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Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here.
397 12.73%
$22K TO $28K
456 14.62%
$28K TO $34K
506 16.22%
$34K TO $40K
530 16.99%
$40K TO $46K
298 9.55%
932 29.88%

11-18-2013 , 07:01 PM
Interesting ruling the more I think about it. Had he checked yet?
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11-18-2013 , 07:22 PM
He doesn't have a set, he doesn't have QQ+. Go all in. You're behind JJ/87s/76s and ahead of everything else (I assume way more combos given he's rec player).
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11-18-2013 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Pot is $108. Small blind dark checks the Flop of 678 rainbow .
Fluke22. Villain checks dark.

Very tough and interesting spot. If you 3 bet pre with 10 10, its hard not to bet this flop. It's a great flop for 10s, plus a gutter. I bet something like $45, and see what his action is on turn.
Ill check back later to see how it unfolds.
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11-18-2013 , 07:28 PM
Sorry. Missed that. Back to the hand......
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11-18-2013 , 08:01 PM
89s, 55, A9s, K9s, Q9s, J9s
99, 88, 77, 66, 55, 87s, 910s
QQ, AKs, AKo

If this is close to the villains perceived range you have 55% equity. This is basically the top of his range against you, so if he plays like you described I would say you have to jam it in.
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11-18-2013 , 09:32 PM
I'd give up most of his range beats us
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11-18-2013 , 10:05 PM
So before I asked for a ruling, I was pretty sure I was betting something. I just wasn’t sure what $ amount. The time it took (5 mins) to come to a final ruling gave, me a little more time to think out my options. Now that it was clear he was obligated to call any amount, I was leaning towards the jam. But I just wasn’t sure! This was a $300 decision on the line if I decided to play for all the marbles. At this point I was already down $110, and few orbits earlier I added a black chip to my stack. If I shove here, am I going to now be down $411?!!... or back in the black? Decisions, decisions, decisons.
Instead of checking or betting, I had to conclusively think do I have the best hand? If so, I have to shove here because his “call whatever” is binding. 65% of me thought I had the best hand. To shove or not to shove, that was my question. ????????????????????????????? Thinking hurts!!!

My Hand logic: I was basically in line w a lot of the same thought processes mentioned by u guys. QQ+ def out his range, and if Villain had flopped a set, I don’t think he makes those comments of “I call whatever”. A flopped set wd prob want to raise on this wet flop. ?? I 90% eliminated sets from range. I cdnt c a flopped straight saying " I call whatever". The hand I was terribly afraid of was 2 pair. But is this particular villain calling a $42 3bet w 67, 78? After he called $12, it was $30 more to call the 3 bet. I can possibly see a call w 67 suited, 78 suited. Both of these hands hv the best % to bust big pairs (I think its smthing like a 22% dog). So having the “nutcrackers” here is a likely hand for Villian. ?? After wracking my brain for my play, my mind was telling me I had the best hand and stick it in. I was putting Villain on 89, top pair, open ended (70% vs.30%). With my pocket 10s looking at an 8 hi flop w a gutter, I had to take my chances and push them all to the middle. Dealer, “I’m all in for $292”.
He tables 99.
Turn is 7. River K. 6787K. The kid can fade.
After seeing his pocket 9s, the “I call whatever” made a lot more sense! Great flop for pocket 9s too!! Over pair to the board with open ended. %s after the flop… 75%:25%
7 hrs +$471
Appreciate the input, and quality insight. Thanks.
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11-18-2013 , 10:23 PM
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
11-18-2013 , 11:18 PM
awesome shove. I dig. 40k heater here we come!
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11-19-2013 , 12:51 AM
I think you can almost remove two pair combos from his range because of the pre flop call of your reraise AND your hand really looks like a big pair. Yet, by his behavior, he seems to be either trying to discourage you from getting too violent, or save himself from having to make more decisions. None of which really fits with him having a hand as strong as two pair plus.
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11-19-2013 , 01:57 AM
Okay, so I read this earlier today and didn't have time to post though based on our villain calling the initial raise by MP and then calling your limp/3-bet, I knew his range was never QQ+. JJ is possible, though if he has it, good for him.

I was more thinking along the lines based on his comment (100% off his comment), that he had a hand that had some equity like 55, 99, 56, 89 (56 and 89 are a little speculative, though villain may fall in love with suited connectors). Those were literally the 4 hands I put him on with the comment he made. I figured any set/two pair/straight wouldn't say a word. He doesn't want to drive away the action.

And I REALLY wanted to see a shove here. I know it's a lot to risk, though based on that comment, it's quite clear we are ahead here and figuratively speaking, only losing to JJ. He is never showing up with a monster based on the comment.

