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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months.

10-03-2019 , 07:53 PM
Gonna try to update tonight been super busy with some stuff. Barely played much more live but have already played almost 20 hours online. Running well in both at the moment.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-04-2019 , 06:49 PM
Current stats as of today:

Did not make hourly goal but got closer than I had expected thanks in large part to a little over 17 hours online. More importantly I am finally getting some momentum and have also crossed the 10k mark on the bankroll. I only have a few hands of interest I’ll post tonight or tomorrow from live. I’m not currently running a pokertracker/HUD and am 4 tabling a mix of nl and plo so can’t keep track of individual hands well online. I will post two of the larger plo hands that I did write down this week though.

New puppy

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-06-2019 , 07:01 AM
...but I am running ridiculously good whilst degening some serious hours. I’m playing well and the money is going in standard spots the times I have been behind but I am binking disproportionate amounts of 4-6 outers when needed. Wish I was running tracker my expected all in EV I am stupidly above at the moment. Hopefully run good continues, been lot of good hands but I’m 4 tabling and also 6max or short handed when possible which for online people’s is kiddie stuff but I haven’t done even 4 tabling for multiple hour sessions in so long it’s still taking some focus.

I only have 1 hand of interest right now from last weeks live sessions.

1-2 Caesar’s, chick who is tightest player at table and $270 behind opens to $12 utg, one player in mp calls and I make a pretty bad call in the big blind w/36 hearts thinking her utg opening is literally JJ-AA and AK so should be able to play her pretty face up. Flop 33Q I check, chick checks mp checks. Turn J I lead $25 chick calls mp folds. River is sht it’s a T so if I’m right about her utg range I’m losing to her JJ QQ and AK beating only AA KK...I think bet-fold is weird af with my hand so I check she bets $35, check raise folding is also pretty unappealing so I flat realizing it’s pretty bad not to get value here and that I’m gonna look pretty weak on showdown but she did end up having QQ for flopped boat. Was an interesting hand with pretty simple solution: fold pre.

Will post 2 plo hands later and then stats update on tues or wed.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-08-2019 , 04:59 PM
Still can’t lose online Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. ...I don’t even like playing online but it’s great when you win every session. I’ve realized I absolutely cannot rehash plo hhs from online that I haven’t recorded all the information on I tried and it was just a mess. I will update tomorrow, going to play long grindey session online today maybe 8+ hours then will be playing a short live session at the V on thurs. I’m trying to get away from playing much at Venetian but I have a ton of chips I need to cash out this week. I’ll try to write down hhs from today’s session. If I keep playing this kind of volume online again I might start using tracked again anyways. I’m still wary of the doomswitch getting thrown on me soon but enjoying the $ in the meantime.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-09-2019 , 09:53 PM
Bleh the long session didn’t go so hot lost almost $500 mostly plo. Obvs equities run close plo but did lose a couple spots I was about as ahead as you can get in this variant (posted a few below). Lost my composure a tad and played some hu and 3 handed plo100 vs whoever would give me action and came out poorly on that as well. I still have composure issues online I need to work out that I am immune from live. The ease of upward game mobility and snap rebuys can be an issue especially with auto fill and multi-tabling.

Stats today

Money in good AF RIP

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-09-2019 , 10:01 PM
Haha this aged poorly considering the following entry. Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-11-2019 , 07:05 AM
Played a live session today at V for small loss and then online session also small loss. Hoping to catch the momentum back tomorrow. I have switched to 6 tables online and have noted a drop in play quality/possible drop w/r. I think I’ll stick it out a week or so see if I catch back up and if not I’ll drop back to 4 tabling (odd numbers have always seemed weird for me). I have a weird hand from Venetian I’ll post after weekend with stats and I’ll try to record some from online as well.

*off topic mtg rant; built a sick post-rotation standard Bant Ramp deck on MTG that I am crushing ranked and arranged with but I keep bricking out on drafts this week. If I had the money to build some of these decks for live play I think I could be pretty competitive in tournaments.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-12-2019 , 02:27 PM
Doing something a little different here posting 2 hands played without the outcomes to hopefully gather some opinions on line and river decisions.

Hand from live session at Venetian 1-3. 2 limps and I raise to $18 otb with AKss w/470 behind. BB is aggro euro dude with $600 behind he makes it $45 and I am only caller. Flop AQT one spade, euro checks I bet $50 he calls. Turn T euro leads $125 I tank call, river pairs the Q and he puts me all in.

