much sum's up everyone's mentality on here, extremely judgmental, just because i have a record doesnt mean anything, anyways for your information i sent ryan his money order today and he has the tracking number in his possession
01-14-2009 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by TheRenaissance
Hmmm, pardon me for being a cynic, but I have a feeling villain is the kind of guy who excels at telling people what they want to hear ("gentleman and a scholar" lol). If you do get your money it will only be because you make calling the police a believable threat.

Would be nice if he proved me wrong.
Originally Posted by RickAstleyFan
Guys, I did recieve a package from our friend the self-admitted scammer.

I did NOT recieve any of my $22.00.
I DID recieve several football, basketball and one hockey card.

I feel like posting a picture of the cards so many of you can tell me the approximate value of said cards, I know a bit about cards, and none would be valued over 2$, IMO.

I'm sure the cards book close to 20 bucks by Beckett standards, but come on, things sell at 20 percent of Beckett value all day long at online auctions and in card stores...

I did tell OP that if he sent me some JERSEYS (to give to the kids at my wife's school, the same drive so many of you helped me with) that would be cool and he could skip sending the actual cash, but somehow, I feel scammed again.

I was under the impression that our friend was going to be sending the 22.00 reimbursement AND the cards were compensation for the trouble.

I don't even know what to do anymore, am I a biotch for asking that I also get my original 22 bucks back? Were you guys under the impression that he had agreed to send me my money back, or do these cards (including two Sportflicks, remember Sportflicks?) count and put us at even?


honestly i think op is too good 4 u.

didnt all this start becoz u want ed a 200$ computer.

dont buy computers from strangers is a good place to start.

id say have a beer and hope u learned a lesson.
01-14-2009 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dbellavia1
this pretty much sum's up everyone's mentality on here, extremely judgmental, just because i have a record doesnt mean anything, anyways for your information i sent ryan his money order today and he has the tracking number in his possession

being a convicted felon means a lot dude.

id stay away from

id stay away from charles manson,etc,etc,
01-14-2009 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by bkkdude
being a convicted felon means a lot dude.

id stay away from

id stay away from charles manson,etc,etc,
when i was 18 i got caught with a gun 1st crime ever , no misdemeanors , jwalking violations nothing , so don't judge me just because i screwed up in my past, for your information i did the right thing and turned the piece over to the cops after i realized i did something dumb so please enough is enough, im sorry for what i did i apologized sent two gifts , dont you guys have multi tabling to do?

i think ive payed enough in this thread already mingya
01-14-2009 , 06:16 PM
we're hating on you because you scammed OP, got caught and said you'd send him his money back.

You didn't and got called out on it.

So you said you'd send him money again (or in a very very misleading way implied you had sports cards AND sports jerseys to give to the kids OP wants to help). You then sent him sports cards but no jerseys (even though you implied you had ones that kids would be interested in, not an old lacrosse jersey).

Now you're saying you'll finally pay him. Wonder why no one believes you.
01-14-2009 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by RickAstleyFan

01-14-2009 , 06:23 PM
At least i can take comfort in the fact that you are so fat and ugly the most intimate you will ever get with a girl is probably when you were born
01-14-2009 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by riverfish1
we're hating on you because you scammed OP, got caught and said you'd send him his money back.

You didn't and got called out on it.

So you said you'd send him money again (or in a very very misleading way implied you had sports cards AND sports jerseys to give to the kids OP wants to help). You then sent him sports cards but no jerseys (even though you implied you had ones that kids would be interested in, not an old lacrosse jersey).

Now you're saying you'll finally pay him. Wonder why no one believes you.

Well i sent the package this morning with OP's money in it, ok ...
Ask ryan when he gets home from work the DC is in his inbox, hes payed in full with compensation. Sorry again. Now when he receives you guys can get off my back. thanks
01-14-2009 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by YouCheckIRaise
At least i can take comfort in the fact that you are so fat and ugly the most intimate you will ever get with a girl is probably when you were born

come down to florida internet tough guy. Any one can act tough over the computer and put someone down, take's a real man to back it up.
01-14-2009 , 07:01 PM
does anyone think buffon hasnt learned a darn thing...........kinda funny and sad at the same thime.

who knew froums could be so much fun

to op. id just forget about things, if u get the money fine if not fine also.

this guy has yr address. and u did show him a lot of disrepect and who knows what klown is capable of.

Last edited by bkkdude; 01-14-2009 at 07:08 PM.
01-14-2009 , 07:10 PM
I soooooooo wish I had jurisdiction on this queer-bate.

His last post is borderline criminal menacing.

Carefull. He might sit on you.
01-14-2009 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by bkkdude
does anyone think buffon hasnt learned a darn thing...........kinda funny and sad at the same thime.

who knew froums could be so much fun

to op. id just forget about things, if u get the money fine if not fine also.

this guy has yr address. and u did show him a lot of disrepect and who knows what klown is capable of.

I did learn my lesson but when some one take an un warrented shot at you for being overweight thats crossing the Effin line! Get a life to the people that come on here and try and berrate people for screwing up

And seriously dude i would never hurt the op get a life, his money is being sent he has the tracking number. your beating a dead horse.
01-14-2009 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by YouCheckIRaise
At least i can take comfort in the fact that you are so fat and ugly the most intimate you will ever get with a girl is probably when you were born
This made me nearly spit out my Pepsi.


After seeing his mugshot, it's obvious the best part of him ran down his mommie's leg.

From the shallow end of the gene pool for sure.
