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satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind

01-24-2018 , 09:42 AM
Hey mate,

When you posted your schedule up above, is that just tourneys listed in favourites and then filtered by time (like starting in the next 8 hours or whatever)?

satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
01-24-2018 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by IHaveThreePair
Hey mate,

When you posted your schedule up above, is that just tourneys listed in favourites and then filtered by time (like starting in the next 8 hours or whatever)?

Yep, pretty much. I use the filters to create the kind of tourneys I want at the buy-ins I want and then sort it by start time and I usually buy-in for 6 hours when I play. That session is a little off now, I prefer it game selection wise, but with running a business, I just can't afford to be playing until 1 to 4 AM these days. So I backed it up to a 10 AM eastern start time, but same general idea as that for tourney selection.
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
01-31-2018 , 11:33 PM
Just got my 43" 4K from Dell today... both for business and poker... will be getting in a good, long grind tomorrow. Undecided if I wish to continue using a 27" monitor with it or not. Still fiddling with layouts and such, but tomorrow I will just do a standard 12 table grind, which is up from the 8 tables I've been playing mostly. And then see how it goes. Hoping for around 50-60 games in total including SNGs to get February started right.

GL Heroes!
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
03-01-2018 , 03:28 PM
Hey PG&C-ers...

So it's been a month and a lot has changed. I decided I didn't like the 43" Dell, it was too big and sent it back, so I am currently on my 2 x 27" Dells still, but will upgrade my entire station in April assuming I hit my volume goals this month.

We are officially closing or selling the business we own this month. We are in the middle of running a Clearance Sale and negotiating a potential sale. There are quite a bit of expenses involved and money is a bit tight until the end of the month, but I expect after that I should be moving up limits a bit and just grinding away in the low to mid stakes afternoon/evening or early morning grind, whichever fits my girlfriend's schedule best on a given day.

This month, though, I am forcing myself into a 750+ game grind of Micros/On Demands as I really have not grinded properly, possibly ever... and because money is tight and I don't want to have to be adding money to my bankroll this month. So I will stay down in a solid grind for the month of March and show some patience, focus and will power and get through, post a winning month hopefully and go into being a full time grinder in April with some momentum and confidence ideally.

So chilling tonight and then have 7 days in a row planned, though, I have built into my monthly schedule 3 flex days in case some of the longer stretches are too many days in a row and I need a break, but I will still hit my volume goal. So we'll see how it goes. I'd love to hit 900 games, but 750 will be the realistic target.

satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
03-26-2018 , 08:04 AM
Well, my business is officially in its final week, just clearing out some final inventory by March 30th and then the site comes down, which means yesterday's Sunday grind was my first official day as a "pro." So time to get this blog back into swing...

I will have some small stuff to finalize with the business this week and we still may have a sale to negotiate in April, but for the next 3 months I will be just grinding. The bills are almost all paid or saved for until the end of our lease and then we will be downsizing as we don't need a 3 bedroom plus basement anymore without the business, so I am hoping to grind solidly until we move, moving up as I can afford to and then by July, I will start pulling out some money to supplement my remaining savings. If I feel I need more income, I can get a part time job in July. Or if I feel it's not going well at all, I can also just retire from poker full time and go to work.

So I will steal a page from Blakkman's book and do some weekly goals... so here we go:

Sessions - 4 (Planned: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday)
Healthy Days - 6 (Easter Sunday will be "cheat" day)
- A healthy day is a day where I eat at home and get my workouts in as planned for the day, if any are
Blog Posts - 4 + 1 (4 Results Posts and 1 Weekly Summary & Goal Post)

OK, off to prep some breakfast and get ready for a 930 AM start.

GL Heroes!

Last edited by satellite84; 03-26-2018 at 08:10 AM.
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
04-01-2018 , 08:57 AM
So my first week is in the books, I am sort of counting this as a preseason week as I knew it wouldn't be as a stable as I hope to be going forward with Easter Weekend, but I still got in 3 sessions (2 full and 2 halves) and 100 games for a nice little profit. I ate 5 healthy days, we bailed and grabbed a Cheeseburger last night as today is Easter anyway. But I am definitely happier eating better again.

I won't be doing a daily blog post as there just isn't enough value in it or action in this thread to warrant that. But a weekly update seems good.

So anyway, goals for next week:

3 Full Sessions
1 Half Session
1 Blog Post
5 Healthy Days (1 Party Night planned for Friday, which won't be much eating, but Hangover Saturday will be pizza I'm sure)

Stats for Preseason:

satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
04-06-2018 , 11:30 AM
Quick Update:

I am playing a small session today with a buddy before partying hearty tonight, so I'll technically count these in my stats, but it's only gonna be about 6 tourneys getting progressively drunker.