Hand 2 is from 6h nl50 Zoom(equivalent). Folds to me in cutoff I make it $1.75 w/QJss bb calls all other fold both of us about $50 behind . Flop 9T5 2 spades he checks I cbet $4.00 he calls, turn Ad he checks, I think this is great card to rep and picked up more outs so I overbet slightly $14, he calls. River is 7 spades he tank a bit then open jams $30ish into me.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-12-2019 , 05:12 PM
You made some amazing progress! Ever try the tourney? I heard Venetian has good ones and it’ll be a good bankroll booster to take one down. I’m planning a trip to Vegas soon to test out a new short stacking-hit and run strategy, let’s get a beer
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-13-2019 , 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by JosephRellort
You made some amazing progress! Ever try the tourney? I heard Venetian has good ones and it’ll be a good bankroll booster to take one down. I’m planning a trip to Vegas soon to test out a new short stacking-hit and run strategy, let’s get a beer

Not playing mtts at the moment though I have assigned 10% of what I make monthly to be open if I want to fire some. I actually think buying in full stack would be more effective if you wanted to hit in run bc could put maximum implied pressure on good spots like squeezing a loose open and a flat then changing tables before people were on to it. Shortstacking is very high variance bc you often have to actually win the hand at a showdown.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-13-2019 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by wheydacheese
Not playing mtts at the moment though I have assigned 10% of what I make monthly to be open if I want to fire some. I actually think buying in full stack would be more effective if you wanted to hit in run bc could put maximum implied pressure on good spots like squeezing a loose open and a flat then changing tables before people were on to it. Shortstacking is very high variance bc you often have to actually win the hand at a showdown.

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Damn u made a good point. However I think when players are too aggressive I can get it in pretty good against them as a short stack. They’ll be forced to call my all in with premiums after they make yet another light 3bet against another deep stack player. Also I notice that people like to pay short stacks off cause the money is trivial to them. I have gotten so much action as limp reraiser with aa and kk. If I was deeper, they would’ve folded their dominated hand preflop or just call my raise then fold on the flop. But because I’m short stack they get it in against me when I’m 80% for 50bb. It’s true I have to win more showdowns but I’m 80% so it’s ok. If I’m deeper they just fold so I only win like 5bb without showdown as opposed to getting in 50bb as an 80%. Anyways I’m gonna test this out live. I know some guy with the username dumbostrunk is already employing this strategy live at his local casino and he’s killing it. He has a thread on his poker journey in here. I know short stack hit and run strategy works amazing online. It works so well that pros tried to raise the minimum buy in to get rid of us cause they can’t beat us. I know they hate short stack but I’m ok wit that. Don’t hate the playa hate the game
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 07:55 AM
Arg they flipped the switch on me, as well as I ran online previously I’ve run badly last few sessions. Running way down on all in expected $.

Got in this weird spot last night

Nl50 6max zoom(comparable) effective stacks $95 me and V. I open to $1.75 in cutoff 68 spades only bb calls. Flop 7T2 2 spades, he checks I bet $4.00 he calls. Turn 5 giving me open ended he checks I bet $12 he calls. River red 9 giving me the 6-T str, he checks I bet $18 and dude check jams Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 11:54 AM
Yuck, no way that fool had J8, u block j8ss what’s he doing calling two streets with just a gutter. If he had stone nuts why would he jam, he doesn’t expect u to have 68, he would want value from your two pair or over pair. I call
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by wheydacheese
Arg they flipped the switch on me, as well as I ran online previously I’ve run badly last few sessions. Running way down on all in expected $.

Got in this weird spot last night

Nl50 6max zoom(comparable) effective stacks $95 me and V. I open to $1.75 in cutoff 68 spades only bb calls. Flop 7T2 2 spades, he checks I bet $4.00 he calls. Turn 5 giving me open ended he checks I bet $12 he calls. River red 9 giving me the 6-T str, he checks I bet $18 and dude check jams Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months.

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Snap call
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Snap call

Yeah agree what am I missing where this isn’t a snap call?
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Yeah agree what am I missing where this isn’t a snap call?