....oh have you seen or played against the old man lately that claimed to win 35 sessions in a row?
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11-19-2013 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by MoaYourLawn
....oh have you seen or played against the old man lately that claimed to win 35 sessions in a row?
I saw the Ole G yesterday playing on a different table. He left pretty early in the day, so not sure if he hitnran or went busto, or had other obligations. Im keeping my eye on Ole G. One thing that did surprise me last week when I played w him, was he called $100 river bet and was beat. He then tried to get away w/o putting the hundred in the pot. The dealer pushed the pot to the winner, and another player at the table mentioned he never put in the $100. He said he just plain forgot. (hmmm???) Im giving the Ole G benefit of the doubt. I really like the guy, so I hope he isn't shooting angles!
I'm currently on the list for 1/2, and no sight of Ole G.
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11-19-2013 , 12:22 PM
Ole G in the house and at the same table. Table 11 seat 5 is Ole G.
Full report later
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11-19-2013 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
I saw the Ole G yesterday playing on a different table. He left pretty early in the day, so not sure if he hitnran or went busto, or had other obligations. Im keeping my eye on Ole G. One thing that did surprise me last week when I played w him, was he called $100 river bet and was beat. He then tried to get away w/o putting the hundred in the pot. The dealer pushed the pot to the winner, and another player at the table mentioned he never put in the $100. He said he just plain forgot. (hmmm???) Im giving the Ole G benefit of the doubt. I really like the guy, so I hope he isn't shooting angles!
I'm currently on the list for 1/2, and no sight of Ole G.
In the history of poker no one has "forgot" to put their chips into the pot. Old man is angle shooting for sure.
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11-19-2013 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by tswpoker1
In the history of poker no one has "forgot" to put their chips into the pot. Old man is angle shooting for sure.
agreed, surely if it was the other way around he wouldn't have "forgot" about the other guy throwing in his $100 chip. 99 times out of 100 hes angle shooting imo
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11-19-2013 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
Ole G in the house and at the same table. Table 11 seat 5 is Ole G.
Full report later
GL and beat the angle shooter
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11-19-2013 , 05:59 PM
What type of turnout are they having for the weekday events?
Started with a <img /nl challenge, now we're here. Quote
11-19-2013 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by ButterflySymmetry
This was a $300 decision on the line if I decided to play for all the marbles. At this point I was already down $110, and few orbits earlier I added a black chip to my stack. If I shove here, am I going to now be down $411?!!... or back in the black? Decisions, decisions, decisons.
I don't like this thinking, it shouldn't matter if you're up or down on the 'session'. Poker is one long session. Make the best decision you can at that given time, regardless.

I like shoving and I think he has something 89 or some type of pair and straight draw.

Nice hand though! Keep up the grind
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11-19-2013 , 08:06 PM
The Struggle is Real!

2nd hand of day/$300 stacks. Button straddle $5, Sb calls, lp calls, i raise to $20 w910 in co. All 3 limpers call. The flop is 99A. Brick turn, brick river. Long story short 910<Q9. Lose $140 2nd hand of day.

The following orbit: trips 6s < deuces full. Lose $90

Next orbit: rivered top 2 pair < KJ straight. Lose $100ish

Down $250 within 1hr of play. Side note: Ole G left shortly after I sat. Talked to him a bit, and he said he has been running so-so. He left a small winner today $100ish.

So after getting semi coolered for 3 hands in first hr, I then starting peeking in at the tournament. I noticed 20 players in the pineapple tournament today, and the field looked super soft. I talked myself into playing the T after things weren't getting any better n cash. So I drop $150+$20 for this Pineaapple T, and sat down in the middle of level 3 (75sb/150lb). 1st hand im dealt AA7. I throw away the 7, and raise utg+2 to 2.5x. A few callers, then an elderly man goes all in for $4k!! Awesome! I call!!
AA<QQ Lose half my stack.
Just 4 hands later lose $2k on KK.
An couple orbits later lose $3k w flush over flush. At this point, it was getting flat out ridiculous. I never ran so bad in such a short time. I finally ship my last 10bbs in the Sb after 4 limpers w AK. Lb calls with AA.

Now I'm currently typing this post while watching my daughter cheer at her elementary school. Im sitting on the top row of the bleachers thinking...the poker struggle is real...very real.

4hrs -$312 cash -$170 tourney = -$482.

Total update:
+$30,622 cash. -$2,472 T. +$28,150 overall.

@ashberj tournouts been horrible
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11-20-2013 , 07:51 AM
looking for answers
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11-20-2013 , 11:12 AM
Dude, you are running fine, in fact, i think you have had one of the smoother rides ive seen as a pro.

Unless im not on point and you are looking for answers to something else.
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11-20-2013 , 12:14 PM
Thanks @parellflex. I needed to hear that!

Extra, Extra, read all about it! This just in! Rayz Just Felted Ole G!

Game running all night into morning, only game going, its 9a, sm big $500+ stacks.
6way limped pot, I'm in HJ w J7. The flop is AJ:7 Sb bets $6, followed by 4 callers, and I raise to $30. Folded to Ole G (2 from my right/perfect seat) who calls $30 w his Q10. Heads up to turn w respective stacks sizes of $500ish. sidenote: 3 hands before this Old G went bust (shipped on miss draw, and got called) and reloaded to half of the big stack. The turn is a 9, and im still rocking 2 pair w now the flush redraw. It's the big hand moment I been waiting for w Ole G! This is a gd card for Ole g too, giving him an open ended straight draw to go w his flush draw. OG checks turn, I bet $65. Ole G calls. I mentally ask for the "one time" in my mind. and.......Well, well, well, looks what the backdoor brings in. The perfect card...8. #pokerboner #coolerredemption
Board is AJ798
Ole G makes a move towards his chips, and holy moly he shoves it all in $400ish. #biggerpokerboner
$1k pot.
Just realized I felted him twice now w backdoor flushes...Our friendship may b over. Just joking. He took it like the boss he is!
So far poker is fun today.
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11-20-2013 , 04:52 PM
Sweet! Stick to cash and make the 40k goal a reality!
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11-20-2013 , 05:22 PM
What do you do if you sit down with $400 and double up in an hour?

Do you leave as $400/hr is impressive or play the entire day?
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11-20-2013 , 05:38 PM
Thanks @ashberj. @battagd1 I keep playing

Still grinding. Up $800ish so far. #Chipporn later if I still hv the chips in front of me.
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