I got in 3 sessions, but not the half session on Tuesday.

I had a couple final tables with disappointing finishes and basically broke even this week.

Eating was fine, but will get better starting Sunday as I am taking a couple weeks off alcohol and sugary drinks and so on to get started on the summer weight goals.

Anyway, sold a package yesterday on 2+2 finally and won a small amount so I sold a bigger package for Sunday and looking forward to some higher buy-in events with the help of selling some action.

Anyway, have a good weekend peeps and see you on the felt Sunday.

satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
04-09-2018 , 02:55 PM
Grabbed a 3rd in the $22, 10K on Sunday for $930 and a profitable day.

Off today. Will grind Tues/Wed/Thurs/Sun this week for sure and possibly an extra session on Friday as I don't have anything planned.
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
04-09-2018 , 02:56 PM
GG yesterday, PM when you are planning to sell action
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
04-12-2018 , 12:13 AM
Played another session this evening with a few near misses and a small loss. Will be grinding tomorrow and Friday evening with some action sold, then I will be taking off Saturday and spending the day really honing on some life/poker changes I want to make over the second half of April to prepare for a full SCOOP grind. I will get back to the day time grind and put in a solid 10 hours 5x/week up to and including the Wednesday before SCOOP, at which point I will take 3 days off prior to SCOOP to relax and recover and prep meals and so on.

But I also intend to change my eating and sleeping habits as well as starting working out again consistently. I used to play Division 1 tennis and be in incredible shape, but it was like once I didn't have to train anymore, I rebelled to the point of just doing nothing and eating whatever I felt like, whenever I felt like it, but it's time to drop that attitude and get back into shape and start feel energetic and active again, so I am looking forward to a really good, focused grind on and off the felt through May with two good short 3 day breaks before and after SCOOP.

GL grinders!
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
04-16-2018 , 08:55 AM

Had a good week, if not in volume, then in results. Made around $750 on 93 games. This was low mostly because I had to take two days off mid week last week. But I have definitely settled on a schedule I think I can make good money at.

I'm playing well, doing a full day strat session with a buddy who is much better than me usually every two weeks as well, which has been very helpful... on top of my usual hand history reviews.

Will be grinding Monday to Thursday afternoons and hoping to build on last week's good results and keep final tabling the small to medium field stuff and maybe we'll break through in one of the slightly bigger, package events I've been cashing in, but struggling to get a stack into a deep run.

Anyway, GL all and see you on the felt!
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
05-18-2018 , 08:33 AM
Hey All,

Been a while since I last posted again. I might start using this to track results again more vigilantly once SCOOP ends. I went through a bunch of ups and downs with what package to play/sell and what events to play around it, I had to cash out which I hadn't intended to do and then some IRL stuff came up and to make matters worse, I've been running like absolute garbage. I haven't had a single deep run in a SCOOP event and one measly cash. It's a tough grind sometimes.

But, I think things are settling down at home, and my bankroll is going to have much more strict guidelines finally as some offline stuff will make it possible to set cash out procedures and limits and actually stick to them finally. So interested to see what happens going forward.

Here is the only spot in SCOOP so far that wasn't a standard KK into AA or KK loses to AKs type scenario for me... happy to hear thoughts on if this was a call or not.


This is what I wrote in my SCOOP rail right after the tourney ended...
"I dunno if I played this wrong and should've folded or not bet out perhaps. I felt like he should show up with lots of one pair hands like 10-9 and 10-8, plus some draws I am ahead of like 67 and J10 plus I didn't expect the flat with things like JJ or QQ... tho KK and AA made sense given we were both short to start, just feel like I am always seeing the AA in these spots giving me my least amount of outs right now. Battling hard as I survived 4.5 hours, but just not getting good situations right now."

I am going to finish out my SCOOP plans today and Sunday/Monday and then take a day off and get back to a steady, proper grind starting Wednesday and see about actually grinding this roll up into something respectable by the end of the year.

Barring a bink in something large before Wednesday, the plan will be to fire about 40 games, 5 days per week, likely Monday to Friday to avoid the variance fest that is the Sunday micro tourneys.

I will fire $3.30 to $11 events plus space fill with $4.50 On Demands. I'll sell 50% action to the $5.50-$11 with bigger fields and keep my own action everywhere else and just finally try to actually grind, put volume in and see if we can move up the old fashioned way.

Anyway, GL heroes with SCOOP this weekend!

Last edited by satellite84; 05-18-2018 at 08:38 AM.
satellite84's 2018 MTT Grind Quote