This hand screams V holding 22, 77, 72, 2 over spades, maybe TPTK and he’s putting Whey on a busted draw that tried to buy the pot on the river... those first three holdings just scream out at me or maybe 99 he tried to slow play it and then thinks he spiked glory on the river edit: never mind 99 makes less sense more I think about it how whey’s line played out
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 07:57 PM
I agree, didn’t think it was so much a difficult spot as just kind of interesting. I decided was a pretty trivial call since I block 8J of spades as well as other 8J combos and it would be one of the least likely holdings for him to get to this river with. I called and the dude had 8Js fml. Idk wtf was with his turn call unless he was just going to rep all spade rivers or something. Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months.

Any thoughts on the previously 2 hands mentioned? Those 2 had more to consider.

I’ll update tonight or tomorrow, spoiler alert I’m down some from last update.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by wheydacheese
I agree, didn’t think it was so much a difficult spot as just kind of interesting. I decided was a pretty trivial call since I block 8J of spades as well as other 8J combos and it would be one of the least likely holdings for him to get to this river with. I called and the dude had 8Js fml. Idk wtf was with his turn call unless he was just going to rep all spade rivers or something. Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months.

Any thoughts on the previously 2 hands mentioned? Those 2 had more to consider.

I’ll update tonight or tomorrow, spoiler alert I’m down some from last update.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. what can you do, gotta lose that money baby
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by wheydacheese
I agree, didn’t think it was so much a difficult spot as just kind of interesting. I decided was a pretty trivial call since I block 8J of spades as well as other 8J combos and it would be one of the least likely holdings for him to get to this river with. I called and the dude had 8Js fml. Idk wtf was with his turn call unless he was just going to rep all spade rivers or something. Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months.

Any thoughts on the previously 2 hands mentioned? Those 2 had more to consider.

I’ll update tonight or tomorrow, spoiler alert I’m down some from last update.

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Yeah crap is this Bovada 6max Zoom, $50NL. I forget that it’s so much more likely that people are only pulling this with the nuts.
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-14-2019 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Yeah crap is this Bovada 6max Zoom, $50NL. I forget that it’s so much more likely that people are only pulling this with the nuts.

Counter to that - he had to call down 2 streets with 4th best flush draw and then snap him off on the river - he got there lucky AF but it’s fair to assume he wiffed the river or had a low set and was dumping it in b/c he knows people hate to call off their stack in zoom

That’s one you take on the chin and you keep grinding - be annoyed but let it go like a missed FG and keep at it
Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-15-2019 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Nit
Yeah crap is this Bovada 6max Zoom, $50NL. I forget that it’s so much more likely that people are only pulling this with the nuts.

There is something to be said for this from what I’ve seen.

Ya Nat it’s just one of those pay offs every time bc he shouldn’t have that hand so it’s aight. Have another from same format last night I’ll post later.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-16-2019 , 06:24 PM
Quick update then some hands later this week.
Running little static down some. I’ve just recently been focusing a lot on nl50 zoom format online. I don’t have enough to go on as the viability of this format and I have been running terrible in it but I enjoy playing it so will give it a little longer to assess. I’m only a little behind on hour goals but I am way behind on the progress needed for this overall project. I’m going to try to split my time a little more evenly live+online this month and make some decisions based on outcomes.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-21-2019 , 08:07 PM
Sry no updates I went deep down the zoom nl50 rabbit hole this week and degend over 30k hands. Unfortunately I don’t have much to show for it and am coming to the conclusion that I’m probably a pretty break even player at this format at the moment. While somewhat humbling I’m not really upset or surprised, I know the state of things online is quite difficult right now and I also suspect a better player base than comparable games as I still find reg nl100 to be manageable. I do really like playing it though maybe it’s the constant action so I am willing to try to work at it. If anyone reading this has been successful with it and could point me in the direction of any relevant materials or even hit me with some general advice to build around would be appreciated. Feeling pretty burnt out right now so gonna take a few days to focus on health. I’ll post results update sometime tomorrow.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-25-2019 , 06:42 AM
Been a good few days off from playing. Going to get back in some live volume this weekend to finish month out. Last chunk has been a ton of Zoom nl50 4 tabling and as you can see it’s not making me any $. I’m torn bc I enjoy it and see potential if I put in the time but I need to get back to a respectable hourly to move this project along. Here are the current standings.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
10-30-2019 , 10:36 PM
Weekend went aight then took off monday-today (wed). I’ll be out playing tomorrow night-sat as well as Monday so will just post result update next Tuesday. Hoping to finish out this month well and am looking at possibly some shot taking and/or using my mtt % allowance in Nov.

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Whey's 1-2 to 5-10 nlh live Vegas in 12 months. Quote
